android Programming Glossary: authorized
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager . The second fragment can be available for authorized users only and i should ask use to login when the fragment becomes..
How to add g729 codec in Android application? is licensed by Sipro Lab Telecom. Sipro Lab Telecom is the authorized Intellectual Property Licensing Administrator for G.729 technology..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication Authorize attribute which actually works and return 401 unauthorized status code but my question is that WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN.. and the second one containing protected actions that only authorized users can see Authorize public class UsersController ApiController.. string Get return This is a top secret material that only authorized users can see Now we could write a client application consuming..
Android twitter4j upload image Message to display with picture @param twitter Instance of authorized Twitter class @throws Exception exception if any public void..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton ... . Otherwise the Session won't know that the user has authorized your app and that's why you see the error Session thinks that..
After upgrade Android on Nexus to 4.2.2, Eclipse shows target unknown for device? Even after I updated my SDK tools I couldn't get my device authorized when using adb . I eventually figured out that the Nvidia install..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException null public void authorizeCallback Log.w LOG_TAG User authorized AsyncTask Void Void String task new AsyncTask Void Void String..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C.. CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C..
How to avoid already-authorized in Android Facebook SDK to avoid already authorized in Android Facebook SDK I'm getting a completely useless page.. Sign on for Facebook's Android SDK. You have already authorized happyapp. Press Okay to continue. This page would destroy user..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM works fine except I receive as response to the login not authorized. Here is the code I use public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism.. failure xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp sasl not authorized failure As read in the developers Facebook forum it is needed..
Android C2DM Push Notification null unregistration done new messages from the authorized sender will be rejected Log.d c2dm unregistered else if registration.. retry will get the good one from database. Log.e C2DM Unauthorized need token Check for updated token header String updatedAuthToken..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android block e.printStackTrace As soon as the user successfully authorized the app we are notified here. Now we need to get the verifier..
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) manager. And at this time we have NOT VALID data for authorized device. And if we try to notify them notification will be sent..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA 2 s C US O thawte Inc. OU.. Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA i C ZA ST Western Cape L..
How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager visible. F.e. i have 2 fragment with ViewPager and FragmentPagerAdapter . The second fragment can be available for authorized users only and i should ask use to login when the fragment becomes visible alert dialog . BUT the ViewPager creates the..
How to add g729 codec in Android application? Licensing G.729 includes patents from several companies and is licensed by Sipro Lab Telecom. Sipro Lab Telecom is the authorized Intellectual Property Licensing Administrator for G.729 technology and patent pool. 3 4 5 6 In a number of countries the..
ASP.NET Web API Authentication and also articles like this . Everywhere people tell to put Authorize attribute which actually works and return 401 unauthorized status code but my question is that WHAT STEPS I DO TO LOGIN A USER USING API For example I want to provide user credentials.. model.Username false return true return false and the second one containing protected actions that only authorized users can see Authorize public class UsersController ApiController public string Get return This is a top secret material.. Authorize public class UsersController ApiController public string Get return This is a top secret material that only authorized users can see Now we could write a client application consuming this API. Here's a trivial console application example..
Android twitter4j upload image file which we want to share with our tweet @param message Message to display with picture @param twitter Instance of authorized Twitter class @throws Exception exception if any public void uploadPic File file String message Twitter twitter throws Exception..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton pass the values to Session.getActiveSession .onActivityResult ... . Otherwise the Session won't know that the user has authorized your app and that's why you see the error Session thinks that there's still a pending auth request which is why you can't..
After upgrade Android on Nexus to 4.2.2, Eclipse shows target unknown for device? is fine Make sure you're using the newest version of adb . Even after I updated my SDK tools I couldn't get my device authorized when using adb . I eventually figured out that the Nvidia install of the NDK and SDK tools had updated my PATH variable..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException public void logout Log.w LOG_TAG Logging out... mSelectedAccount null public void authorizeCallback Log.w LOG_TAG User authorized AsyncTask Void Void String task new AsyncTask Void Void String @Override protected String doInBackground Void... params..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) IssuerName CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C US does not match SubjectName CN Thawte SSL CA O Thawte Inc... Caused by IssuerName CN thawte Primary Root CA OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only OU Certification Services Division O thawte Inc. C US does not match SubjectName CN Thawte SSL CA O Thawte Inc...
How to avoid already-authorized in Android Facebook SDK to avoid already authorized in Android Facebook SDK I'm getting a completely useless page when I use the Single Sign on for Facebook's Android SDK... SDK I'm getting a completely useless page when I use the Single Sign on for Facebook's Android SDK. You have already authorized happyapp. Press Okay to continue. This page would destroy user experience. How the heck do I get rid of it. Lots of people..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM answer I have this code adapted to the Asmack library. All works fine except I receive as response to the login not authorized. Here is the code I use public class SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism extends SASLMechanism private static final String NAME.. response PM RCV 1132418216 failure xmlns urn ietf params xml ns xmpp sasl not authorized failure As read in the developers Facebook forum it is needed to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods setting from..
Android C2DM Push Notification PHONE_REGISTRATION_ERROR else if intent.getStringExtra unregistered null unregistration done new messages from the authorized sender will be rejected Log.d c2dm unregistered else if registration null Log.d c2dm registration Editor editor context.getSharedPreferences.. Update Client Auth was received by another server and next retry will get the good one from database. Log.e C2DM Unauthorized need token Check for updated token header String updatedAuthToken conn.getHeaderField UPDATE_CLIENT_AUTH if updatedAuthToken..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace As soon as the user successfully authorized the app we are notified here. Now we need to get the verifier from the callback URL retrieve token and token_secret and..
How to catch application uninstalling on device and let server know about this (iOS/Android) it. Without logout they uninstall application through application manager. And at this time we have NOT VALID data for authorized device. And if we try to notify them notification will be sent nowhere. Which is wrong and useless work for server. How..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 Validated SSL CN Thawte DV SSL CA i C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA 2 s C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized.. use only CN thawte Primary Root CA 2 s C US O thawte Inc. OU Certification Services Division OU c 2006 thawte Inc. For authorized use only CN thawte Primary Root CA i C ZA ST Western Cape L Cape Town O Thawte Consulting cc OU Certification Services Division..