android Programming Glossary: apologies
Caching images and displaying explanation as well as implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer with bounty as i was..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity bit of sample code including the snippet borrowed code apologies if this is against the rules.. temp.setComponent new ComponentName..
Restful API service this much code here but I don't know where I'm going wrong apologies in advance public class RestfulAPIService extends Service final..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? add my own proxy server Now they have two problems. with apologies to Jamie Zawinski Your assumptions are largely right. Right..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? a reply. android adk share improve this question My apologies accessory mode currently doesn't work with the Samsung Galaxy..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? android.permission.INTERNET in the manifest.xml. Edit My apologies please see the changes I made to the first paragraph. Here is..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview working. Perhaps it will help somebody else. A thousand apologies to the original authors of other SO answers. I have 'borrowed'..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment Fragment I am not sure how sensible this question is so I apologies up front however I know from a developer meet up tonight that..
Caching images and displaying down below. Please go through these answers for a detailed explanation as well as implementation of Lazy loading. My apologies for not being able to reward an answer with bounty as i was away for two days. android json imageview universal image loader..
Picasa access in android: PicasaUploadActivity has a 'share' button with a Picasa option and even a small bit of sample code including the snippet borrowed code apologies if this is against the rules.. temp.setComponent new ComponentName
Restful API service wrong. Anyway code in mostly full really didn't want to put this much code here but I don't know where I'm going wrong apologies in advance public class RestfulAPIService extends Service final RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback mCallbacks new..
How to keep the OAuth consumer secret safe, and how to react when it's compromised? Some people when confronted with a problem think œI know I'll add my own proxy server Now they have two problems. with apologies to Jamie Zawinski Your assumptions are largely right. Right down to the point where you start thinking about your own server..
How can I get the ADK DemoKit example working on a Google I/O Galaxy Tab 10.1? UPDATE 3 I have emailed Samsung support and am awaiting a reply. android adk share improve this question My apologies accessory mode currently doesn't work with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Samsung is aware of the issue and is working on..
How Can I Access an SSL Connection Through Android? to 3 Make sure you have the uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET in the manifest.xml. Edit My apologies please see the changes I made to the first paragraph. Here is the part to initialize your keystore and truststore SSLcontext..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview only. After about a dozen failed attempts here's what I have working. Perhaps it will help somebody else. A thousand apologies to the original authors of other SO answers. I have 'borrowed' a number of patterns below just thought it would be handy..
Best practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment practice for instantiating a new Android Fragment I am not sure how sensible this question is so I apologies up front however I know from a developer meet up tonight that I am not alone on this one. So I have seen two general practices..