android Programming Glossary: appversion
GCM Not Sending the Notifications private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION appVersion private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST 9000.. SharedPreferences prefs getGcmPreferences context int appVersion getAppVersion context Log.i TAG Saving regId on app version.. context Log.i TAG Saving regId on app version appVersion SharedPreferences.Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putString..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? TextView info TextView extra TextView labelKey TextView appVersion EditText enterPreapprovalKey public static String resultTitle.. Exit layoutExit.addView exitApp content.addView layoutExit appVersion new TextView this appVersion.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL.. content.addView layoutExit appVersion new TextView this appVersion.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL appVersion.setPadding 0..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications message public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID registration_id private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION appVersion private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST 9000 Substitute you own sender ID here. This is the project number.. void storeRegistrationId Context context String regId final SharedPreferences prefs getGcmPreferences context int appVersion getAppVersion context Log.i TAG Saving regId on app version appVersion SharedPreferences.Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putString.. prefs getGcmPreferences context int appVersion getAppVersion context Log.i TAG Saving regId on app version appVersion SharedPreferences.Editor editor prefs.edit editor.putString PROPERTY_REG_ID regId editor.putInt PROPERTY_APP_VERSION appVersion..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? launchSimplePayment Button exitApp TextView title TextView info TextView extra TextView labelKey TextView appVersion EditText enterPreapprovalKey public static String resultTitle public static String resultInfo public static String resultExtra.. sizes exitApp.setOnClickListener this exitApp.setText Exit layoutExit.addView exitApp content.addView layoutExit appVersion new TextView this appVersion.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL appVersion.setPadding 0 5 0 0 appVersion.setText n nSimple.. this exitApp.setText Exit layoutExit.addView exitApp content.addView layoutExit appVersion new TextView this appVersion.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL appVersion.setPadding 0 5 0 0 appVersion.setText n nSimple Demo Build build nMPL Library..