android Programming Glossary: audiotrack
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using the AudioTrack class. My problem is that when I play it out it plays via the.. AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT buffersize AudioTrack atrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO.. buffersize AudioTrack atrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC sampleRate.. 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC sampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO.. AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT generatedSnd.length AudioTrack.MODE_STATIC audioTrack.write generatedSnd 0 generatedSnd.length..
Android: Need to record mic input preview in real time I tried to use AudioRecord and AudioTrack to do this but the problem is that my device cannot play the.. can start a separate thread and use an AudioRecord and an AudioTrack . Just be careful with feedback. If the speakers are turned.. Log.i Audio Running Audio Thread AudioRecord recorder null AudioTrack track null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 Initialize..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) choice if SoundPool doesn't meet your needs. Why OpenSL AudioTrack and OpenSL have similar latencies with one important difference.. have similar latencies with one important difference AudioTrack buffer callbacks are serviced in Dalvik while OpenSL callbacks.. audio callbacks. This means that the minimum size for AudioTrack buffers has to be larger than the minimum size for OpenSL buffers..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling playing . For that purpose I have used AudioRecord and AudioTrack classes for recording and playing respectively. My Program looks.. and playing private AudioRecord recorder null private AudioTrack player null private AudioManager audioManager null private int.. for int rate mSampleRates this.recordingSampleRate AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC try Log.d..
Android - Getting audio to play through earpiece code that reads a recording in from the devices mic using the AudioRecord class and then playing it back out using the AudioTrack class. My problem is that when I play it out it plays via the speaker phone. I want it to play out via the ear piece on.. MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT buffersize AudioTrack atrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT.. 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT buffersize AudioTrack atrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC 11025 AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT buffersize AudioTrack.MODE_STREAM..
Playing an arbitrary tone with Android byte is the low order byte generatedSnd idx byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC sampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT.. generatedSnd idx byte val 0x00ff generatedSnd idx byte val 0xff00 8 void playSound final AudioTrack audioTrack new AudioTrack AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC sampleRate AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT generatedSnd.length..
Android: Need to record mic input record mic input in android while it is being process for playback preview in real time I tried to use AudioRecord and AudioTrack to do this but the problem is that my device cannot play the recorded audio file. Actually any android player application.. To record and play back audio in almost real time you can start a separate thread and use an AudioRecord and an AudioTrack . Just be careful with feedback. If the speakers are turned up loud enough on your device the feedback can get pretty nasty.. start @Override public void run Log.i Audio Running Audio Thread AudioRecord recorder null AudioTrack track null short buffers new short 256 160 int ix 0 Initialize buffer to hold continuously recorded audio data start recording..
Android: sound API (deterministic, low latency) paths require inter process communication. OpenSL is the best choice if SoundPool doesn't meet your needs. Why OpenSL AudioTrack and OpenSL have similar latencies with one important difference AudioTrack buffer callbacks are serviced in Dalvik while.. doesn't meet your needs. Why OpenSL AudioTrack and OpenSL have similar latencies with one important difference AudioTrack buffer callbacks are serviced in Dalvik while OpenSL callbacks are serviced in native threads. The current implementation.. because there is no way to suspend garbage collection during audio callbacks. This means that the minimum size for AudioTrack buffers has to be larger than the minimum size for OpenSL buffers to sustain glitch free playback. On most Android releases..
Live Audio Recording and Playing in Android and Thread & callback handling and than the last one for stopping the current task recording playing . For that purpose I have used AudioRecord and AudioTrack classes for recording and playing respectively. My Program looks like.... @author amit public class AudioRecorder extends.. which are required for the actual functioning of the recording and playing private AudioRecord recorder null private AudioTrack player null private AudioManager audioManager null private int recorderBufSize recordingSampleRate private int trackBufSize.. 11025 22050 44100 short audioFormat AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT for int rate mSampleRates this.recordingSampleRate AudioTrack.getNativeOutputSampleRate AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC try Log.d LOG_TAG Attempting rate rate Hz bits audioFormat int bufrSize..