android Programming Glossary: apktool
Reading Strings.xml file from apk file Yes you can extract all the Resource files using apktool Steps 1. Download files from above links and extract them in.. them in a folder. 2. Open cmd run 3. Run command as apktool.bat d source.apk destination_path OR 1. Put apktool.jar and.. as apktool.bat d source.apk destination_path OR 1. Put apktool.jar and test.apk in same folder 2. Go to the jar and .apk path..
Decompile an APK, modify it and then recompile it and then recompile it. I can decompile it using dex2jar or apktool it's working great From the jar file I can obtain the java sources.. files for android I know that an other solution is to use apktool and then modify the smali files but it seems to be really complicated.. Jar. With jd gui I convert my Jar back to Java files. With apktool i got the android manifest and the ressources files In Eclipse..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package
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How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file? XML files of an Android APK file. There is a tool android apktool It is a tool for reengineering 3rd party closed binary Android.. apps How to do this on your Windows System Download apktool install windows file Download apktool file Unpack both to your.. System Download apktool install windows file Download apktool file Unpack both to your Windows directory Now copy the APK..
What's the best way to learn Smali (and how/when to use Dalvik VM opcodes)? so this gives good concepts. http group apktool pli 1 Some discussions there are worth reading through. Also..
Injecting code into APK code into APK I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again but my question is how would you be able.. uses some amazon activity to check for the drm. Method apktool d xxx.apk cd xxx smali grep RHin 'amazon' Findings First you..
launch skype from the app programetically & pass number - android user_name startActivity sky To find this and others use apktool to open up the Skype APK. Look at the AndroidManifest.xml and..
how to extract code of apk file steps. Step 3 Getting xml files from apk Download apktool and apktool install from the link and extract both files and.. Step 3 Getting xml files from apk Download apktool and apktool install from the link and extract both files and place it in.. Now open command prompt and goto the directory where apktool is stored here demoxmlfolder and type the command apktool if..
Reading Strings.xml file from apk file in strings.xml java android eclipse share improve this question Yes you can extract all the Resource files using apktool Steps 1. Download files from above links and extract them in a folder. 2. Open cmd run 3. Run command as apktool.bat d source.apk.. using apktool Steps 1. Download files from above links and extract them in a folder. 2. Open cmd run 3. Run command as apktool.bat d source.apk destination_path OR 1. Put apktool.jar and test.apk in same folder 2. Go to the jar and .apk path by command.. and extract them in a folder. 2. Open cmd run 3. Run command as apktool.bat d source.apk destination_path OR 1. Put apktool.jar and test.apk in same folder 2. Go to the jar and .apk path by command line 3. And fire the command java jar apktool.jar..
Decompile an APK, modify it and then recompile it it I need to modify an existing APK modify the sources and then recompile it. I can decompile it using dex2jar or apktool it's working great From the jar file I can obtain the java sources using jd gui Then I can modify the java files But now.. easy the main problem seems to be how to recompile the java files for android I know that an other solution is to use apktool and then modify the smali files but it seems to be really complicated when we want to add a lot of code My application is.. only on really simple projects With Dex2jar I obtained the Jar. With jd gui I convert my Jar back to Java files. With apktool i got the android manifest and the ressources files In Eclipse I create a new project with the same settings as the old..
How to parse the AndroidManifest.xml file inside an .apk package
launch facebook app from other app
How to view AndroidManifest.xml from APK file? improve this question Yes you can view or decrypt the XML files of an Android APK file. There is a tool android apktool It is a tool for reengineering 3rd party closed binary Android apps How to do this on your Windows System Download apktool.. It is a tool for reengineering 3rd party closed binary Android apps How to do this on your Windows System Download apktool install windows file Download apktool file Unpack both to your Windows directory Now copy the APK file also in that directory.. party closed binary Android apps How to do this on your Windows System Download apktool install windows file Download apktool file Unpack both to your Windows directory Now copy the APK file also in that directory and run the following command in..
What's the best way to learn Smali (and how/when to use Dalvik VM opcodes)? guide.html Smali syntax is based on Jasmin so this gives good concepts. http group apktool pli 1 Some discussions there are worth reading through. Also a good place to search for when you're stuck in something...
Injecting code into APK code into APK I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again but my question is how would you be able to inject large amounts of code into an apk and execute.. apk to be installed in order to function so the classes below uses some amazon activity to check for the drm. Method apktool d xxx.apk cd xxx smali grep RHin 'amazon' Findings First you might want to take a look at .class public Lcom amazon mas..
launch skype from the app programetically & pass number - android Intent android.intent.action.VIEW sky.setData Uri.parse skype user_name startActivity sky To find this and others use apktool to open up the Skype APK. Look at the AndroidManifest.xml and you'll see all the intent filters they know about. If you..
how to extract code of apk file will generate java files but to get xml files perform following steps. Step 3 Getting xml files from apk Download apktool and apktool install from the link and extract both files and place it in the same folder for example demoxmlfolder . Place.. java files but to get xml files perform following steps. Step 3 Getting xml files from apk Download apktool and apktool install from the link and extract both files and place it in the same folder for example demoxmlfolder . Place the .apk.. . Place the .apk file in same folder i.e demoxmlfolder Now open command prompt and goto the directory where apktool is stored here demoxmlfolder and type the command apktool if framework res.apk Above command should result in Framework..