android Programming Glossary: archive
Android NDK linking Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive # Option 3 Explicitly link ZeroMQ in dynamically opt android..
Steps to create APK expansion file zipError this.zipError zipError public void unzip String archive File outputDir try Log.d control ZipHelper.unzip File archive.. File outputDir try Log.d control ZipHelper.unzip File archive ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries.. ZipHelper.unzip File archive ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry..
Permission to write to the SD card to write to the SD card I would like my app to archive the application DB to the SD card. In my code I check if the..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC Error generating final archive Debug certificate expired on 1 30 10 2 35 PM How do I fix it..
automatic install of apk new File fileName application archive startActivity intent courtesy of share improve..
setting audio file as Ringtone
Install Application programmatically on Android file path to your.apk application archive startActivity promptInstall source Intent goToMarket new Intent..
Scala Programming for Android that someone else already has http blog archive 2009 04 programming for android with scala.html Proguard is..
Creating a product SDK: How do I add a native lib (.SO) and a jar with the SDK I am creating? files from wikitudesdk.jar with winrar as if it is an archive search and copy it in libs libs armeabi add..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? Resource Path Location Type Error generating final archive C sb workspace NotesList bin resources.ap_..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] download app.apk application archive startActivity intent That is correct now my autoupdate is working..
Android - Unzip a folder? filePath params 0 String destinationPath params 1 File archive new File filePath try ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive .. archive new File filePath try ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry.. catch Exception e Log.e TAG Error while extracting file archive e return false return true @Override protected void onPostExecute..
How to detect shake event with android?
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission file sdcard app.apk application archive startActivity intent But this code opens standard installation.. system key. So virus cant get there. As said http www.mail android msg06281.html apps CAN..
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) apkUri application archive startActivity intent Uninstall APK using Intent Intent intent..
Android NDK linking g shared Wl soname o jni.o Client_Events.o Client_Wrapper.o libzmq.a libstdc .a Wl whole archive # Option 3 Explicitly link ZeroMQ in dynamically opt android toolchain bin arm linux androideabi g shared Wl soname
Steps to create APK expansion file isZipError return zipError public void setZipError boolean zipError this.zipError zipError public void unzip String archive File outputDir try Log.d control ZipHelper.unzip File archive ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries.. this.zipError zipError public void unzip String archive File outputDir try Log.d control ZipHelper.unzip File archive ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry entry ZipEntry e.nextElement.. void unzip String archive File outputDir try Log.d control ZipHelper.unzip File archive ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry entry ZipEntry e.nextElement unzipEntry zipfile entry outputDir..
Permission to write to the SD card to write to the SD card I would like my app to archive the application DB to the SD card. In my code I check if the directory canWrite and if not then throw an IOException. In..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC Error generating final archive Debug certificate expired on 1 30 10 2 35 PM How do I fix it android eclipse certificate share improve this question..
automatic install of apk
setting audio file as Ringtone
Install Application programmatically on Android new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW .setDataAndType Uri.parse file path to your.apk application archive startActivity promptInstall source Intent goToMarket new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW .setData Uri.parse market details id..
Scala Programming for Android from the jar files. I have not documented it but I found that someone else already has http blog archive 2009 04 programming for android with scala.html Proguard is not the only solution you might find something that suits your..
Creating a product SDK: How do I add a native lib (.SO) and a jar with the SDK I am creating? android build uncheck the first and the second option extract files from wikitudesdk.jar with winrar as if it is an archive search and copy it in libs libs armeabi add wikitudesdk.jar to your build path share improve this answer..
How to duplicate an SDK-sample project into workspace? Android newbie and I didn't write the NotePad program Description Resource Path Location Type Error generating final archive C sb workspace NotesList bin resources.ap_ does not exist NotesList Unknown Android Packaging..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] Uri.fromFile new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory download app.apk application archive startActivity intent That is correct now my autoupdate is working thanks for help and sorry for bother you. share improve..
Android - Unzip a folder? protected Boolean doInBackground String... params String filePath params 0 String destinationPath params 1 File archive new File filePath try ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry.. filePath params 0 String destinationPath params 1 File archive new File filePath try ZipFile zipfile new ZipFile archive for Enumeration e zipfile.entries e.hasMoreElements ZipEntry entry ZipEntry e.nextElement unzipEntry zipfile entry destinationPath.. e.nextElement unzipEntry zipfile entry destinationPath catch Exception e Log.e TAG Error while extracting file archive e return false return true @Override protected void onPostExecute Boolean result setChanged notifyObservers private..
How to detect shake event with android?
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType Uri.parse file sdcard app.apk application archive startActivity intent But this code opens standard installation dialog. How can I install app silently without root with.. level programs located in system app or signed with the system key. So virus cant get there. As said http www.mail android msg06281.html apps CAN be silent installed if they have install_packages permission...
install / uninstall APKs programmatically (PackageManager vs Intents) using Intent Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent.setDataAndType apkUri application archive startActivity intent Uninstall APK using Intent Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_DELETE Uri.fromParts package getPackageManager..