android Programming Glossary: approx
Augmented reality - Image size transform of the viewport will be hypotenuse 2.83 d Note 2.83 is approx. 2 sqr. root of 2 Step 4 Conclusions And Application So if you..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds.. Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] 0 Meters total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 1.5 approx .25 Meters total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 0.0 if.. .5 Meters total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 1.5 approx .75 Meters total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 0.0 1..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? the printer prints a lot of strange characters approx. 50 cm of paper . I don't know how to print the image. I would..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context several caveats Android 3.x features are not available to approx. 90 of devices on the market at this time The devices must also..
Android: I want to shake it from static acceleration such as gravity. It will be approx. 0 if there is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked...
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? only look good and or work for a TextView sized to approx. 1 2 the screen with also a 40px top margin and 20px side margins.....
Android multiple screen sizes with same density G1 or Hero which has a resolution 480x320 and a density of approx 160dpi. An image 300 pixels wide will be 1.875 inches across... or similar these models have a higher resolution screen of approx 800x480 with a high density of approx 240dpi. If you display.. resolution screen of approx 800x480 with a high density of approx 240dpi. If you display the same 300px wide image it will now..
How to dynamically set textview height android int height_in_pixels tv.getLineCount tv.getLineHeight approx height text tv.setHeight height_in_pixels If you want to use..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow to insert lots of Contact entries. At the current time approx 600 contacts with a total of 6000 phone numbers. The biggest.. list 100 200 400 but the total running time is approx. the same. To insert all the contacts and numbers takes about..
Android Shared Service? changes . I am relatively new to Android development approx 2 months so please forgive my ignorance. The question I have..
Can I see the Logcat on the Android Phone itself, without connecting it to the computer? see is an entry from the ActivityManager looking like this approx. Timestamp INFO ActivityManager 7703 Starting Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN..
Limitation on texture size? Android Open GL ES 2.0 texture of size 2048x2048 that would be of same size approx as uncompressed 1024x1024. Also please let me know on an general..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android images as frames in my resources drawable folder let say approx 200 . And using this images i want run a animation. The longest..
Displaying YUV Image in Android displayed My query is overall this function is taking approx 40 ms is there any way to optimize it 1 Is there any way to..
Augmented reality - Image size transform from a distance d with a view of 90 degrees the hypotenuse of the viewport will be hypotenuse 2.83 d Note 2.83 is approx. 2 sqr. root of 2 Step 4 Conclusions And Application So if you are standing 100 feet from an object then your viewport is..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen my Size app for Android. Screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified as small or normal roughly.. Screen size Android defines four generalised screen sizes Qualifier Size small ~3 inches approx normal ~4 inches approx large Exceeds 4 inches xlarge Exceeds 7 inches Most phones are classified as small or normal roughly 3 to 4 inches diagonally..
Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate] one meter you will get something like this total_Accel 0.0 0 Meters total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 1.5 approx .25 Meters total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 0.0 if accel is perfectly distributed .5 Meters total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel.. 0.5 total_Accel 0.0 if accel is perfectly distributed .5 Meters total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 1.5 approx .75 Meters total_Accel 1.0 total_Accel 0.5 total_Accel 0.0 1 Meter In the example you can start to see why simply doubly..
How can I print an image on a Bluetooth printer in Android? 90 stream byte image stream.toByteArray Unfortunately the printer prints a lot of strange characters approx. 50 cm of paper . I don't know how to print the image. I would like to try getting the pixels of the bitmap and next converting..
Prevent onPause from trashing OpenGL Context on pause without needing to be recreated. However there are several caveats Android 3.x features are not available to approx. 90 of devices on the market at this time The devices must also support multiple EGL contexts it is unclear how many devices..
Android: I want to shake it the current acceleration independent from the axis and cleaned from static acceleration such as gravity. It will be approx. 0 if there is no movement and lets say 2 if the device is shaked. Notes The accelometer should be deactivated onPause and..
How to scale/resize text to fit a TextView? very specific to the application. For instance this will probably only look good and or work for a TextView sized to approx. 1 2 the screen with also a 40px top margin and 20px side margins... no bottom margin . The using this approach though you..
Android multiple screen sizes with same density pixels is very different. So let's consider the screen of a G1 or Hero which has a resolution 480x320 and a density of approx 160dpi. An image 300 pixels wide will be 1.875 inches across. This is calculated by pixel size 300 density 160 . Now if.. if you compare this to the screen of the Nexus One Droid or similar these models have a higher resolution screen of approx 800x480 with a high density of approx 240dpi. If you display the same 300px wide image it will now only physically be displayed.. the Nexus One Droid or similar these models have a higher resolution screen of approx 800x480 with a high density of approx 240dpi. If you display the same 300px wide image it will now only physically be displayed at about one and a quarter inches..
How to dynamically set textview height android height in code TextView tv TextView findViewById int height_in_pixels tv.getLineCount tv.getLineHeight approx height text tv.setHeight height_in_pixels If you want to use dip units which allows your app to scale across multiple screen..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow applyBatch is slow I'm developing an application where I need to insert lots of Contact entries. At the current time approx 600 contacts with a total of 6000 phone numbers. The biggest contact has 1800 phone numbers. Status as of today is that.. I've tried with different sizes of the ContentProviderOperation list 100 200 400 but the total running time is approx. the same. To insert all the contacts and numbers takes about 30 minutes Most issues I've found regarding slow insertion..
Android Shared Service? let me know of any error and I will be sure to make appropriate changes . I am relatively new to Android development approx 2 months so please forgive my ignorance. The question I have is regarding the android service. My issue is as follows I..
Can I see the Logcat on the Android Phone itself, without connecting it to the computer? a special permission for this Read_logs . The least you can see is an entry from the ActivityManager looking like this approx. Timestamp INFO ActivityManager 7703 Starting Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.LAUNCHER..
Limitation on texture size? Android Open GL ES 2.0 a limitation of 1024x1024 image size can it handle a compressed texture of size 2048x2048 that would be of same size approx as uncompressed 1024x1024. Also please let me know on an general basis usually how much the limitation on texture size or..
Causing OutOfMemoryError in Frame by Frame Animation in Android in Frame by Frame Animation in Android I am having lots of images as frames in my resources drawable folder let say approx 200 . And using this images i want run a animation. The longest animation is of 80Frames. I am successfully able to run..
Displaying YUV Image in Android img img.recycle img null System.out.println video image displayed My query is overall this function is taking approx 40 ms is there any way to optimize it 1 Is there any way to display YUV data to imageView 2 Is there any other way to create..