android Programming Glossary: apn_id
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner Wi Fi. Q How can i add option of Wi Fi in my spinner This is my Code Spinner GPRS String name_of_GPRS__available int apn_id public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.configuration EnumerateAPNs.. long id An item was selected. You can retrieve the selected item using parent.getItemAtPosition position SetDefaultAPN apn_id position Toast.makeText parent.getContext ETracking System Selects parent.getItemAtPosition position .toString Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. false ContentResolver resolver Configuration.this.getContentResolver ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put apn_id id try resolver.update Uri.parse content telephony carriers preferapn values null null Cursor c resolver.query Uri.parse..
Android APN Enforcement columns where wargs sortOrder if cur null if cur.moveToFirst ContentValues values new ContentValues 1 values.put apn_id cur.getLong 0 if context.getContentResolver .update APN_PREFER_URI values null null 1 changed true cur.close return changed..