android Programming Glossary: app2
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use.. so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 ... signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1 can send..
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app from specific app I have 2 applications. If I use service I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that.. I have 2 applications. If I use service I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way.. send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1 can send an intent to a service on app2 and no other app unless my..