android Programming Glossary: authenticate
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send.. .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKey String host String acces_token throws IOException.. Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public void authenticate String username String host..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Android How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog Message Dialog box.. post tweet to following users of a Authenticate user.For authenticate using Twitter 4j library .I have get list Name id of following.. to post tweet without open dialog.I am using this link for authenticate Question How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android in the comments below this is not a secure way to authenticate users and raises privacy concerns. It is not recommended. Instead..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) TAG LEAVE maybeCreateHttpClient public static boolean authenticate String username String password Handler handler final Context.. 346 at
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library. Can anyone point me how to.. super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send.. .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKeyAndSessionKey String host String applicationSecret..
How to create XMPP chat client for facebook? SASLXFacebookPlatformMecha SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String.. authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKey String host String acces_token throws IOException XMPPException if apiKey null acces_token null throw new.. Map String String props new HashMap String String Sasl.createSaslClient mechanisms null xmpp host props this authenticate @Override public void authenticate String username String host CallbackHandler cbh throws IOException XMPPException String..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) Android How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog Message Dialog box I want to post tweet to following users of a Authenticate.. without open Tweet dialog Message Dialog box I want to post tweet to following users of a Authenticate user.For authenticate using Twitter 4j library .I have get list Name id of following users but not able to post tweet without open dialog.I am.. .I have get list Name id of following users but not able to post tweet without open dialog.I am using this link for authenticate Question How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android wihout open Tweet dialog box Message..
How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android migrate data over if the user gets a new device. Update As mentioned in the comments below this is not a secure way to authenticate users and raises privacy concerns. It is not recommended. Instead look at the Google Login API if you want to implement..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) ConnManagerParams.setTimeout params REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT Log.d TAG LEAVE maybeCreateHttpClient public static boolean authenticate String username String password Handler handler final Context context final HttpResponse resp final ArrayList NameValuePair.. 465 at 346 at
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library. Can anyone point me how to accomplish this Update According to the answer.. SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate.. throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKeyAndSessionKey String host String applicationSecret throws IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey..