android Programming Glossary: appbasetheme
Not targeting the latest versions of Android android label @string app_name android theme @style AppBaseTheme activity android name com.example.themetest.MainActivity android.. 7 Android Lint Problem I am using a custom theme called 'AppBaseTheme'. My question is what exactly Consult the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES..
remove padding around action bar left icon on Android 4.0+ in your res values v14 styles.xml to null eg style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar API 14 theme customizations..
How to set default font family for entire Android app tried like this but it didn't seem to work. style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Light style style name AppTheme parent.. android Theme.Light style style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style android.. TextView and Button classes. style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android textViewStyle @style RobotoTextViewStyle item..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments to the Activity . themes.xml style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.ActionBar item style.. item style themes v11.xml style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android actionBarStyle @style Widget.ActionBar item..
How to disable default sound effects for all my application or activity xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Theme customizations.. here. style Application theme. style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API..
Not targeting the latest versions of Android android allowBackup true android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppBaseTheme activity android name com.example.themetest.MainActivity android label @string app_name intent filter action android name.. javadoc for details. AndroidManifest.xml ThemeTest line 7 Android Lint Problem I am using a custom theme called 'AppBaseTheme'. My question is what exactly Consult the android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES javadoc. . How could I solve this problem android..
remove padding around action bar left icon on Android 4.0+ in the layout process force the drawable used as up indicator in your res values v14 styles.xml to null eg style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar API 14 theme customizations can go here. item name android homeAsUpIndicator..
How to set default font family for entire Android app the Roboto font as default font family to entire app I've tried like this but it didn't seem to work. style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Light style style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android fontFamily sans serif light item.. this but it didn't seem to work. style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Light style style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android fontFamily sans serif light item style android android fonts share improve this question The answer.. this question The answer is yes. Global Roboto light for TextView and Button classes. style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android textViewStyle @style RobotoTextViewStyle item item name android buttonStyle @style RobotoButtonStyle item..
AppCompat Action Bar library not displaying added fragments screen below it. The Fragment doesn't seem to be getting added to the Activity . themes.xml style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.ActionBar item style themes v11.xml style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item.. AppBaseTheme item name actionBarStyle @style Widget.ActionBar item style themes v11.xml style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme item name android actionBarStyle @style Widget.ActionBar item style styles.xml style name Widget.ActionBar parent @style..
How to disable default sound effects for all my application or activity improve this question Create a theme file res values styles.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name AppBaseTheme parent android Theme.Black.NoTitleBar Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in res values vXX styles.xml.. customizations related to backward compatibility can go here. style Application theme. style name AppTheme parent AppBaseTheme All customizations that are NOT specific to a particular API level can go here. item name android soundEffectsEnabled false..