android Programming Glossary: app_name
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme android launchMode singleTask.. your icons. Like this activity alias android label @string app_name android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity Red android..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name .MainActivity..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure android required true application android label @string app_name android icon @drawable ic_launcher android hardwareAccelerated.. activity android name MyActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme meta data android name
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name com.example.myapp.MainActivity.. name com.example.myapp.MainActivity android label @string app_name android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden intent filter action..
Android global variable android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Then in your activities you can get and set the variable like..
Changing Locale within the app itself android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name.. activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Change title bar text in Android hello Hello World Set_Text_TitleBar string string name app_name Set_Text_TitleBar string color name titlebackgroundcolor #3232CD..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? activity android name .AntonWorld android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN..
Android: Is application running in background? android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project you..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android debuggable true receiver android name .SMSBroadcastReceiver..
How to start new activity on button click
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name.. activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string name app_name ExampleService string string name service_started Example Service..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor http final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp debug buildConfig final public static String.. http GDM final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp def getSourceSetName variant return new..
Exporting a SQLite database to an XML file in Android extends Application public static final String APP_NAME SomeApp private DatabaseHelper dataHelper @Override public void.. @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onCreate this.dataHelper new DatabaseHelper this.. this @Override public void onTerminate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onTerminate super.onTerminate public DatabaseHelper..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android?
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application String CONSUMER_SECRET secretsecret static final String APP_NAME LITest static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME x oauthflow..
How to change an application icon programmatically in Android? android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation android screenOrientation portrait android label @string app_name android theme @style CustomTheme android launchMode singleTask intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. activity 2 . Create activity alias for your app for each of your icons. Like this activity alias android label @string app_name android icon @drawable icon android name .MainActivity Red android enabled false android targetActivity .MainActivity intent..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name .MainActivity android label @string title_activity_main intent filter..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android label @string app_name android icon @drawable ic_launcher android hardwareAccelerated true meta data android name android value MY_API_KEY_HERE activity android name MyActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER ..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme meta data android name android value AIzaSyDVAF4WaVSVRDKJx87It8OSFP5txQcPabc..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) application android debuggable true android icon @drawable ic_launcher_icon android label @string app_name activity Main activity... intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
ClassNotFoundException after ADT update application android allowBackup true android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name com.example.myapp.MainActivity android label @string app_name android.. app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity android name com.example.myapp.MainActivity android label @string app_name android windowSoftInputMode stateHidden intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name..
Android global variable application android name MyApplication android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Then in your activities you can get and set the variable like so set MyApplication this.getApplication .setSomeVariable..
Changing Locale within the app itself android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .Main android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER ..
Change title bar text in Android folder. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string name hello Hello World Set_Text_TitleBar string string name app_name Set_Text_TitleBar string color name titlebackgroundcolor #3232CD color color name titletextcolor #FFFF00 color resources..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? I had. For instance my AndroidManifest.xml looks like this activity android name .AntonWorld android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent..
Android: Is application running in background? application android name android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project you may create a common ancestor for your Activities if you'd..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name android debuggable true receiver android name .SMSBroadcastReceiver intent filter action android name android.provider.telephony.SMS_RECEIVED..
How to start new activity on button click
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging android versionCode 1 android versionName 1.0 application android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN.. android icon @drawable icon android label @string app_name activity android name .MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER .. uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 manifest res values strings.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string name app_name ExampleService string string name service_started Example Service started string string name service_label Example Service..
Gradle + Annotations + Flavors = won't run annotations processor release buildConfig final public static String BASE_URL http final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp debug buildConfig final public static String BASE_URL http GDM final public static String.. debug buildConfig final public static String BASE_URL http GDM final public static String APP_NAME com.MyCompany.MyApp def getSourceSetName variant return new File variant.dirName .getName android.applicationVariants.all..
Exporting a SQLite database to an XML file in Android import android.util.Log public class MyApplication extends Application public static final String APP_NAME SomeApp private DatabaseHelper dataHelper @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onCreate.. final String APP_NAME SomeApp private DatabaseHelper dataHelper @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onCreate this.dataHelper new DatabaseHelper this @Override public void onTerminate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION.. Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onCreate this.dataHelper new DatabaseHelper this @Override public void onTerminate Log.d APP_NAME APPLICATION onTerminate super.onTerminate public DatabaseHelper getDataHelper return this.dataHelper public void setDataHelper..
Is there a way to automatically update application on Android?
Posting LinkedIn message from Android application static final String CONSUMER_KEY keykeykeykey static final String CONSUMER_SECRET secretsecret static final String APP_NAME LITest static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_SCHEME x oauthflow linkedin static final String OAUTH_CALLBACK_HOST litestcalback..