android Programming Glossary: areallitemsenabled
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views 0 return false else return true @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false Make a view to hold each row. @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getView..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons code to my custom list adapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false @Override public boolean isEnabled int position..
Android: How to disable list items on list creation override the following methods isEnabled int position and areAllItemsEnabled . In former you return true or false depending is list item.. MenuAdapter context textViewResId strings public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false..
Disable Android GridView highlighting completely (disable selection) will have to override the following methods public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls setContentView lv @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true @Override public boolean isEnabled int position..
Android ListView child View setEnabled() and setClickable() do nothing too. If you do override these methods public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter groupPosition int childPosition return true public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true public boolean isEmpty return getObjects .size 0..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView boolean hasStableIds return true @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true You must already have a public class MyExpandableList..
android change text color of items in spinner isEnabled int position return position 1 public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false pSpinner.setAdapter spinnerAdapter Below is the.. observer PATCHED public boolean areAllItemsEnabled if mAdapter instanceof BaseAdapter return BaseAdapter mAdapter.. instanceof BaseAdapter return BaseAdapter mAdapter .areAllItemsEnabled else return true PATCHED public boolean isEnabled int position..
Custom calendar dayview in android 0 setListAdapter new ListAdapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled TODO Auto generated method stub return false @Override public..
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item
Android: EfficientAdapter with two different Views a separator if listPlaces.getValues .get position .separator 0 return false else return true @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false Make a view to hold each row. @see android.widget.ListAdapter#getView int android.view.View android.view.ViewGroup..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons true for the buttons in getView . I also added this code to my custom list adapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false @Override public boolean isEnabled int position return false This causes that no list item is selectable at..
Android: How to disable list items on list creation you have to subclass from ArrayAdapter . You have to override the following methods isEnabled int position and areAllItemsEnabled . In former you return true or false depending is list item at given position enabled or not. In latter you return false.. strings resources.getTextArray textArrayResId return new MenuAdapter context textViewResId strings public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false if position position you want to disable share improve..
Disable Android GridView highlighting completely (disable selection) In the definition of your Adapter for the GridView you will have to override the following methods public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false This will cause all of the items in your grid to be non..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls this lv.setAdapter this lv.setChoiceMode ListView.CHOICE_MODE_SINGLE setContentView lv @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true @Override public boolean isEnabled int position return true @Override public int getCount return m_count @Override..
Android ListView child View setEnabled() and setClickable() do nothing improve this question So you may be using a custom adapter too. If you do override these methods public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false public boolean isEnabled int position return false if position position you want to disable Then when you receive..
How to write custom ExpandableListAdapter return convertView public boolean isChildSelectable int groupPosition int childPosition return true public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true public boolean isEmpty return getObjects .size 0 public void onGroupExpanded int groupPosition public void onGroupCollapsed..
ANDROID - ExpandableListView int childPosition return true @Override public boolean hasStableIds return true @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return true You must already have a public class MyExpandableList extends ExpandableListActivity which has a member private..
android change text color of items in spinner testarray @Override public boolean isEnabled int position return position 1 public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false pSpinner.setAdapter spinnerAdapter Below is the Custom Spinner Class used to create a spinner that is able.. DataSetObserver observer if mAdapter null mAdapter.unregisterDataSetObserver observer PATCHED public boolean areAllItemsEnabled if mAdapter instanceof BaseAdapter return BaseAdapter mAdapter .areAllItemsEnabled else return true PATCHED public.. observer PATCHED public boolean areAllItemsEnabled if mAdapter instanceof BaseAdapter return BaseAdapter mAdapter .areAllItemsEnabled else return true PATCHED public boolean isEnabled int position if mAdapter instanceof BaseAdapter return BaseAdapter..
Custom calendar dayview in android Color.rgb 12 12 12 getListView .setDividerHeight 0 setListAdapter new ListAdapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled TODO Auto generated method stub return false @Override public boolean isEnabled int arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub..