android Programming Glossary: apkinfo
Android Lock Apps RunningAppProcessInfo.IMPORTANCE_FOREGROUND if lastFrontAppPkg.equals String appProcess.pkgList 0 apkInfo ApkInfo.getInfoFromPackageName appProcess.pkgList 0 mContext if apkInfo null apkInfo.getP .applicationInfo.flags ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM.. the lastFrontAppPkg if the pass is correct catch Exception e e.printStackTrace 0 1000 And here is the ApkInfo.getInfoFromPackageName Get the ApkInfo class of the packageName requested @param pkgName packageName @return ApkInfo class.. correct catch Exception e e.printStackTrace 0 1000 And here is the ApkInfo.getInfoFromPackageName Get the ApkInfo class of the packageName requested @param pkgName packageName @return ApkInfo class of the apk requested or null if package..