android Programming Glossary: app_icon
Android: NoClassDefFoundError for some app users versionName 2.1 android installLocation auto uses sdk android minSdkVersion 8 application android icon @drawable app_icon android label @string app_name android theme @android style Theme.Black android debuggable false activity android name .WelcomeScreen..
How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment Using ViewPager android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android allowBackup true android icon @drawable app_icon android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme Google Maps Fragment API Key Data meta data android name
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? application context. For example application android name android icon @drawable app_icon android label @string app_name I can now add methods to ApplicationEx for activities and services to use to communicate...
Getting App Icon in Android them. Here's a snippet from packages apps Settings res layout manage_applications_item.xml ImageView android id @ id app_icon android layout_width @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_height @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_marginRight.. res layout manage_applications_item.xml ImageView android id @ id app_icon android layout_width @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_height @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_marginRight 11dip android layout_gravity center_vertical.. android id @ id app_icon android layout_width @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_height @android dimen app_icon_size android layout_marginRight 11dip android layout_gravity center_vertical android scaleType fitCenter share improve..
Variable package name with Maven Android Plugin filters in strings.xml string name app_name app_name string string name widget_name widget_name string string name app_icon app_icon string The problem is that this does not work for the package name If I do manifest package ADT well the.. in strings.xml string name app_name app_name string string name widget_name widget_name string string name app_icon app_icon string The problem is that this does not work for the package name If I do manifest package ADT well the XML validator..