android Programming Glossary: apparently
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? there and there's only 16mb of heap on the Android and its apparently surprisingly easy to leak in an Android app. I've been looking..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? that B changes size. It also relies on the fact that you apparently can add multiple fragments to the same container and I am not..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader contribute . If what you have in mind is worth doing which apparently is you will be able to check on these mirrors if your request..
How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver? true for usedInFix isn't very helpful also. The system apparently loses the fix but still continue to report that there are several..
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java? [closed] and it's still getting used in new educational applets apparently. Update Compared to JEval 0.9.4 this ran 100 times faster on..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds simple conceptually but apparently there is no straightforward approach to do this. Can anyone..
Detect application heap size in Android is running at the same time . Note that the memory class apparently need not be a multiple of 8MB. We can see from the above that..
Focusable EditText inside ListView a touchscreen which should not be a requirement. ListView apparently has two modes in this regard 1. setItemsCanFocus true selector..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo socket factory the socket creation with createSocket has apparently been changed specifically for the SSLSocketFactory implementation...
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? implementations. Some claim to be simple to use but apparently they are all way above my head. I've even tried messing with..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? second parameter to getActivity and kin on PendingIntent apparently can be used to create distinct PendingIntent objects for the..
Android - Spacing between CheckBox and text have recently mentioned in answers below this behavior has apparently changed in Jelly Bean 4.2 . Your app will need to check which..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? tells me that the certificate has been installed but apparently it does not trust the certificate. Moreover when I try to copy..
Store orientation to an array - and compare could be the right way for me here. But I'm not that smart apparently so if anyone could help me out with the first steps with comparing..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] but probably a better solution. I haven't tested it but it apparently works. I think it is similar to the solution you've tried which..
When to call activity context OR application context? time the user tilts the phone or leave the app etc.. Which apparently the Garbage Collector GC doesn't catch and therefor uses too..
Return data from AsyncTask class books.length BookCatalogEntry temp DebugLog.d TAG apparently we found Integer.toString num_books books. for int book_id..
Gridview height gets cut 300dp makes it work. wrap_ content and fill_parent apparently not. My grid view GridView android id @ id myId android layout_width..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android When the MainActivity is supposed to be loaded the VM apparently cannot find the class. I cannot figure out why. The architecture..
Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device? say it reports incompatible but I can find no trend. Apparently I don't know very many people with Android devices. I have tried..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader android cursorloader share improve this question Apparently using the three classes together CursorLoader LoaderManager..
How to use custom font with WebView webview custom font share improve this question Apparently you can use a custom font for WebView as @raychung above suggested...
How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen? to full width and height manually but nothing works. Apparently a dialog window or an activity with the dialog theme will only..
Use external fonts in android not support OpenType. Use a TrueType font instead. UPDATE Apparently OpenType is now supported at least somewhat. It was not supported..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) Carriers.CONTENT_URI current null null null null Apparently you can't Read APNs in Android 4.2 What is the alternative for..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? share improve this question Don't use a reg ex. Apparently the following is a reg ex that correctly validates most e mails..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? take in the Android world I run into some sort of problem Apparently you cannot quit an application in Android but Android can very..
Android Launcher label vs. activity title launcher share improve this question Solution found Apparently intent filter can have a label attribute. If it's absent the..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes more information android share improve this question Apparently the problem are the spaces in the path so just from C Program..
How do I retrieve the logged in Google account on android phones? I wrote this from memory so it may need a little tweaking. Apparently it's possible to register now without an email address so maybe..
No generated file in my project statements and then do the clean up I mentioned. Apparently Jonas problem was related to incorrect target build settings...
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? around across the entire life time of an app. UPDATE Apparently my use of volatile here caused some confusion. My intention..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android at .android.t3d.MainActivity.onCreate 22 Apparently it means that method name is wrong but it looks ok to me. Any..
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment call to super.onActivityResult for unhandled result codes. Apparently even though the fragment is the one making the startActivityForResult..
MapView rendering with tiles missing with an “x” in the center development and they were there and it worked just fine. Apparently this is a BUG in the MapView as I'm guessing it tries to show..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) a nice Android app. A similar question is this . UPDATE Apparently there is a newer version than the above Oliver J. Woodman An..
Dx bad class file magic (cafebabe) or version (0033.0000) with ADK14 Any ideas Getting very frustrated with this. NOTE Apparently this error message can be triggered by a variety of different..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? and be sure to set each reference to null in onDestroy . Apparently leaking the Activity hanging onto it after is is destroyed is..
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? there just have to be some memory and resource leaks in there and there's only 16mb of heap on the Android and its apparently surprisingly easy to leak in an Android app. I've been looking around and so far have only been able to dig up info on 'hprof'..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? event occurs. However I don't see how that handles the fact that B changes size. It also relies on the fact that you apparently can add multiple fragments to the same container and I am not sure whether or not that is reliable behavior over the long..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader a suggestion request about a missing feature Android how to contribute . If what you have in mind is worth doing which apparently is you will be able to check on these mirrors if your request is ignored or if it is put to be implemented Github Android..
How can I check the current status of the GPS receiver? is of course useless. Checking if any of the satellites returns true for usedInFix isn't very helpful also. The system apparently loses the fix but still continue to report that there are several sats that are used in it. So the only working solution..
What's a good library for parsing mathematical expressions in java? [closed] I wrote this many years ago it has the qualities you mention and it's still getting used in new educational applets apparently. Update Compared to JEval 0.9.4 this ran 100 times faster on a small benchmark I tried on my MacBook the .jar is 6 times..
How to create a closed (circular) ListView? .. scrolling upward after the first item was reached the last begins .. 2 1 n n 1 .. It sounds simple conceptually but apparently there is no straightforward approach to do this. Can anyone point me to the right solution Thank you I have already received..
Detect application heap size in Android will not play as nicely with whatever other apps the user is running at the same time . Note that the memory class apparently need not be a multiple of 8MB. We can see from the above that the getMemoryClass result is unchanging for a given device..
Focusable EditText inside ListView EditText will focus it at that point however that relies on a touchscreen which should not be a requirement. ListView apparently has two modes in this regard 1. setItemsCanFocus true selector is never displayed but the EditText can get focus when using..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo Seesmic developer willing to share the fix In the custom socket factory the socket creation with createSocket has apparently been changed specifically for the SSLSocketFactory implementation. So the old @Override public Socket createSocket Socket..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? here but to be honest I don't understand any of the various implementations. Some claim to be simple to use but apparently they are all way above my head. I've even tried messing with the official Facebook Android SDK but that uses a webview interface..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? System.currentTimeMillis UPDATE Also the lightly documented second parameter to getActivity and kin on PendingIntent apparently can be used to create distinct PendingIntent objects for the same underlying Intent though I have never tried this. share..
Android - Spacing between CheckBox and text use different drawables for the checkbox. UPDATE As people have recently mentioned in answers below this behavior has apparently changed in Jelly Bean 4.2 . Your app will need to check which version its running on and use the appropriate method. share..
How to install trusted CA certificate on Android device? and using the according option from the settings menu. The device tells me that the certificate has been installed but apparently it does not trust the certificate. Moreover when I try to copy the keystore to my computer I still find the original stock..
Store orientation to an array - and compare here UPDATE I think that maybe Alis answer about using DTW could be the right way for me here. But I'm not that smart apparently so if anyone could help me out with the first steps with comparing to arrays I would be a happy man Thanks iphone android..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] help you out it is not as simple as the solution above but probably a better solution. I haven't tested it but it apparently works. I think it is similar to the solution you've tried which didn't work for you though. Hope this is what you are looking..
When to call activity context OR application context? context points to an Activity that is being destroyed each time the user tilts the phone or leave the app etc.. Which apparently the Garbage Collector GC doesn't catch and therefor uses too much memory.. But can anyone please come up with some really..
Return data from AsyncTask class String newBookOrdering new ArrayList String int num_books books.length BookCatalogEntry temp DebugLog.d TAG apparently we found Integer.toString num_books books. for int book_id 0 book_id num_books book_id JSONObject book books.getJSONObject..
Gridview height gets cut row and a little part of the second. Setting android layout_height 300dp makes it work. wrap_ content and fill_parent apparently not. My grid view GridView android id @ id myId android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android quite often among my users. The app crashes during startup. When the MainActivity is supposed to be loaded the VM apparently cannot find the class. I cannot figure out why. The architecture of the app is that there is a common project that both..
Why does the Google Play store say my Android app is incompatible with my own device? people with other devices say that it reports compatible others say it reports incompatible but I can find no trend. Apparently I don't know very many people with Android devices. I have tried the following moving a large ish file out of the res raw..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader method. android autocompletetextview stringtokenizer android cursorloader share improve this question Apparently using the three classes together CursorLoader LoaderManager MultiAutoCompleteTextView and Tokenizer has not been tried yet..
How to use custom font with WebView or how can I use this TrueType font with WebView Thanks. android webview custom font share improve this question Apparently you can use a custom font for WebView as @raychung above suggested. But this won't work for 2.1 Bug is reported here . This..
How can I get a Dialog style activity window to fill the screen? things even going through the WindowManager to expand the window to full width and height manually but nothing works. Apparently a dialog window or an activity with the dialog theme will only expand according to its contents but even that doesn't always..
Use external fonts in android widget share improve this question AFAIK Android does not support OpenType. Use a TrueType font instead. UPDATE Apparently OpenType is now supported at least somewhat. It was not supported originally so you will want to test your font thoroughly..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) apnCursor this.context.getContentResolver .query Uri.withAppendedPath Carriers.CONTENT_URI current null null null null Apparently you can't Read APNs in Android 4.2 What is the alternative for all those applications which use mobile data to perform operations..
How should I validate an e-mail address on Android? or would I have to use RegExp java android email validation share improve this question Don't use a reg ex. Apparently the following is a reg ex that correctly validates most e mails addresses that conform to RFC 2822 and will still fail on..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? to how core applications work. Hehe for every step I take in the Android world I run into some sort of problem Apparently you cannot quit an application in Android but Android can very well totally destroy your app whenever it feels like it ...
Android Launcher label vs. activity title different appearance android label android manifest titlebar launcher share improve this question Solution found Apparently intent filter can have a label attribute. If it's absent the label is inherited from the parent component either Activity..
Invalid command line parameter when Android executes 'foo'. 2010 08 16 16 56 35 Emulator please use help for more information android share improve this question Apparently the problem are the spaces in the path so just from C Program Files Android android sdk to C PROGRA~1 Android android sdk..
How do I retrieve the logged in Google account on android phones? name android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS uses permission I wrote this from memory so it may need a little tweaking. Apparently it's possible to register now without an email address so maybe do some regexing on the data to ensure it's actually an..
No generated file in my project regenerate your file. Also get rid of any import android.R. statements and then do the clean up I mentioned. Apparently Jonas problem was related to incorrect target build settings. His target build was set to Android 2.1 SDK v7 where his layout..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? That has proven to be reliable when one must keep on object around across the entire life time of an app. UPDATE Apparently my use of volatile here caused some confusion. My intention was to ensure that the static reference's current state is always..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android at .android.t3d.MainActivity.getJniString Native Method at .android.t3d.MainActivity.onCreate 22 Apparently it means that method name is wrong but it looks ok to me. Any ideas are welcome. P.S. I'm not a c c guy yet SOLUTION So..
onActivityResult not being called in Fragment activity overrode the onActivityResult but did not make a call to super.onActivityResult for unhandled result codes. Apparently even though the fragment is the one making the startActivityForResult call the activity gets the first shot at handling..
MapView rendering with tiles missing with an “x” in the center back of each other and I looked back at the very beginning of development and they were there and it worked just fine. Apparently this is a BUG in the MapView as I'm guessing it tries to show both SateliteView and StreetView at the same time. One would..
Android accelerometer accuracy (Inertial navigation) perform in real life applications or how to turn them into a nice Android app. A similar question is this . UPDATE Apparently there is a newer version than the above Oliver J. Woodman An introduction to inertial navigation his PhD thesis Pedestrian..
Dx bad class file magic (cafebabe) or version (0033.0000) with ADK14 Lynx for the exact same code has absolutely no problems whatsoever. Any ideas Getting very frustrated with this. NOTE Apparently this error message can be triggered by a variety of different problems. My particular problem was not related to Java 6..
How can I assign an ID to a view programmatically? around be sure to instantiate them with getApplicationContext and be sure to set each reference to null in onDestroy . Apparently leaking the Activity hanging onto it after is is destroyed is wasteful.. Reserve an XML android id for use in code If your..