android Programming Glossary: auth
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API .setServiceAccountScopes https auth androidpublisher .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File new.. any trailing backslashes https o oauth2 auth scope https auth androidpublisher response_type.. trailing backslashes https o oauth2 auth scope https auth androidpublisher response_type..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK google http client jackson 1.11.0 beta.jar google oauth client 1.11.0 beta.jar guava 11.0.1.jar jackson core asl 1.9.9.jar.. out... THE ANDROID CODE Set Up and Uploading First get an auth token AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken.. UP THE CONSOLE BEFORE YOU STARTED CODING driveRequest.setOauthToken token final Drive drive final
OAuth secrets in mobile apps own server. Am I correct iphone android security mobile oauth share improve this question Yes this is an issue with the.. one for each desktop app basically and then during the auth process we send that key over to the top level provider that.. the issue online http 2009 02 fixing oauth http group twitter development talk browse_thread..
How to do HTTP authentication in android? to do HTTP authentication in android I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth... in android I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has android http authentication.. Any more reference or example if anyone has android http authentication share improve this question I've not met that..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? user needs to login we present to them a list op OpenID authenticators Google Yahoo etc.. . Then we open a native browser.. not embedded browser and direct user to chosen OpenID authentication site. The upside is that user's browser usually already.. example yourappname usrname#XXXYYYZZZ where XXXYYYZZZZ is auth token. We get this token from the return page where it's stored..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate p meneameandroid source browse #svn trunk src com dcg auth and free to use P Just use the HttpManager and create the SSL..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android Example d service ac2dm You will get a message with an auth id. You then use that to send the messages. To send a message.. send a message use curl header Authorization GoogleLogin auth authFromRegistrationAbove https c2dm.. a message use curl header Authorization GoogleLogin auth authFromRegistrationAbove https c2dm send..
C2DM implementation PHP code there is a problem regarding this that how to get client auth token. I have seen the http android c2dm index.html#server.. service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id'.. if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id' get an authorization..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync account authority bundle from my ContentProvider my sync is never triggered... creating a subclass of AccountAuthenticator to get auth on your server... An article worth itself. Again account AUTHORITY true For sync to occur your account authority pair must be enabled to sync like above and the overall..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library. Can anyone point me.. works fine except I receive as response to the login not authorized. Here is the code I use public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.. super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application LoginTask .execute String user_id String password String auth null private class LoginTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void.. protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused auth doLogin lalit lalit return null don't interact with the ui.. protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused boolean auth doLogin user_id password System.out.println auth return null..
android youtube upload video with static username and password link 2 Import as an android project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and.. project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and password in 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email id with 6 Set..
C2DM implementation PHP code To register your own server system and obtain the Authorise Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate.. Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version service.. OK' false return false find the auth code preg_match Auth w response matches if matches 2 return false _SESSION 'google_auth_id'..
How can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android? can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android I am not sure how to send HTTP.. headers in Android I am not sure how to send HTTP Auth headers. I have the following HttpClient to get requests but..
Devise Omniauth and Iphone/Android App I've found nowhere to look at. EDIT I've just added Token Auth to the app to use with the RESTful api I'm just missing the.. the same UID then my user is auth and I send him back the Authentificable_token from Devise. And the draft code def check_mobile_login..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override.. SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void.. SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken to Google Talk XMPP Smack using an authToken The app.. 200 OK and three values SID long string LSID long string Auth long string Parse out the Auth string then construct a string.. string LSID long string Auth long string Parse out the Auth string then construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0..
Android C2DM Push Notification static final String UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH Update Client Auth public static final String PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID registration_id.. this public void getAuthentification View view SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager.. null Log.e HttpResponse line if line.startsWith Auth Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH line.substring..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of the..
Facebook Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication I'm using the Facebook android sdk with my android.. question I solved this issue by disabling the Enhanced Auth Dialog in the Advanced Settings of your app on https
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests Get the authentication token from Google @param auth The Auth Key generated in getAuth @return The authentication token private.. token from Google @param auth The Auth Key generated in getAuth @return The authentication token private String getToken String.. GET connection.addRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth connection.setRequestProperty..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Integer.toString postData.length conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth_token OutputStream out conn.getOutputStream.. Either admin is updating the token or Update Client Auth was received by another server and next retry will get the good.. Log.d C2DM Unauthorized need token String updatedAuthToken conn.getHeaderField Update Client Auth if updatedAuthToken..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? to getAuth token and send email in background I have used JavaMail android.. to free user from username and password I decided to use Auth token generated when adding an account configuring account in.. as follows public class GMailSender extends javax.mail.Authenticator private String mailhost private String..
Javamail api in android using XOauth token bundle.getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN catch Exception e Log.d test e.getMessage If it works.. unusedUrlName If the password is non null SMTP tries to do AUTH LOGIN. final String emptyPassword null transport.connect host.. BASE64EncoderStream.encode response transport.issueCommand AUTH XOAUTH2 new String response 235 return transport public synchronized..
Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token true props.put mail.imaps.sasl.mechanisms XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken.. XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken Session session Session.getInstance props.. 27 20.106 1905 1905 I System.out SASL mechanisms allowed XOAUTH2 02 19 17 27 21.340 1905 1905 I System.out OK Gimap ready for..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status @Override public void onError DialogError e Log.e ERROR AUTH ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void.. @Override public void onCancel Log.d CANCELLED AUTH CANCELLED This is the function that updates updating Status..
Android C2DM Push Notification ACCOUNT_MISSING Log.d c2dm ACCOUNT_MISSING else if error AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Log.d c2dm AUTHENTICATION_FAILED else if.. else if error AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Log.d c2dm AUTHENTICATION_FAILED else if error TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS Log.d.. SharedPreferences prefManager private final static String AUTH authentication private static final String UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API JSON_FACTORY .setServiceAccountId GOOGLE_CLIENT_MAIL .setServiceAccountScopes https auth androidpublisher .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File new File GOOGLE_KEY_FILE_PATH .build Androidpublisher publisher.. must match the value entered in the client ID exactly including any trailing backslashes https o oauth2 auth scope https auth androidpublisher response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI.. match the value entered in the client ID exactly including any trailing backslashes https o oauth2 auth scope https auth androidpublisher response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK client 1.11.0 beta.jar google http client android 1.11.0 beta.jar google http client jackson 1.11.0 beta.jar google oauth client 1.11.0 beta.jar guava 11.0.1.jar jackson core asl 1.9.9.jar jsr305 1.3.9.jar For Google Drive in particular you'll.. probably edit this answer in a few minutes if i figure it out... THE ANDROID CODE Set Up and Uploading First get an auth token AccountManager am AccountManager.get activity am.getAuthToken am.getAccounts 0 ouath2 DriveScopes.DRIVE new Bundle.. true driveRequest.setKey CLIENT ID YOU GOT WHEN SETTING UP THE CONSOLE BEFORE YOU STARTED CODING driveRequest.setOauthToken token final Drive drive final body new
OAuth secrets in mobile apps the Access Token so that could be done without involving our own server. Am I correct iphone android security mobile oauth share improve this question Yes this is an issue with the OAuth design that we are facing ourselves. We opted to proxy.. could issue our own delegated secret to our own desktop clients one for each desktop app basically and then during the auth process we send that key over to the top level provider that calls back to us and re validates with us. That way we can.. to allow users to create sub apps. There are some talks about the issue online http 2009 02 fixing oauth http group twitter development talk browse_thread thread 629b03475a3d78a1 de1071bf4b820c14#de1071bf4b820c14..
How to do HTTP authentication in android? to do HTTP authentication in android I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has android.. to do HTTP authentication in android I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has android http authentication share improve this question I've not met that.. android I am checking out the class org.apache.http.auth. Any more reference or example if anyone has android http authentication share improve this question I've not met that particular package before but it says it's for client side HTTP..
Webservice credentials - OpenID/Android AccountManager? federated login which gave us OpenID. On mobile devices when user needs to login we present to them a list op OpenID authenticators Google Yahoo etc.. . Then we open a native browser not embedded browser and direct user to chosen OpenID authentication.. Google Yahoo etc.. . Then we open a native browser not embedded browser and direct user to chosen OpenID authentication site. The upside is that user's browser usually already has username pass remembered so this step just requires.. request is made . On this url we create a custom URL for example yourappname usrname#XXXYYYZZZ where XXXYYYZZZZ is auth token. We get this token from the return page where it's stored as an ACSID cookie we used some JSP to read this cookie..
HTTPS GET (SSL) with Android and self-signed server certificate or trust all certs. The source is here http p meneameandroid source browse #svn trunk src com dcg auth and free to use P Just use the HttpManager and create the SSL factory using the trust all one http p meneameandroid..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android pass word d accountType HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE d source Google cURL Example d service ac2dm You will get a message with an auth id. You then use that to send the messages. To send a message use curl header Authorization GoogleLogin auth authFromRegistrationAbove.. with an auth id. You then use that to send the messages. To send a message use curl header Authorization GoogleLogin auth authFromRegistrationAbove https c2dm send d registration_id phoneRegistrationId reciever d data.message.. an auth id. You then use that to send the messages. To send a message use curl header Authorization GoogleLogin auth authFromRegistrationAbove https c2dm send d registration_id phoneRegistrationId reciever d data.message..
C2DM implementation PHP code me how to use the php code to send the messages. Actually there is a problem regarding this that how to get client auth token. I have seen the http android c2dm index.html#server url but according to this i have created the.. username password source Company AppName Version service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id' get an authorization token ch curl_init if ch return.. source Company AppName Version service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id' _SESSION 'google_auth_id' null return _SESSION 'google_auth_id' get an authorization token ch curl_init if ch return false curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? when I trigger it from the Dev Tools Sync Tester application however when I call ContentResolver.requestSync account authority bundle from my ContentProvider my sync is never triggered. ContentResolver.requestSync account AUTHORITY new Bundle.. entered or it has to match one you're creating This involves creating a subclass of AccountAuthenticator to get auth on your server... An article worth itself. Again is the defined string identifying... style account.. some setup code in your app ContentResolver.setSyncAutomatically account AUTHORITY true For sync to occur your account authority pair must be enabled to sync like above and the overall global sync flag on the system must be set and the device must..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Chat on Android with the Smack library. I've read the Chat API from Facebook but I cannot understand how I have to authenticate with Facebook using this library. Can anyone point me how to accomplish this Update According to the answer I have this code adapted to the Asmack library. All works fine except I receive as response to the login not authorized. Here is the code I use public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism extends SASLMechanism private static final String.. SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application password etxt_password.getText .toString new LoginTask .execute String user_id String password String auth null private class LoginTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void private final ProgressDialog dialog new ProgressDialog Login.this.. this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused auth doLogin lalit lalit return null don't interact with the ui protected void onPostExecute Void result if this.dialog.isShowing.. this.dialog.setMessage Logging in... protected Void doInBackground final Void... unused boolean auth doLogin user_id password System.out.println auth return null don't interact with the ui protected void onPostExecute Void..
android youtube upload video with static username and password by using this steps 1 Download ytd android 0.2.tar.gz from this link 2 Import as an android project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email.. android 0.2.tar.gz from this link 2 Import as an android project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email id with 6 Set.. project. 3 Replace file with 4 Set Username and password in 5 Register your email id with 6 Set all values in string.xml file 7 Run project..... here you..
C2DM implementation PHP code push notification android c2dm share improve this question To register your own server system and obtain the Authorise Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version.. To register your own server system and obtain the Authorise Tokens this is what Cpt. Ohlund proposed function googleAuthenticate username password source Company AppName Version service ac2dm session_start if isset _SESSION 'google_auth_id'.. request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response '200 OK' false return false find the auth code preg_match Auth w response matches if matches 2 return false _SESSION 'google_auth_id' matches 2 return matches 2 To send a message to..
How can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android? can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android I am not sure how to send HTTP Auth headers. I have the following HttpClient to get requests.. can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android I am not sure how to send HTTP Auth headers. I have the following HttpClient to get requests but not sure how I can send requests public class RestClient extends..
Devise Omniauth and Iphone/Android App a request from the app This is a quite general question but I've found nowhere to look at. EDIT I've just added Token Auth to the app to use with the RESTful api I'm just missing the Omniauth Facebook token part. iphone android ruby on rails.. of information I then check with my database if I find the same UID then my user is auth and I send him back the Authentificable_token from Devise. And the draft code def check_mobile_login token params token user FbGraph token user..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM private String applicationSecret private String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException.. applicationSecret private String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication.. String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication saslAuthentication super saslAuthentication @Override protected void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken to Google Talk XMPP Smack using an authToken The app I'm writing is connecting to a XMPP server and if the user.. Passwd YOURPASSWORD service mail Which will return 200 OK and three values SID long string LSID long string Auth long string Parse out the Auth string then construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0 UTF8 0.. service mail Which will return 200 OK and three values SID long string LSID long string Auth long string Parse out the Auth string then construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0 UTF8 0 Auth where 0 is intended to be..
Android C2DM Push Notification private final static String AUTH authentication private static final String UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH Update Client Auth public static final String PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID registration_id public static final String PARAM_DELAY_WHILE_IDLE delay_while_idle.. setContentView R.layout.main prefManager PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this public void getAuthentification View view SharedPreferences prefs PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences this HttpClient client new.. response.getEntity .getContent String line while line rd.readLine null Log.e HttpResponse line if line.startsWith Auth Editor edit prefManager.edit edit.putString AUTH line.substring 5 edit.commit String s prefManager.getString AUTH n..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android authenticate HTTP 1.1 Host Date Thu 17 Jul 2008 14 52 54 GMT X SE Client some value X SE Accept xml X SE Auth 90a6d325e982f764f86a7e248edf6a660d4ee833 The response of the above would be if success. HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Thu 17 Jul..
Facebook Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication Android sdk throwing missing redirect uri on Authetication I'm using the Facebook android sdk with my android app. Had everything going fine with my app while developing.. no sense to me. android facebook mobile share improve this question I solved this issue by disabling the Enhanced Auth Dialog in the Advanced Settings of your app on https apps Best regards share improve this answer..
Android 4.0 ICS turning HttpURLConnection GET requests into POST requests when the GET request magically turns into a POST request. Get the authentication token from Google @param auth The Auth Key generated in getAuth @return The authentication token private String getToken String auth final String tokenAddress.. magically turns into a POST request. Get the authentication token from Google @param auth The Auth Key generated in getAuth @return The authentication token private String getToken String auth final String tokenAddress https reader.. connection HttpURLConnection tokenUrl.openConnection connection.setRequestMethod GET connection.addRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth connection.setRequestProperty Content Type application x www form urlendcoded connection.setUseCaches..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ charset UTF 8 conn.setRequestProperty Content Length Integer.toString postData.length conn.setRequestProperty Authorization GoogleLogin auth auth_token OutputStream out conn.getOutputStream out.write postData out.close int responseCode.. from DB. This happens if the password is changed or token expires. Either admin is updating the token or Update Client Auth was received by another server and next retry will get the good one from database. Log.d C2DM Unauthorized need token String.. another server and next retry will get the good one from database. Log.d C2DM Unauthorized need token String updatedAuthToken conn.getHeaderField Update Client Auth if updatedAuthToken null auth_token.equals updatedAuthToken Log.d C2DM Got..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? to getAuth token and send email in background I have used JavaMail android libraries to send mail in background .In order to free.. android libraries to send mail in background .In order to free user from username and password I decided to use Auth token generated when adding an account configuring account in android phone .So can i get the token and how could i use.. email through your gmail id only. and now as follows public class GMailSender extends javax.mail.Authenticator private String mailhost private String user private String password private Session session private..
Javamail api in android using XOauth run AccountManagerFuture Bundle result try Bundle bundle result.getResult token bundle.getString AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN catch Exception e Log.d test e.getMessage If it works you have an oauth2 token in token. I use the token in this code.. null SMTPTransport transport new SMTPTransport session unusedUrlName If the password is non null SMTP tries to do AUTH LOGIN. final String emptyPassword null transport.connect host port userEmail emptyPassword byte response String.format user.. 1auth Bearer s 1 1 userEmail oauthToken .getBytes response BASE64EncoderStream.encode response transport.issueCommand AUTH XOAUTH2 new String response 235 return transport public synchronized void sendMail String subject String body String user..
Access gmail using imap with accountmanager token Exception Properties props new Properties props.put mail.imaps.sasl.enable true props.put mail.imaps.sasl.mechanisms XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken Session session Session.getInstance props session.setDebug.. props.put mail.imaps.sasl.enable true props.put mail.imaps.sasl.mechanisms XOAUTH2 props.put OAuth2SaslClientFactory.OAUTH_TOKEN_PROP oauthToken Session session Session.getInstance props session.setDebug debug final URLName unusedUrlName null.. 19 17 27 20.106 1905 1905 I System.out enable SASL 02 19 17 27 20.106 1905 1905 I System.out SASL mechanisms allowed XOAUTH2 02 19 17 27 21.340 1905 1905 I System.out OK Gimap ready for requests from z8if14713202igb.53 02 19 17 27..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status FACEBOOK ERROR FB ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void onError DialogError e Log.e ERROR AUTH ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void onCancel Log.d CANCELLED AUTH CANCELLED This is the function.. e Log.e ERROR AUTH ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void onCancel Log.d CANCELLED AUTH CANCELLED This is the function that updates updating Status public void updateStatus String accessToken try Bundle bundle..
Android C2DM Push Notification Log.d c2dm SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE else if error ACCOUNT_MISSING Log.d c2dm ACCOUNT_MISSING else if error AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Log.d c2dm AUTHENTICATION_FAILED else if error TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS Log.d c2dm TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS.. else if error ACCOUNT_MISSING Log.d c2dm ACCOUNT_MISSING else if error AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Log.d c2dm AUTHENTICATION_FAILED else if error TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS Log.d c2dm TOO_MANY_REGISTRATIONS else if error INVALID_SENDER.. Server Side ... New Test App private SharedPreferences prefManager private final static String AUTH authentication private static final String UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH Update Client Auth public static final String PARAM_REGISTRATION_ID..