android Programming Glossary: anyways
is canvas in android proportional on different devices cable doesn't work I know.. I have to get a new one.. . anyways i would like to know if the canvas would transfer my coordinates..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK pretty sure I used the wrong one but try to get that right anyways Google provides instructions for it. It'll generate a Client..
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 the resources to the app local directory on the device but anyways for the sake of completeness here is a list of extensions that..
Getting started with Android [closed] will most likely take you to one of these discussion anyways. Here you can discuss about your difficulties possibly with..
Issues and contribution for Volley it a file name. getCacheDir would return your own folder anyways. I'd recommend doing this when initializing Volley usually the..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground to notify the user if he is currently in my application anyways. So far i have not managed to find a way to determine if my..
kinds of animation techniques in android? a fair amount of power enough to cover most use cases anyways . The AnimationUtils class can help a lot too. A quick grep..
android get duration from directions of KML which I think breaks the Google maps license terms anyways. Update. Ok use the JSON output with it parsing is built into..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android to. Since I was getting the URI from contacts table anyways this was not needed and the following should have been substituted...
Android: Launch activity from clickable text you want to be clickable. Since you are using HTML anyways you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? and more websites like it. Your app will be on there anyways because they scrape the market but you can add Youtube clips..
How to resize AlertDialog on the Keyboard display
Using my own prebuilt shared library in an Android NDK project time then what's the point of making a separate static lib anyways And if I change in the separate project to read include..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? return optional in this case since the loop will exit anyways Finally if you want to be sure a thread exits with the rest..
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? to do with it in the traditional meaning of the word . Anyways you can't use getLineCount since that will always return the..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? so I'm unsure why it isn't used in the snippet above... Anyways all extras provided as argument upon creating the fragment will..
IOException while reading from InputStream returns an InputStream for a file from the Android assets. Anyways here's where I run into the issue bytes buffer new bytes 2
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working which both supports some HTML and requires a ScrollView. Anyways remove the ScrollView as soon as you convert your TextView into..
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest..
Set minimum zoom level for MapView wonder why there isn't any other way of doing this easier. Anyways you just need to override your draw method like this @Override..
get view id from oncontextitemselected for the menu to appear. Not which menu item is clicked. Anyways I've a solution which I'll add in pretty soon. thanks private..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file one or two shipping a packed DB might not be worth it. Anyways some apps come with rather large databases for example a recipe..
Android capturing volume up/down key presses in broadcast receiver? as well as the screen on off button is this possible . Anyways using some code along the lines of the following I can do this..
How to change TimerHandler delay in AndEngine? the interval you should keep a reference to the timer. Anyways to change interval use timer.setInterval newInterval share..
is canvas in android proportional on different devices currently I can only use my emulator since my phone's usb cable doesn't work I know.. I have to get a new one.. . anyways i would like to know if the canvas would transfer my coordinates and make everything proportional what I mean by that is..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK think the fingerprints thing is actually important as I'm pretty sure I used the wrong one but try to get that right anyways Google provides instructions for it. It'll generate a Client ID . You're going to need that. Hold onto it. Edit I've been..
Looking for a working example of addTimedTextSource for adding subtitle to a video from an .srt file in Android 4.1 compression is nice but I prefer to copy the srt file from the resources to the app local directory on the device but anyways for the sake of completeness here is a list of extensions that won't be compressed. .jpg .jpeg .png .gif .wav .mp2 .mp3..
Getting started with Android [closed] is probably the best place to go. However a good search on google will most likely take you to one of these discussion anyways. Here you can discuss about your difficulties possibly with the core developers too. They're probably the most..
Issues and contribution for Volley that cacheDir1 should be multiple directories deep. Just make it a file name. getCacheDir would return your own folder anyways. I'd recommend doing this when initializing Volley usually the recommended place is the Application class File volleyCacheFile..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground . I pull information from a remote server and don't want to notify the user if he is currently in my application anyways. So far i have not managed to find a way to determine if my application is in the foreground. Is there a way to do such..
kinds of animation techniques in android? and the interpolations accelerate overshoot etc. which gives a fair amount of power enough to cover most use cases anyways . The AnimationUtils class can help a lot too. A quick grep through the Android system source code should give you some..
android get duration from directions The duration is returned in the response and no more parsing of KML which I think breaks the Google maps license terms anyways. Update. Ok use the JSON output with it parsing is built into Android. Ex url Response is status OK routes summary I 40..
Retrieve Contact Phone Number From URI in Android The id of the row in the Contacts table that this data belongs to. Since I was getting the URI from contacts table anyways this was not needed and the following should have been substituted. The ID was the one corresponding to the contact in the..
Android: Launch activity from clickable text you have to attach a Span object to the range of characters you want to be clickable. Since you are using HTML anyways you can use the underline spans placed by the Html.fromSource as markers for your own spans. Alternatively you could also..
Best time/day to publish to Android Market? some keywords you want to rank on in it. Get your app on appbrain and more websites like it. Your app will be on there anyways because they scrape the market but you can add Youtube clips and more screenshots although google's developer backend supports..
How to resize AlertDialog on the Keyboard display
Using my own prebuilt shared library in an Android NDK project redundant... If I have to build them both at the same time then what's the point of making a separate static lib anyways And if I change in the separate project to read include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY and include it like this in the..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? which can be interrupted if necessary if fatal error stopThread return optional in this case since the loop will exit anyways Finally if you want to be sure a thread exits with the rest of your application no matter what a good technique is to call..
Android - How to make all lines in an edittext underlined? was kind of misleading since as it turns out that has little to do with it in the traditional meaning of the word . Anyways you can't use getLineCount since that will always return the number of lines that contain actual text. That would mean you..
Where/How to getIntent().getExtras() in an Android Fragment? There actually is a newInstance method in DetailsFragment so I'm unsure why it isn't used in the snippet above... Anyways all extras provided as argument upon creating the fragment will be available by calling getArguments . Since this returns..
IOException while reading from InputStream is getResources .openRawResource R.raw.myfile This returns an InputStream for a file from the Android assets. Anyways here's where I run into the issue bytes buffer new bytes 2 buffer When the read executes it throws an IOException..
Android Webview Anchor Link (Jump link) not working
Add a new activity to the AndroidManifest? AndroidManifest I'm on a new android project just a simple one. I have three tabs activity1 2 3 with different tasks. Anyways how do I add these 3 activities do the AndroidManifest my manifest application uses sdk android minSdkVersion 4 Yeah..
Set minimum zoom level for MapView you will have to create one just for this tiny feature . I wonder why there isn't any other way of doing this easier. Anyways you just need to override your draw method like this @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow..
get view id from oncontextitemselected make myself clear I wanted to know which button was clicked for the menu to appear. Not which menu item is clicked. Anyways I've a solution which I'll add in pretty soon. thanks private static final int SEND_AS_TEXT Menu.FIRST private static final..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file standard entries you want to add to your database. If it's just one or two shipping a packed DB might not be worth it. Anyways some apps come with rather large databases for example a recipe collection . You can obviously not add all these in code...
Android capturing volume up/down key presses in broadcast receiver? override the default behaviour of the volume up down buttons as well as the screen on off button is this possible . Anyways using some code along the lines of the following I can do this @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event..
How to change TimerHandler delay in AndEngine?