android Programming Glossary: append
Caching images and displaying correctly. Json only returns the name of the jpg so i append that to the URL and Store it in imageUrl . The other two textviews..
Android Writing Logs to text File I want to read previous contents of the file and then append my data with the existing content. The Code is as follows public.. new StringBuffer while ch 1 buffer.append char ch current byte data new byte int file.length improve this question Hope this can help... public void appendLog String text File logFile new File sdcard log.file if logFile.exists..
Dynamic ListView in Android app there a working example out there that demonstrates how to append additional rows in ListView dynamically For example you are.. at a button to view more items the ListView will then get appended with additional 10 items which makes 20 items now in total...
OAuth secrets in mobile apps communication through our server where a script would append the secret to the request data and communicates with the provider...
Read contents of a URL in Android
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently that avoid to instantiate new String objects on each append it directly uses the internal char arrays without copy them... StringBuilder String line while line r.readLine null total.append line After that you can use total as a CharSequence for lots.. and creating some objects lots of times is expensive. a.append b being a a StringBuilder directly appends b contents to a so..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags When I write SAX parsers I use a StringBuilder to append everything passed to characters public void characters char.. length if buf null for int i start i start length i buf.append ch i Then in endElement I take the contents of the StringBuilder..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL i.e. append param1 value1 param2 value2 it succeeds. I know I'm missing..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] file in data data files out.txt. I am able to append information to the text however I am unable to read this file... strLine null if strLine dataIO.readLine null storedString.append strLine dataIO.close fis.close catch Exception e Change the..
auto-scrolling TextView in android to bring text into view and as far as I can tell works perfectly. function to append a string to a TextView as a new line and scroll to the bottom.. to the bottom if needed private void addMessage String msg append the new string mTextView.append msg n find the amount we need.. void addMessage String msg append the new string mTextView.append msg n find the amount we need to scroll. This works by asking..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? Your mileage may vary. If the SD Card is not available I append a friendly note to the email explaining why the images could..
How do I clone a View? question is almost exactly this question Clone textview to append it to a ViewGroup However I was inflating a view and then attempting..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse.. size equals the minimum text size and still does not fit append with an ellipsis. @author Chase Colburn @since Apr 4 2011 public.. we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit append an ellipsis if mAddEllipsis targetTextSize mMinTextSize textHeight..
Load the image saved in sdcard in webview html text html utf 8 This did the trick as we have to append the prefix file before any file so as to display in the webview..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) to not be present. The above command will create it or append to the bottom of it if it already exists. Now run the commands..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? them. Each toString use StringBuilder with a bunch of append methods without a good initializing size. Doing the .equals..
How to make an intent with multiple actions openInChooser Intent.createChooser viewIntent Open in... Append for editing to applicable apps otherwise they will show up twice..
Face Recognition on Android IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor img grayImg CV_BGR2GRAY Append it in the image list images.put counter grayImg And in the labels..
How To Read/Write String From A File In Android generated method stub Read From The Saved File Here And Append It To String myID String hash Uri.encode # Intent intent new..
sqlite example program in android [closed] Notify any watchers of the change newUri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI id getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange.. .getContentResolver .notifyChange uri null return count Append an id test to a SQL selection expression private String appendRowId..
How to use SharedPreferences to save more than one values? getStringFromPreferences activity null favorites Append new Favorite item if favoriteList null favoriteList favoriteList..
Rooting ICS emulator; pushing su fails with “Out of memory”
clickable word inside TextView in android Set the TextView's text tv.setText To perform action Append the link we created above using a function defined below. tv.append.. above using a function defined below. tv.append link Append a period this will not be a link . tv.append . This line makes..
Caching images and displaying Here i have debugged and found out that imageUrl gets formed correctly. Json only returns the name of the jpg so i append that to the URL and Store it in imageUrl . The other two textviews are getting properly parsed and displayed. If any one..
Android Writing Logs to text File then this method creates file but contains nothing. Basically I want to read previous contents of the file and then append my data with the existing content. The Code is as follows public static void write String str InputStream fileInputStream.. file.exists int ch 0 int current 0 StringBuffer buffer new StringBuffer while ch 1 buffer.append char ch current byte data new byte int file.length data fileOutpurStream.write data fileOutpurStream.write.. generated catch block e.printStackTrace android share improve this question Hope this can help... public void appendLog String text File logFile new File sdcard log.file if logFile.exists try logFile.createNewFile catch IOException e..
Dynamic ListView in Android app ListView in Android app Is there a working example out there that demonstrates how to append additional rows in ListView dynamically For example you are pulling RSS feeds from different domains you then display the.. feeds you scroll and reach the bottom of the List and click at a button to view more items the ListView will then get appended with additional 10 items which makes 20 items now in total. Any advice how to accomplish this Nicholas java android listview..
OAuth secrets in mobile apps using a web view inside the app and then route all further communication through our server where a script would append the secret to the request data and communicates with the provider. Then again I'm a security noob so I'd really like to..
Read contents of a URL in Android
Android Reading from an Input stream efficiently with them. To drastically improve it you should use StringBuilder that avoid to instantiate new String objects on each append it directly uses the internal char arrays without copy them. The implementation for your case would be something like that.. new InputStreamReader inputStream StringBuilder total new StringBuilder String line while line r.readLine null total.append line After that you can use total as a CharSequence for lots of cases without convert it to String . If you need to do it.. you are doing those copies on each iteration. Copying some Kbs and creating some objects lots of times is expensive. a.append b being a a StringBuilder directly appends b contents to a so you don't copy the accumulated String on each iteration. ..
Android SAX parser not getting full text from between tags external entity so that the Locator provides useful information. When I write SAX parsers I use a StringBuilder to append everything passed to characters public void characters char ch int start int length if buf null for int i start i start.. to characters public void characters char ch int start int length if buf null for int i start i start length i buf.append ch i Then in endElement I take the contents of the StringBuilder and do something with it. That way if the parser calls..
How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android? setParams basicHttpParms on my HttpGet object. This method fails. But if I manually add my parameters to my URL i.e. append param1 value1 param2 value2 it succeeds. I know I'm missing something here and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks..
How to read text file in Android? [duplicate] I am saving details in out.txt file which has created a text file in data data files out.txt. I am able to append information to the text however I am unable to read this file. I used the following procedures to read the file File file..
auto-scrolling TextView in android to bring text into view It doesn't require you to wrap the TextView in a ScrollView and as far as I can tell works perfectly. function to append a string to a TextView as a new line and scroll to the bottom if needed private void addMessage String msg append the new.. to append a string to a TextView as a new line and scroll to the bottom if needed private void addMessage String msg append the new string mTextView.append msg n find the amount we need to scroll. This works by asking the TextView's internal layout.. as a new line and scroll to the bottom if needed private void addMessage String msg append the new string mTextView.append msg n find the amount we need to scroll. This works by asking the TextView's internal layout for the position of the final..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? available but this was totally acceptable for my use case. Your mileage may vary. If the SD Card is not available I append a friendly note to the email explaining why the images could not be attached and how to rectify the situation. share improve..
How do I clone a View? do I clone a View My question is almost exactly this question Clone textview to append it to a ViewGroup However I was inflating a view and then attempting to clone it at the object level for performance reasons..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I step down by 2 font pixels and remeasure until I have a size that fits. At the end if the text still does not fit I append an ellipsis. I had requirements to animate the text and reuse views and this seems to work well on the devices I have and.. auto adjusts text size to fit within the view. If the text size equals the minimum text size and still does not fit append with an ellipsis. @author Chase Colburn @since Apr 4 2011 public class AutoResizeTextView extends TextView Minimum text.. getTextHeight text textPaint width targetTextSize If we had reached our minimum text size and still don't fit append an ellipsis if mAddEllipsis targetTextSize mMinTextSize textHeight height Draw using a static layout StaticLayout layout..
Load the image saved in sdcard in webview
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) for finding your device so it's not unusual for that file to not be present. The above command will create it or append to the bottom of it if it already exists. Now run the commands listed way above to restart adb and you should be good to..
Why are annotations under Android such a performance issue (slow)? . It is calling the toString of both methods and then comparing them. Each toString use StringBuilder with a bunch of append methods without a good initializing size. Doing the .equals by comparing fields would be significantly faster. EDIT An interesting..
How to make an intent with multiple actions uri type editIntent.setDataAndType uri type Intent openInChooser Intent.createChooser viewIntent Open in... Append for editing to applicable apps otherwise they will show up twice identically Spannable forEditing new SpannableString for..
Face Recognition on Android image to grayscale grayImg IplImage.create img.width img.height IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCvtColor img grayImg CV_BGR2GRAY Append it in the image list images.put counter grayImg And in the labels list labels counter label Increase counter for next image..
How To Read/Write String From A File In Android @Override public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub Read From The Saved File Here And Append It To String myID String hash Uri.encode # Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_CALL intent.setData Uri.parse tel 141..
sqlite example program in android [closed] QUADUSER try id db.insertOrThrow TABLE_NAME null values Notify any watchers of the change newUri ContentUris.withAppendedId CONTENT_URI id getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange newUri null catch NullPointerException e Log.v Error.. Unknown URI uri Notify any watchers of the change getContext .getContentResolver .notifyChange uri null return count Append an id test to a SQL selection expression private String appendRowId String selection long id return _ID id TextUtils.isEmpty..
How to use SharedPreferences to save more than one values? String favoriteItem Get previous favorite items String favoriteList getStringFromPreferences activity null favorites Append new Favorite item if favoriteList null favoriteList favoriteList favoriteItem else favoriteList favoriteItem Save in Shared..
Rooting ICS emulator; pushing su fails with “Out of memory”
clickable word inside TextView in android We need a TextView instance. TextView tv new TextView context Set the TextView's text tv.setText To perform action Append the link we created above using a function defined below. tv.append link Append a period this will not be a link . tv.append.. text tv.setText To perform action Append the link we created above using a function defined below. tv.append link Append a period this will not be a link . tv.append . This line makes the link clickable makeLinksFocusable tv Methods used above...