android Programming Glossary: argc
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android void MatchingMethod int void @function main int main int argc char argv Load image and template img imread argv 1 1 templ..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? offsetof struct sockaddr_un sun_path return 0 int main int argc char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un.. sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr..
iptables in android qh id NF_ACCEPT u_int32_t pdata_len payload int main int argc char argv struct nfq_handle h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android JNIEnv env jobject obj int argc jstring argv jbyteArray array AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell in your hello world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change..
OpenCV Template Matching example in Android window int match_method int max_Trackbar 5 Function Headers void MatchingMethod int void @function main int main int argc char argv Load image and template img imread argv 1 1 templ imread argv 2 1 Create windows namedWindow image_window CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE..
How to create named pipe (mkfifo) in Android? 1 name pAddr sun_family AF_LOCAL pSockLen 1 nameLen offsetof struct sockaddr_un sun_path return 0 int main int argc char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv.. int argc char argv static const char message hello world struct sockaddr_un sockAddr socklen_t sockLen int result 1 if argc 2 argv 1 0 'c' argv 1 0 's' printf Usage c s n return 2 if makeAddr com.whoever.xfer sockAddr sockLen 0 return 1 int fd..
iptables in android hu tcp_checksum iphdrp printf n return nfq_set_verdict qh id NF_ACCEPT u_int32_t pdata_len payload int main int argc char argv struct nfq_handle h struct nfq_q_handle qh struct nfnl_handle nh int fd int rv char buf 4096 __attribute__ aligned..
How to decode audio via FFmpeg in Android be solved EDIT2 My new code JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_main JNIEnv env jobject obj int argc jstring argv jbyteArray array AVFormatContext pFormatCtx int i videoStream audioStream AVCodecContext pCodecCtx AVCodec..
Cross compiling static C hello world for Android using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc done the following sudo apt get install gcc arm linux gnueabi I created a hi.c like this #include stdio.h int main int argc char argv printf hello world n return 0 I have compiled it like this arm linux gnueabi gcc static hi.c o hi I ran it on..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell source code is. Edit hello jni.c remove all the code and put in your hello world code. Mine is #include int main int argc char argv printf Hello World return 0 Edit and change the line include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY to include BUILD_EXECUTABLE..