android Programming Glossary: arabic
Android: Arabic font Arabic font I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex.. help me please I tried DroidNaskh Regular.ttf and DroidSansArabic.ttf but not the same like android 4.0.4 .. Thanks .. android..
How to draw RTL text (Arabic) onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly? to draw RTL text Arabic onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly I'm trying to draw.. a Bitmap and have it ordered properly I'm trying to draw Arabic text onto a Bitmap for display Bitmap img Bitmap.createBitmap.. mPaint.setTypeface mFace content جر content ArabicUtilities.reshape content System.out.println Drawing text content..
Android plurals treatment of “zero” is 0 then I see 0 items . Is zero value supported only in Arabic language as the documentation seems to indicate Or am I missing..
How to support Arabic text in Android? to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully... to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display.. I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server...
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? Polish pl_PL 1.5 Russian ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian Bulgaria bg_BG.. ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian Bulgaria bg_BG 2.3 Catalan Spain..
Arabic TTS ( Text To Speach ) Library for android TTS Text To Speach Library for android In there an Arabic TTS.. TTS Text To Speach Library for android In there an Arabic TTS for android Best if for free. android share improve this..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? whatever language you for japanese ja_JP For Arabic ar or check this link for code of country http
Android: Spinner text alignment to the right but not centered Soomro's edit I now have the following android layout arabic share improve this question You have to use CheckedTextView..
Android: Arabic font I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex arabic letters .. When i tested on android 2.3.7 not all arabic letters.. arabic letters .. When i tested on android 2.3.7 not all arabic letters are supported there is still some complex ones appear.. all letters appear great .. I needed to find the .ttf arabic font used in 4.0.4 or the best android arabic font to force..
How to support Arabic text in Android? tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi share improve this question Android 2.1 does..
How to ajust Arabic 'aarab' characters? Please see my code characters Please see my code I am trying to display arabic text with custom font. my code is as following package com.androidbook.test.. super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.arabic_display TextView arabicTextView Typeface arabicFont arabicTextView.. setContentView R.layout.arabic_display TextView arabicTextView Typeface arabicFont arabicTextView TextView findViewById..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? folder in res values ja for japanese or res values ar for arabic.. And make string.xml file And put the languages whatever you.. values ar etc. like... Its example of res values ar for arabic xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 resources string name spinner_label..
Android: Arabic font Arabic font I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex arabic letters .. When i tested on android 2.3.7 not all arabic.. it in my application to work fine on all versions can you help me please I tried DroidNaskh Regular.ttf and DroidSansArabic.ttf but not the same like android 4.0.4 .. Thanks .. android fonts arabic share improve this question try this solution..
How to draw RTL text (Arabic) onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly? to draw RTL text Arabic onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly I'm trying to draw Arabic text onto a Bitmap for display Bitmap img Bitmap.createBitmap.. to draw RTL text Arabic onto a Bitmap and have it ordered properly I'm trying to draw Arabic text onto a Bitmap for display Bitmap img Bitmap.createBitmap int f 100 300 Config.RGB_565 Canvas c new Canvas c.setBitmap.. img mFace Typeface.createFromAsset getAssets DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf mPaint.setTypeface mFace content جر content ArabicUtilities.reshape content System.out.println Drawing text content c.drawText content 30 30 mPaint The ArabicUtilities class..
Android plurals treatment of “zero” quantity It's working well with 1 and above but if quantity is 0 then I see 0 items . Is zero value supported only in Arabic language as the documentation seems to indicate Or am I missing something android share improve this question The Android..
How to support Arabic text in Android? to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing.. to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume.. getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text. Assume that t array values are Arabic text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText..
What is the list of supported languages/locales on Android? Switzerland it_CH 1.5 Japanese ja_JP 1.5 Korean ko_KR 1.5 Polish pl_PL 1.5 Russian ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian Bulgaria bg_BG 2.3 Catalan Spain ca_ES 2.3 Croatian Croatia hr_HR 2.3.. Japanese ja_JP 1.5 Korean ko_KR 1.5 Polish pl_PL 1.5 Russian ru_RU 1.5 Spanish es_ES 1.5 Arabic Egypt ar_EG 2.3 Arabic Israel ar_IL 2.3 Bulgarian Bulgaria bg_BG 2.3 Catalan Spain ca_ES 2.3 Croatian Croatia hr_HR 2.3 Danish Denmark da_DK 2.3..
Arabic TTS ( Text To Speach ) Library for android TTS Text To Speach Library for android In there an Arabic TTS for android Best if for free. android share improve this.. TTS Text To Speach Library for android In there an Arabic TTS for android Best if for free. android share improve this question Check this Acapela For Android it is not for..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? null Write the countrycode of language in place of en_US whatever language you for japanese ja_JP For Arabic ar or check this link for code of country http apis igoogle docs i18n.html And make a folder in res values..
Android: Spinner text alignment to the right but not centered between the border and the first letter. UPDATE After Adil Soomro's edit I now have the following android layout arabic share improve this question You have to use CheckedTextView it will solve your all 3 problems. You will place a layout..
Android: Arabic font Arabic font I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex arabic letters .. When i tested on android 2.3.7 not all arabic letters are supported there is still some complex ones appear as.. font I am trying to parse an XML file which contains complex arabic letters .. When i tested on android 2.3.7 not all arabic letters are supported there is still some complex ones appear as squares .. But when tested on android 4.0.4 all letters.. ones appear as squares .. But when tested on android 4.0.4 all letters appear great .. I needed to find the .ttf arabic font used in 4.0.4 or the best android arabic font to force it in my application to work fine on all versions can you help..
How to support Arabic text in Android? text from server. string t Textview tv Textview findviewByid tv.setText t 0 android internationalization arabic persian farsi share improve this question Android 2.1 does not have Arabic font. Android 2.2 has Arabic font but does..
How to ajust Arabic 'aarab' characters? Please see my code to ajust Arabic 'aarab' characters Please see my code I am trying to display arabic text with custom font. my code is as following package com.androidbook.test import import Bundle savedInstanceState TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.arabic_display TextView arabicTextView Typeface arabicFont arabicTextView TextView findViewById TODO Auto generated method stub super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.arabic_display TextView arabicTextView Typeface arabicFont arabicTextView TextView findViewById arabicFont Typeface.createFromAsset..
Android : Is there any way to change the default language of android to new language? http apis igoogle docs i18n.html And make a folder in res values ja for japanese or res values ar for arabic.. And make string.xml file And put the languages whatever you want on your layout.. It will fetch the default language from.. want it manually then it will fetch from your external folder values ar etc. like... Its example of res values ar for arabic xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 resources string name spinner_label تص Ø© Øسب string string name app_name 2011 ر string string..