android Programming Glossary: app_name_with_version
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time activity android name .MyMain android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait android windowSoftInputMode.. android name .SelectActivity android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait activity android name .ImageSelectionActivity.. theme @android style Theme.Dialog android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait android configChanges orientation..
Re-launch of Activity on Home button, but…only the first time android theme @android style Theme.Black.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen activity android name .MyMain android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait android windowSoftInputMode adjustPan activity android name .StartupActivity android.. android.intent.category.LAUNCHER intent filter activity activity android name .SelectActivity android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait activity android name .ImageSelectionActivity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog.. activity android name .ImageSelectionActivity android theme @android style Theme.Dialog android label @string app_name_with_version android screenOrientation portrait android configChanges orientation keyboardHidden activity android name .DetailsActivity..