android Programming Glossary: ar
Lint: How to ignore “<key> is not translated in <language>” errors? debug our Android app because the localization files are not perfect yet. Eclipse's validation tool Lint create errors.. Eclipse's validation tool Lint create errors saying newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar bg ca cs Compiling installing.. errors saying newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar bg ca cs Compiling installing running with Ant works fine but..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices linux androideabi gcc is unable to create an executable compile.. unable to create an executable compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi.. armeabi devices I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by His given..
Android valgrind build fails fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On Linux Mint 13 it fails with make echo # This is a generated.. gcc DHAVE_CONFIG_H I. I.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1 DVGO_linux 1 DVGP_arm_linux 1 DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Ipriv.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1 DVGO_linux 1 DVGP_arm_linux 1 DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Ipriv m32 O2 g Wall Wmissing..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? database by changing the DATABASE_CREATE string. But apparently not so how can I step by step upgrade my SQLite Database.. I apologize if the question seems noobish but I am still learning about Android. @Pentium10 This is what I do in onUpgrade.. 2 break ... java android sqlite upgrade share improve this question Ok before you run into bigger problems..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android the table. When the app is upgraded through the android marketplace does the database know its version number So could I.. the version number in the code and then export it to the marketplace and when the user boots up the upgraded version for.. from a file and add the database items in. Is this a standard way of doing things or is there a better way of handling this..
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite hello expert here public Drawable icon something value are in this field now i am crating a database in sqlite manager.i.. want to store icon into database.problem is another field are shown correctly and i take icon field with datatype BLOB but.. null String PhoneNumber String UserId Cursor c ArrayList ar new ArrayList public void createDatabse String DbName Context..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? the pike. iphone android ffmpeg html5 video h.264 share improve this question Here's the ffmpeg command line we use.. Android devices as well as iOS. You can use this as a starting point just tweaking things like frame size frame rate and.. s 432x320 b 384k vcodec libx264 flags loop mv4 cmp 256 partitions parti4x4 parti8x8 partp4x4 partp8x8 subq 6 trellis 0..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? 's language to burmese programmatically. java android share improve this question Use this to change the language by.. language you for japanese ja_JP For Arabic ar or check this link for code of country http make a folder in res values ja for japanese or res values ar for arabic.. And make string.xml file And put the languages..
Android valgrind build fails Secondary build arch Build OS linux Primary build target ARM_LINUX Secondary build target Platform variant vanilla Primary.. VALGRIND_DIRECTORY valgrind VALGRIND_VERSION VALGRIND_TARBALL valgrind VALGRIND_VERSION VALGRIND_EXTENSION wget v nc http.. wget v nc http downloads VALGRIND_TARBALL # # Extract files from any archive # Usage extract archive_name..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView it ... I hope somebody finds it useful though the Qualcomm AR stuff is out.. it might be obselete.. oh and basically what.. mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this.. LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView mSurfaceView..
Getting telephone country code with Android AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973.. AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? Western SaharaWestern Sahara AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR..
Can't create shared library with static inside toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi g .exe AR C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi.. bin arm linux androideabi ar.exe default all all obj AR r Test_Archive.a .o obj GPP c .c I get Test_Archive.a archive.. LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_MODULE Test_Library LOCAL_SRC_FILES Test_Library.c..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? improve this question The bad news is you can't use AndAR to detect physical objects. AndAR is based on a fiducial marker.. news is you can't use AndAR to detect physical objects. AndAR is based on a fiducial marker approach where the marker is made.. possibility might be to investigate the available Android AR toolkits Layar Junaio Qualcomm AR SDK which all now support..
Lint: How to ignore “<key> is not translated in <language>” errors? key is not translated in language &rdquo errors I can't compile debug our Android app because the localization files are not perfect yet. Eclipse's validation tool Lint create errors saying newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar bg ca cs.. app because the localization files are not perfect yet. Eclipse's validation tool Lint create errors saying newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar bg ca cs Compiling installing running with Ant works fine but I would like to use Eclipse.. files are not perfect yet. Eclipse's validation tool Lint create errors saying newCardsOrderVals is not translated in ar bg ca cs Compiling installing running with Ant works fine but I would like to use Eclipse to ease debugging. Is there a..
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc is unable to create an executable - compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices linux androideabi gcc is unable to create an executable compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices I am trying to compile.. linux androideabi gcc is unable to create an executable compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by His given.. unable to create an executable compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices I am trying to compile ffmpeg for android armeabi devices. I am following tutorial by His given build script builds ffmpeg for armv7 a devices. I want to..
Android valgrind build fails valgrind build fails Hello I'm trying to build valgrind for android arm. On Linux Mint 13 it fails with make echo # This is a generated file composed of the following suppression rules default.supp.. directory ` home matt Desktop valgrind valgrind 3.8.1 VEX' gcc DHAVE_CONFIG_H I. I.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1 DVGO_linux 1 DVGP_arm_linux 1 DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Ipriv m32 O2 g Wall Wmissing prototypes Wshadow Wpointer arith.. valgrind valgrind 3.8.1 VEX' gcc DHAVE_CONFIG_H I. I.. I.. I.. include I.. VEX pub DVGA_arm 1 DVGO_linux 1 DVGP_arm_linux 1 DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Ipriv m32 O2 g Wall Wmissing prototypes Wshadow Wpointer arith Wstrict prototypes Wmissing..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? subclass does not exist. I thought I could upgrade the database by changing the DATABASE_CREATE string. But apparently not so how can I step by step upgrade my SQLite Database from version 1 to version 2 I apologize if the question seems.. step upgrade my SQLite Database from version 1 to version 2 I apologize if the question seems noobish but I am still learning about Android. @Pentium10 This is what I do in onUpgrade private static final int DATABASE_VERSION 1 .... switch upgradeVersion.. case 1 db.execSQL ALTER TABLE task ADD body TEXT upgradeVersion 2 break ... java android sqlite upgrade share improve this question Ok before you run into bigger problems you should know that SQLite is limited on the ALTER TABLE..
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android don't want to do this. I want to be able to add more items to the table. When the app is upgraded through the android marketplace does the database know its version number So could I increment the version number in the code and then export it.. the database know its version number So could I increment the version number in the code and then export it to the marketplace and when the user boots up the upgraded version for the first time then onUpgrade will be called If this is the.. be called If this is the case my onUpgrade would simply pull from a file and add the database items in. Is this a standard way of doing things or is there a better way of handling this in Android. I am trying to stay as standard as possible...
Convert Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite Drawable to BLOB Datatype sqlite hello expert here public Drawable icon something value are in this field now i am crating a database in sqlite manager.i want to store icon into database.problem is another field.. this field now i am crating a database in sqlite manager.i want to store icon into database.problem is another field are shown correctly and i take icon field with datatype BLOB but it display empty nothing into DB. so can you help me image.. public class Insall_app_db SQLiteDatabase sampleDB null String PhoneNumber String UserId Cursor c ArrayList ar new ArrayList public void createDatabse String DbName Context context sampleDB context.openOrCreateDatabase DbName context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? to encode and host a new video for every device that comes down the pike. iphone android ffmpeg html5 video h.264 share improve this question Here's the ffmpeg command line we use to transcode to MPEG 4 h.264 in our production environment... our production environment. We've tested the output on several Android devices as well as iOS. You can use this as a starting point just tweaking things like frame size frame rate and qfactor. ffmpeg y i # input_file s 432x320 b 384k vcodec libx264.. frame size frame rate and qfactor. ffmpeg y i # input_file s 432x320 b 384k vcodec libx264 flags loop mv4 cmp 256 partitions parti4x4 parti8x8 partp4x4 partp8x8 subq 6 trellis 0 refs 5 bf 0 flags2 mixed_refs coder 0 me_range 16 g 250 keyint_min..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? is not in the settings for instance how to set the device 's language to burmese programmatically. java android share improve this question Use this to change the language by programmatically Locale locale new Locale en_US Locale.setDefault.. Write the countrycode of language in place of en_US whatever language you for japanese ja_JP For Arabic ar or check this link for code of country http apis igoogle docs i18n.html And make a folder in res values.. country http apis igoogle docs i18n.html And make a folder in res values ja for japanese or res values ar for arabic.. And make string.xml file And put the languages whatever you want on your layout.. It will fetch the default..
Android valgrind build fails ends with Maximum build arch arm Primary build arch arm Secondary build arch Build OS linux Primary build target ARM_LINUX Secondary build target Platform variant vanilla Primary DVGPV string DVGPV_arm_linux_vanilla 1 Default supp files.. bin env bash VALGRIND_VERSION 3.8.1 VALGRIND_EXTENSION .tar.bz2 VALGRIND_DIRECTORY valgrind VALGRIND_VERSION VALGRIND_TARBALL valgrind VALGRIND_VERSION VALGRIND_EXTENSION wget v nc http downloads VALGRIND_TARBALL # # Extract files.. VALGRIND_TARBALL valgrind VALGRIND_VERSION VALGRIND_EXTENSION wget v nc http downloads VALGRIND_TARBALL # # Extract files from any archive # Usage extract archive_name # # As an alternative install unp https
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView share improve this question Well here's how I did it ... I hope somebody finds it useful though the Qualcomm AR stuff is out.. it might be obselete.. oh and basically what this does is generate two funky cubes from that Android Example.. mGLSurfaceView new TouchSurfaceView this addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView mSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT.. new TouchSurfaceView this addContentView mGLSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT mSurfaceView new SurfaceView this addContentView mSurfaceView new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
Getting telephone country code with Android country code. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975.. country code. xml version '1.0' encoding 'UTF 8' icc AF 93 AF AL 355 AL DZ 213 DZ AD 376 AD AO 244 AO AQ 672 AQ AR 54 AR AM 374 AM AW 297 AW AU 61 AU AT 43 AT AZ 994 AZ BH 973 BH BD 880 BD BY 375 BY BE 32 BE BZ 501 BZ BJ 229 BJ BT 975 BT BO..
How to create a custom ListView with “extends Activity”? abbreviations AF Western Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara Western SaharaWestern Sahara AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CC CO KM CG CD..
Can't create shared library with static inside standalone bin arm linux androideabi gcc.exe GPP C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi g .exe AR C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi ar.exe default all all obj AR r Test_Archive.a .o obj GPP.. linux androideabi g .exe AR C Tools ndk toolchain ndk standalone bin arm linux androideabi ar.exe default all all obj AR r Test_Archive.a .o obj GPP c .c I get Test_Archive.a archive file. Now I want to add this archive file to JNI and call.. and calc_mean.h Test_Archive.a and create make file LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_MODULE Test_Library LOCAL_SRC_FILES Test_Library.c LOCAL_LDLIBS LTest_Archive.a include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY..
How to Detect Physical object in Android Augmented Reality? welcome. android augmented reality object detection share improve this question The bad news is you can't use AndAR to detect physical objects. AndAR is based on a fiducial marker approach where the marker is made of two components a solid.. object detection share improve this question The bad news is you can't use AndAR to detect physical objects. AndAR is based on a fiducial marker approach where the marker is made of two components a solid border and an interior pattern... just one object is probably feasible on a mobile device. One possibility might be to investigate the available Android AR toolkits Layar Junaio Qualcomm AR SDK which all now support some image recognition. It may be that by taking images of your..