android Programming Glossary: appeared
How to tell if Proguard has done its job was but there was no complaint. Indeed a new apk file appeared in my keystore and a set of files dump.txt etc appeared in my.. appeared in my keystore and a set of files dump.txt etc appeared in my app's proguard subdirectory. The mapping.txt looks like..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) message handler only seeing 0 before I did this the log appeared as follows 09 05 13 06 20.508 V BluetoothSocket.cpp 10176 writeNative..
Can't find my package path in file explorer I uninstalled and reinstalled Eclipse then this error appeared. I can't find ALL my project package in file explorer. May I..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses however that method appeared to be not completely reliable and its usage is discouraged...
HelloAndroid emulator problem tag. My symptom was the Android 2.2 AVD in the emulator appeared to hang when the nimated Android text was showing on the screen...
Eclipse Logcat window cuts off exception stack traces of a trace that isn't shown is a duplicate of a trace that appeared earlier in the exception cause chain. For example suppose I..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? attempt writing to my context.getCacheDir based file path appeared to work in the Gmail preview no image preview but attached file..
Android C2DM getting (401) Unauthorized while I was registering on their site and although it appeared that everything was working from the registration success email..
Android - Camera preview is sideways preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared to start out as a bug with certain hardware see here but can..
Soft Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field at the root of the problem. On changing it to 4 the layout appeared as it should have and the EditText had its first line above..
How to make admob always shows an ad on android? doesn't pop up so like you said you want to check if it appeared and if not replace it with something else. Create a listener..
Show soft keyboard in AlertDialog with a WebView inside (Android) HTML form. The perfect solution would be if the keyboard appeared when the user clicked on the website's text fields. However..
Android UDP Communication socket so the PC could reply. Nothing I was doing appeared to be getting the address of the listening socket as the socket..
Play sound with SoundPool following code but I have no sound and strange vibration appeared on my Samsung phone. But in the same time this code works well..
Programmatic Views how to set unique id's? am creating in my app bunch of programmatic View s. As it appeared to be they all by default have the same id 1 . In order to work..
MapView rendering with tiles missing with an “x” in the center mapView.setSatellite true mapView.setStreetView true They appeared back to back of each other and I looked back at the very beginning..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets for scrolling. This issue did not exist in 3.2.4 1 but has appeared in 4.0.3. I get a lot of JNI Warnings failed to find entry and..
How to tell if Proguard has done its job to complain that it didn't know where my proguard installation was but there was no complaint. Indeed a new apk file appeared in my keystore and a set of files dump.txt etc appeared in my app's proguard subdirectory. The mapping.txt looks like a.. was but there was no complaint. Indeed a new apk file appeared in my keystore and a set of files dump.txt etc appeared in my app's proguard subdirectory. The mapping.txt looks like a nice list of mappings from my long variable names to one..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) the buffer to 0 before reading in the latest stream thus the message handler only seeing 0 before I did this the log appeared as follows 09 05 13 06 20.508 V BluetoothSocket.cpp 10176 writeNative 09 05 13 06 20.533 I IN_BUFFER 10176 The entire buffer..
Can't find my package path in file explorer what changes I had made too many when doing another project I uninstalled and reinstalled Eclipse then this error appeared. I can't find ALL my project package in file explorer. May I know what is the problem and how to solve it. android eclipse..
How to determine if one of my activities is in the foreground checking. Note Previously this answer suggested to use ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses however that method appeared to be not completely reliable and its usage is discouraged. Check the link above for the details. share improve this answer..
HelloAndroid emulator problem core PC. Task Manager shows 8 CPUs on my PC on the Performance tag. My symptom was the Android 2.2 AVD in the emulator appeared to hang when the nimated Android text was showing on the screen. The Home screen would never show up. This scenario happened..
Eclipse Logcat window cuts off exception stack traces traces get the ... treatment. Put another way the chunk of a trace that isn't shown is a duplicate of a trace that appeared earlier in the exception cause chain. For example suppose I have code where the method main calls one which calls two and..
Android: How do I attach a temporary, generated image to an email? and EXTRA_STREAM method. But how do i do this My first attempt writing to my context.getCacheDir based file path appeared to work in the Gmail preview no image preview but attached file name and icon was visible but the attachment never arrived..
Android C2DM getting (401) Unauthorized but also that my account was messed up. Something went wrong while I was registering on their site and although it appeared that everything was working from the registration success email I received it wasn't. I re registered and everything works..
Android - Camera preview is sideways that it is displayed correctly android camera orientation preview portrait share improve this question This issue appeared to start out as a bug with certain hardware see here but can be overcome by using the call to mCamera.setDisplayOrientation..
Soft Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field 3 Apparently using a minSdkVersion below 4 was at the root of the problem. On changing it to 4 the layout appeared as it should have and the EditText had its first line above the top of the soft keyboard appropriately. Thanks for the help..
How to make admob always shows an ad on android? it will show one of your house ads. However sometimes it still doesn't pop up so like you said you want to check if it appeared and if not replace it with something else. Create a listener class that extends SimpleAdListener. Then override the onFailedToReceiveAd..
Show soft keyboard in AlertDialog with a WebView inside (Android) to work since I use an external website and not just a simple HTML form. The perfect solution would be if the keyboard appeared when the user clicked on the website's text fields. However having the keyboard appear together with the AlertDialog would..
Android UDP Communication listening socket with the address of the phone's unknown listening socket so the PC could reply. Nothing I was doing appeared to be getting the address of the listening socket as the socket would never receive anything. This solved my problem Android..
Play sound with SoundPool I need to play a short sound in my application. I wrote the following code but I have no sound and strange vibration appeared on my Samsung phone. But in the same time this code works well on my android simulator. My code is package com.samplers..
Programmatic Views how to set unique id's? Views how to set unique id's I am creating in my app bunch of programmatic View s. As it appeared to be they all by default have the same id 1 . In order to work with them I need to generate unique id's. I have tried several..
MapView rendering with tiles missing with an “x” in the center I found these two lines of code that was the culprit. mapView.setSatellite true mapView.setStreetView true They appeared back to back of each other and I looked back at the very beginning of development and they were there and it worked just..
Android WebView Memory Leak when using Assets taken the webviews and put them in a ViewPager to allow for scrolling. This issue did not exist in 3.2.4 1 but has appeared in 4.0.3. I get a lot of JNI Warnings failed to find entry and they still exist after the views are destroyed. I've looked..