android Programming Glossary: args.putint
Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class TabsFragment tab new TabsFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt id id tab.setArguments args return tab @Override public View..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex..
How to add a Fragment inside a ViewPager using Nested Fragment (Android 4.2) Fragment getItem int position Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt TextViewFragment.POSITION_KEY position return TextViewFragment.newInstance..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first int position History f new History Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public.. int position Main f new Main Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public.. int position Map f new Map Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public..
Android: Saving Fragment state in ViewPager? fragment new TestFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt position position fragment.setArguments args return fragment..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index args.putString type TYPE_FRAGMENT f.setArguments..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment you instantiate a fragment. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt someInt someInt args.putString someString someString Put any..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed Supply num input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt num num f.setArguments args return f @Override public void onCreate..
Set WebView loadUrl programmatically that is in fragment class mWebView int id public static TabsFragment newInstance int id TabsFragment tab new TabsFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt id id tab.setArguments args return tab @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container Bundle..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? newInstance int index DetailsFragment f new DetailsFragment Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments .getInt index 0 other stuff omitted..
How to add a Fragment inside a ViewPager using Nested Fragment (Android 4.2) fm @Override public int getCount return 4 @Override public Fragment getItem int position Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt TextViewFragment.POSITION_KEY position return TextViewFragment.newInstance args For a full implementation you can check..
How to solve for viewpager : The specified child already has a parent. You must call removeView() on the child's parent first History extends Fragment public static Fragment newInstance int position History f new History Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container.. implements GPSCallback ...... public static Fragment newInstance int position Main f new Main Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container.. state public static Fragment newInstance int position Map f new Map Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt title position f.setArguments args return f @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container..
Android: Saving Fragment state in ViewPager? int position Log.i Pager TestFragment.newInstance TestFragment fragment new TestFragment Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt position position fragment.setArguments args return fragment @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater..
(ActionBar) Tabs + Pager + detail Fragments inside ViewPager container String TYPE_FRAGMENT DetailFragment f new DetailFragment Supply index input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt index index args.putString type TYPE_FRAGMENT f.setArguments args return f public int getShownIndex return getArguments..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment be bundled up and you don't have to write the code below everytime you instantiate a fragment. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt someInt someInt args.putString someString someString Put any other arguments myFragment.setArguments args Its a good way..
Action items from Viewpager initial fragment not being displayed static Fragment newInstance int num Fragment1 f new Fragment1 Supply num input as an argument. Bundle args new Bundle args.putInt num num f.setArguments args return f @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..