android Programming Glossary: app1
Write a private access file to another app's files directory apps have the same sharedUserId. When I use this code in app1 context.openFileOutput data data files shared data.dat.. a path separator. I am trying to write a file from app1 into app2's storage. I do of course need to make sure that app2's..
keeping a variable value across all android activities value then set value with this OverthelimitApplication app1 OverthelimitApplication getApplicationContext app1.setRowId.. app1 OverthelimitApplication getApplicationContext app1.setRowId long cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID.. .getRowId I have fixed it using this the set and get app1.setRowId Long.parseLong cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow..
How can I detect when a call is answered? [duplicate]
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app If I use service I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection.. app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way.. in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1 can send an intent to a service on app2 and no other app unless..
Write a private access file to another app's files directory private access file to another app's files directory The two apps have the same sharedUserId. When I use this code in app1 context.openFileOutput data data files shared data.dat MODE_PRIVATE I get an exception telling me that the file.. MODE_PRIVATE I get an exception telling me that the file contains a path separator. I am trying to write a file from app1 into app2's storage. I do of course need to make sure that app2's files directory exists first Ideally I would write to..
keeping a variable value across all android activities getRowId return rowId public void setRowId Long value rowId value then set value with this OverthelimitApplication app1 OverthelimitApplication getApplicationContext app1.setRowId long cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID.. value rowId value then set value with this OverthelimitApplication app1 OverthelimitApplication getApplicationContext app1.setRowId long cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID then try to get value with this and it crashes mRowId.. it crashes mRowId OverthelimitApplication getApplicationContext .getRowId I have fixed it using this the set and get app1.setRowId Long.parseLong cursor.getString cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow OverLimitDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID mRowId long OverthelimitApplication..
How can I detect when a call is answered? [duplicate]
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app I have 2 applications. If I use service I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in.. so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1 can send an intent to a service on app2 and no.. level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1 can send an intent to a service on app2 and no other app unless my signature is leaked can send intent to service on app2..