android Programming Glossary: apikey
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace with real client registration IDs registrationIDs.. message message headers array 'Authorization key ' . apiKey 'Content Type application json' Open connection ch curl_init..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities 0 protected Integer dispatchIntervalSecs protected String apiKey protected Context context NOTE you should use your Application.. leaks. protected GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager String apiKey Application context this.apiKey apiKey this.context context.. String apiKey Application context this.apiKey apiKey this.context context NOTE you should use your Application..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM final String NAME X FACEBOOK PLATFORM private String apiKey private String applicationSecret private String sessionKey.. NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKeyAndSessionKey String host String applicationSecret throws IOException.. applicationSecret throws IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey null applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate]
Error Inflating class layout_height fill_parent android clickable true android apiKey and manifestfile is this android google maps map android mapview..
Android 1.5: Reading SMS messages
Google Maps Android V2 - Blank Screen shows me the white screen.What could cause the problem The apikey I've used is same in both of the applications. But it works..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters uri JSON_ADDRESS String result String username user String apikey something String contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj.. JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost.. try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost httpPost..
How to find Location near by my Current location? private String API_KEY public PlacesService String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY.. API_KEY public PlacesService String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public.. apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public List Place findPlaces double latitude..
GCM with PHP (Google Cloud Messaging) should use a Server Key in the Authorization header as written here Replace with real BROWSER API key from Google APIs apiKey 123456 Replace with real client registration IDs registrationIDs array 123 456 Message to be sent message x Set POST variables.. fields array 'registration_ids' registrationIDs 'data' array message message headers array 'Authorization key ' . apiKey 'Content Type application json' Open connection ch curl_init Set the url number of POST vars POST data curl_setopt ch..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities INSTANCE protected int activityCount 0 protected Integer dispatchIntervalSecs protected String apiKey protected Context context NOTE you should use your Application context not your Activity context in order to avoid memory.. context not your Activity context in order to avoid memory leaks. protected GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager String apiKey Application context this.apiKey apiKey this.context context NOTE you should use your Application context not your Activity.. context in order to avoid memory leaks. protected GoogleAnalyticsSessionManager String apiKey Application context this.apiKey apiKey this.context context NOTE you should use your Application context not your Activity context in order to avoid memory..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM extends SASLMechanism private static final String NAME X FACEBOOK PLATFORM private String apiKey private String applicationSecret private String sessionKey Constructor. public SASLXFacebookPlatformMechanism SASLAuthentication.. XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate String apiKeyAndSessionKey String host String applicationSecret throws IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey null applicationSecret.. void authenticate String apiKeyAndSessionKey String host String applicationSecret throws IOException XMPPException if apiKeyAndSessionKey null applicationSecret null throw new IllegalArgumentException Invalid parameters String keyArray apiKeyAndSessionKey.split..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate]
Error Inflating class id @ id mapview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent android clickable true android apiKey and manifestfile is this android google maps map android mapview inflate share improve this question I had this problem..
Android 1.5: Reading SMS messages
Google Maps Android V2 - Blank Screen to in my console fingerprint but still it shows me the white screen.What could cause the problem The apikey I've used is same in both of the applications. But it works on test application not on the real app . I've created the api..
Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters httpClient.setCookieStore cookieStore String uri JSON_ADDRESS String result String username user String apikey something String contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put.. String contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost uri List NameValuePair postParams.. contentType application json JSONObject jsonObj new JSONObject try jsonObj.put username username jsonObj.put apikey apikey catch JSONException e Log.e TAG JSONException e HttpPost httpPost new HttpPost uri List NameValuePair postParams new ArrayList..
How to find Location near by my Current location? import android.util.Log public class PlacesService private String API_KEY public PlacesService String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public List Place findPlaces double latitude.. android.util.Log public class PlacesService private String API_KEY public PlacesService String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public List Place findPlaces double latitude double longitude String.. private String API_KEY public PlacesService String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public void setApiKey String apikey this.API_KEY apikey public List Place findPlaces double latitude double longitude String placeSpacification String urlString..