android Programming Glossary: arch
openSSL using Android's NDK problems folder libs armeabi to android ndk r8c platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib this way when compiling you can include the libs.. user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7.. user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start showlocation Command line arguments os macosx ws cocoa arch x86_64 product keyring..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support sdk android ndk export NDKLIBS NDK platforms android 4 arch arm usr include export SYSROOT A ndk build platforms android.. usr include export SYSROOT A ndk build platforms android 4 arch arm export CPPFLAGS I A system core include export LDFLAGS L.. Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork nostdlib lc ldl lm march armv5te mtune xscale msoft float mandroid fPIC mthumb interwork..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 1813.jar br os win32 br ws win32 br arch x86_64 br showsplash C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” showlocation Command line arguments os macosx ws cocoa arch x86_64 data Projects _EclipseWorkspace keyring Users onemick.. .eclipse_keyring showlocation ANOTHER EDIT OK so more searching led me to this page which suggests that this issue is definitely..
Emulator screen hangs when trying to run android application Command line arguments os win32 ws win32 arch x86_64 product Console..
Android kernel compile and test with Android Emulator arm eabi The kernel built this way should end up in the arch arm boot folder of your kernel tree where you put the code from.. kernel option set emulator kernel mydroid kernel common arch arm boot zImage Note that I have used the default paths in the..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? error cygdrive c android ndk r4 build platforms android 8 arch x86 usr include asm posix_types.h 15 28 error posix_types_64.h..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86 product Has anyone..
Android NDK: Link using a pre-compiled static library home sergio android ndk r5b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include home sergio workspace Shark jni libpcap LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project 22 home yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include stdint.h 48 error redefinition of typedef 'int8_t'..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android below porting compiling lame encoder to Android ARM arch using Android NDK I was looking for a mp3 encoding application..
Eclipse indexer errors when using STL with Android NDK with headers found in android ndk r7 platforms android 14 arch arm usr include Is there something I forgot to set up in eclipse..
Building FFMPEG with librtmp for android target os linux cross prefix arm linux androideabi arch arm sysroot home andrey android ndk r7b platforms android 3.. sysroot home andrey android ndk r7b platforms android 3 arch arm enable static disable shared disable symver enable small.. by .. rtmpdump. Edit the FFmpeg configure script and search for the line enabled librtmp require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 export RELEASE 2.6.32.GMU export SYSTEM android export ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start java.vendor Apple Inc. BootLoader constants OS macosx ARCH x86_64 WS cocoa NL ru_RU Framework arguments product
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” java.vendor Apple Inc. BootLoader constants OS macosx ARCH x86_64 WS cocoa NL en_US Framework arguments keyring Users onemick..
Emulator screen hangs when trying to run android application Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants OS win32 ARCH x86_64 WS win32 NL en_US Framework arguments product
Android kernel compile and test with Android Emulator qemu emulator runs arm code i.e. an arm config make ARCH arm goldfish_defconfig if that doesn't work try make ARCH arm.. ARCH arm goldfish_defconfig if that doesn't work try make ARCH arm goldfish_armv7_defconfig Now build the kernel using the.. tools distributed with the open source project make ARCH arm CROSS_COMPILE mydroid prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi..
Eclipse launch error when trying to run an Android app Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS win32 ARCH x86 WS win32 NL en_US Framework arguments product
Failed to load properties file for android project Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86 WS gtk NL ru_UA Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86 WS gtk NL en_IE Framework arguments product
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? eng TARGET_SIMULATOR TARGET_BUILD_TYPE release TARGET_ARCH arm HOST_ARCH x86 HOST_OS linux HOST_BUILD_TYPE release BUILD_ID.. TARGET_BUILD_TYPE release TARGET_ARCH arm HOST_ARCH x86 HOST_OS linux HOST_BUILD_TYPE release BUILD_ID ECLAIR .. WORKING_DIRECTORY VERSION v1.1 all make C KERNEL_DIR M PWD ARCH arm CROSS_COMPILE CROSS_COMPILE modules rm rf .c~ rm rf .mod..
openSSL using Android's NDK problems in the NDK folder for easy access so copy them from openssl folder libs armeabi to android ndk r8c platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib this way when compiling you can include the libs using a simple linker switch lssl lcrypto Step two get Curl's.. 4.4.3 bin PATH export LDFLAGS lssl lcrypto L home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr lib export CFLAGS I home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android.. home user Development AOSP 2.3.7 system core include I home user Development Tools sdk android ndk platforms android 8 arch arm usr include . configure host arm linux androideabi with ssl home user Development Projects portingLibs openssl android..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 android export ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC gcc build fips openssl module gunzip c openssl fips 2.0.tar.gz tar xf cd openssl fips 2.0 . config..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start keyring Users max .eclipse_keyring showlocation Command line arguments os macosx ws cocoa arch x86_64 product keyring Users max .eclipse_keyring showlocation ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support 4.2.1 bin arm eabi gcc export NDK home user Development Tools sdk android ndk export NDKLIBS NDK platforms android 4 arch arm usr include export SYSROOT A ndk build platforms android 4 arch arm export CPPFLAGS I A system core include export LDFLAGS.. android ndk export NDKLIBS NDK platforms android 4 arch arm usr include export SYSROOT A ndk build platforms android 4 arch arm export CPPFLAGS I A system core include export LDFLAGS L A out target product generic obj lib L A out target product.. target product generic obj lib export CFLAGS fno exceptions Wno multichar mthumb mthumb interwork nostdlib lc ldl lm march armv5te mtune xscale msoft float mandroid fPIC mthumb interwork mthumb mlong calls ffunction sections fstack protector fno..
Can't start Eclipse - Java was started but returned exit code=13 SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.30v20120522 1813.jar br os win32 br ws win32 br arch x86_64 br showsplash C Program Files Eclipse SDK 4.2 win32 x86_64 eclipse plugins org.eclipse.platform_4.2.0.v201206081400..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” Framework arguments keyring Users onemick .eclipse_keyring showlocation Command line arguments os macosx ws cocoa arch x86_64 data Projects _EclipseWorkspace keyring Users onemick .eclipse_keyring showlocation ANOTHER EDIT OK so more searching.. x86_64 data Projects _EclipseWorkspace keyring Users onemick .eclipse_keyring showlocation ANOTHER EDIT OK so more searching led me to this page which suggests that this issue is definitely related to the presence of files without an extension..
Emulator screen hangs when trying to run android application en_US Framework arguments product Command line arguments os win32 ws win32 arch x86_64 product Console output is 2013 06 16 13 51 02 Hello 2013 06 16 13 51..
Android kernel compile and test with Android Emulator mydroid prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi The kernel built this way should end up in the arch arm boot folder of your kernel tree where you put the code from git clone To run the emulator with your kernel there are.. kernel. The other option is to start the emulator with the kernel option set emulator kernel mydroid kernel common arch arm boot zImage Note that I have used the default paths in the above description you need to change them to what applies..
How to compile a static library using the Android NDK? trying to compile using arm eabi gcc but I get the following error cygdrive c android ndk r4 build platforms android 8 arch x86 usr include asm posix_types.h 15 28 error posix_types_64.h No such file or directory How do I get this to work android..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException gtk NL en_IE Framework arguments product Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86 product Has anyone else encountered this recently It doesn't seem to be affecting..
Android NDK: Link using a pre-compiled static library packet_jpacket.cpp winpcap_ids.cpp jnetpcap_bpf.cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES home sergio android ndk r5b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include home sergio workspace Shark jni libpcap LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES libpcap include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY android..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec jbig2.c 22 home yury software android ndk r6b platforms android 8 arch arm usr include stdint.h 48 error redefinition of typedef 'int8_t' home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android..
Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android available on some dodgy Chinese sites. I'll just copy the content below porting compiling lame encoder to Android ARM arch using Android NDK I was looking for a mp3 encoding application in Android Market and found very few the reason I think Android..
Eclipse indexer errors when using STL with Android NDK eclipse happy. Interestingly eclipse indexer's working fine with headers found in android ndk r7 platforms android 14 arch arm usr include Is there something I forgot to set up in eclipse android c eclipse android ndk share improve this question..
Building FFMPEG with librtmp for android ffmpeg with librtmp2.4 and custom config like this .configure target os linux cross prefix arm linux androideabi arch arm sysroot home andrey android ndk r7b platforms android 3 arch arm enable static disable shared disable symver enable.. target os linux cross prefix arm linux androideabi arch arm sysroot home andrey android ndk r7b platforms android 3 arch arm enable static disable shared disable symver enable small disable devices disable avdevice enable gpl enable librtmp.. successfully cross compiled librtmp in the directory referenced by .. rtmpdump. Edit the FFmpeg configure script and search for the line enabled librtmp require_pkg_config librtmp librtmp rtmp.h RTMP_Socket Comment that out put a '#' at the front..
Android, build openssl-fips-2.0 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin PATH export MACHINE armv7l export RELEASE 2.6.32.GMU export SYSTEM android export ARCH arm export CROSS_COMPILE arm linux androideabi export ANDROID_DEV ANDROID_NDK platforms android 14 arch arm usr export HOSTCC..
Eclipse JUNO doesn't start 48.261 eclipse.buildId I20120608 1400 java.version 1.6.0_33 java.vendor Apple Inc. BootLoader constants OS macosx ARCH x86_64 WS cocoa NL ru_RU Framework arguments product keyring Users max .eclipse_keyring..
Eclipse / Android : “Errors running builder 'Android Pre Compiler' on project…” data eclipse.buildId M20120208 0800 java.version 1.6.0_37 java.vendor Apple Inc. BootLoader constants OS macosx ARCH x86_64 WS cocoa NL en_US Framework arguments keyring Users onemick .eclipse_keyring showlocation Command line arguments..
Emulator screen hangs when trying to run android application data eclipse.buildId v22.0.1 685705 java.version 1.7.0_21 java.vendor Oracle Corporation BootLoader constants OS win32 ARCH x86_64 WS win32 NL en_US Framework arguments product Command line arguments..
Android kernel compile and test with Android Emulator goldfish 2.6.29 b goldfish Generate the emulator configuration qemu emulator runs arm code i.e. an arm config make ARCH arm goldfish_defconfig if that doesn't work try make ARCH arm goldfish_armv7_defconfig Now build the kernel using the cross.. qemu emulator runs arm code i.e. an arm config make ARCH arm goldfish_defconfig if that doesn't work try make ARCH arm goldfish_armv7_defconfig Now build the kernel using the cross compilation tools distributed with the open source project.. Now build the kernel using the cross compilation tools distributed with the open source project make ARCH arm CROSS_COMPILE mydroid prebuilt linux x86 toolchain arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi The kernel built this way should end..
Eclipse launch error when trying to run an Android app eclipse.buildId M20090917 0800 java.version 1.6.0_17 java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS win32 ARCH x86 WS win32 NL en_US Framework arguments product product
Failed to load properties file for android project eclipse.buildId M20100211 1343 java.version 1.5.0_18 java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86 WS gtk NL ru_UA Command line arguments os linux ws gtk arch x86 Does anyone know how do I deal with this android eclipse..
Android SDK Content Loader failing with NullPointerException eclipse.buildId M20100909 0800 java.version 1.6.0_20 java.vendor Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants OS linux ARCH x86 WS gtk NL en_IE Framework arguments product Command line arguments os linux ws..
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? 2.1 update1 TARGET_PRODUCT generic TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT eng TARGET_SIMULATOR TARGET_BUILD_TYPE release TARGET_ARCH arm HOST_ARCH x86 HOST_OS linux HOST_BUILD_TYPE release BUILD_ID ECLAIR build core 15 warning overriding.. TARGET_PRODUCT generic TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT eng TARGET_SIMULATOR TARGET_BUILD_TYPE release TARGET_ARCH arm HOST_ARCH x86 HOST_OS linux HOST_BUILD_TYPE release BUILD_ID ECLAIR build core 15 warning overriding commands for.. arm eabi 4.2.1 bin arm eabi KERNEL_DIR home myuser WORKING_DIRECTORY VERSION v1.1 all make C KERNEL_DIR M PWD ARCH arm CROSS_COMPILE CROSS_COMPILE modules rm rf .c~ rm rf .mod rm rf .o clean make C KERNEL_DIR M PWD clean I have very little..