android Programming Glossary: api's
Fragment onCreateView and onActivityCreated called twice this modified example from the ICS 4.0.3 API level 15 API's demo example app public class FragmentTabs extends Activity..
Android DisplayMetrics returns incorrect screen size in pixels on ICS this hidden treasure for ICS ONLY......if you're targeting API's higher than ICS see the reply by Chris Schmich below. How to..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? the Constructor of Application class Class which extends API's Application Class is called. That crashes my App since all the..
augmented reality framework also exist. AFAIK Wikitude and Layar have made their API's public. Toolkit There is also a toolkit named NyARToolkit that..
tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's for TabWidget in Older API's Android 2.2 i.e API Level 8 has tabStripEnabled true for TabWidget..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] classes state of the current environment etcetera. In some API's you see this name back in an interface class e.g. Servlet's..
Which Android phones out there do have a gyroscope? [closed] do have a gyroscope Should be usable with the Android API's Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE which is available since API 3 Which Android..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration and LISTEN_DATA_ACTIVITY say cellular in the API's summary. Does it mean 3G only Thanks android networking 3g..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility
Using Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android I am planning on using the Google Documents List.. the Google Documents List and Google Documents Spreadsheet API's for uploading a database from my app to a spreadsheet online.. online and then editing it. I just wanted to know if these API's would be the right approach for using Google docs as an online..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android in my application i am facing problem in Callback. Twitter API's has been updated recently so i am unable to send Callback URL...
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory..
Speech to Text from own sound file the Android API. All you have to do is just call up the API's intent and it will return text for you. My case is a bit different..
Android REST client, Sample? String doInBackground String... arg0 Use HTTP client API's to do the POST Return response. @Override protected void onPostExecute..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] are not depending on excessive use of the devices API's but do need some minor basic access The company already developed..
OCR for android [closed] or alphabet just like we see in QR reader .Are there any API's available for it android ocr share improve this question..
differentiate inbox and sentsms from all sms inbox and sentsms from all sms.I know about the following api's can use to find inbox and sent. content sms inbox content sms..
How to change the position of maps api's “Get my location” button to change the position of maps api's &ldquo Get my location&rdquo button My problem is that I've..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called Long time back Google introduced Fused Location Provider api's via its Google Play Service Framework which is super easy to..
Alternatives to google maps api Which alternatives do you know Maybe there are open source api's Any other suggestions iphone android google maps geolocation..
HonyComb and DefaultHttpClient threads. You've attempted to invoke blocking network api's on the ui thread of your application. Google has put in place..
Android Recording Incoming and Outgoing Calls on. I would like to know if this is possible and what api's do I need to use. Thank you. android call record share improve..
Calling android native APIs from javascript functions of embedded WebView native APIs eg Camera API . Is it possible to call native api's from javascript functions or access to native code of the app..
how to do voice/video chat in android using smack api's to do voice video chat in android using smack api's We are already using jabber smack api for chating in our application... by using the jingle jabber smack but i am not getting any api's or sample code in jave for jingle. can any one please help me..
How to change color and font on ListView android paddingBottom 10dip LinearLayout Use the TextView api's to decorate your text to your liking and you will be using it..
How to install android market on emulator for all api's to install android market on emulator for all api's How can I install android market and other apk's on the android..
android 4.0, text on the action bar NEVER shows on the action bar NEVER shows I am trying to use the new api's from google specifically the action bar. When the build was..
Google Talk API integrations with Android app with Android app I am checking out the google talk api's and it uses XMPP. Here http appengine docs java..
Fragment onCreateView and onActivityCreated called twice developing an app using Android 4.0 ICS and fragments. Consider this modified example from the ICS 4.0.3 API level 15 API's demo example app public class FragmentTabs extends Activity private static final String TAG FragmentTabs.class.getSimpleName..
Android DisplayMetrics returns incorrect screen size in pixels on ICS android resolution share improve this question I found this hidden treasure for ICS ONLY......if you're targeting API's higher than ICS see the reply by Chris Schmich below. How to hide and display the navigation bar on Android ICS build In..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? while working normally suddenly I see in logcat that the Constructor of Application class Class which extends API's Application Class is called. That crashes my App since all the global data is stored with in the Application class itself...
augmented reality framework and Wikitude are well known. Others like SomaView and GeoVector also exist. AFAIK Wikitude and Layar have made their API's public. Toolkit There is also a toolkit named NyARToolkit that provides a library for such a thing. Tutorial DevX Article..
tabStripEnabled for TabWidget in Older API's for TabWidget in Older API's Android 2.2 i.e API Level 8 has tabStripEnabled true for TabWidget how to achieve the same in Older versions of Android..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] variables instance variables local variables state of other classes state of the current environment etcetera. In some API's you see this name back in an interface class e.g. Servlet's ServletContext JSF's FacesContext Spring's ApplicationContext..
Which Android phones out there do have a gyroscope? [closed] to a real gyroscope. So my questions are Which Android phones do have a gyroscope Should be usable with the Android API's Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE which is available since API 3 Which Android phones do have a 6 axis accelerometer Any references..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration network connection is restored I see both LISTEN_DATA_CONNECTION_STATE and LISTEN_DATA_ACTIVITY say cellular in the API's summary. Does it mean 3G only Thanks android networking 3g android wifi share improve this question Better approach..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility
Using Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android Google Docs and Google Spreadsheet API's for Android I am planning on using the Google Documents List and Google Documents Spreadsheet API's for uploading a database.. Spreadsheet API's for Android I am planning on using the Google Documents List and Google Documents Spreadsheet API's for uploading a database from my app to a spreadsheet online and then editing it. I just wanted to know if these API's would.. API's for uploading a database from my app to a spreadsheet online and then editing it. I just wanted to know if these API's would be the right approach for using Google docs as an online storage space for the data that I have collected in my app...
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android Callback in Twitter in Android I have implemented Twitter in my application i am facing problem in Callback. Twitter API's has been updated recently so i am unable to send Callback URL. Also the Setting Page now change there is No Option for Selecting..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory a rooted phone . This is arguably quite small but relatively straightforward as I can measure usage with the following API's Runtime rt Runtime.getRuntime long javaBytes rt.totalMemory rt.freeMemory long javaLimit rt.maxMemory Easy enough now for..
Speech to Text from own sound file probably know implementing speech to text is pretty easy with the Android API. All you have to do is just call up the API's intent and it will return text for you. My case is a bit different I have a prerecorded 3GPP sound file that I've recorded..
Android REST client, Sample? requestBody this.mCallback callback @Override protected String doInBackground String... arg0 Use HTTP client API's to do the POST Return response. @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mCallback.onTaskComplete result super.onPostExecute..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] realm of business applications information tools. The applications are not depending on excessive use of the devices API's but do need some minor basic access The company already developed for iOS and we have a small team of native iOS developers..
OCR for android [closed] pattern from camera which is a word of 10 character number or alphabet just like we see in QR reader .Are there any API's available for it android ocr share improve this question As far as i know there are no native opensource Java OCR SDKs...
differentiate inbox and sentsms from all sms containing all sms to that number. So i have to differtiate inbox and sentsms from all sms.I know about the following api's can use to find inbox and sent. content sms inbox content sms sent But i don't want to use this.I listed all sms by using..
How to change the position of maps api's “Get my location” button to change the position of maps api's &ldquo Get my location&rdquo button My problem is that I've implemented AdMob banner ads in my app located in the top which..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called from Network location provider. But here is good news not Long time back Google introduced Fused Location Provider api's via its Google Play Service Framework which is super easy to use than GPS Network Location providers. Compatible upto API..
Alternatives to google maps api offer a similar scope of operation like google maps api. Which alternatives do you know Maybe there are open source api's Any other suggestions iphone android google maps geolocation google maps api 3 share improve this question To get the..
HonyComb and DefaultHttpClient to set performance expectations for code executing on certain threads. You've attempted to invoke blocking network api's on the ui thread of your application. Google has put in place a system that lets you know this is a bad idea and you can..
Android Recording Incoming and Outgoing Calls of making the client wait while on call they want to do it later on. I would like to know if this is possible and what api's do I need to use. Thank you. android call record share improve this question First off you have to be careful with..
Calling android native APIs from javascript functions of embedded WebView functions. Some of these functions require access to native APIs eg Camera API . Is it possible to call native api's from javascript functions or access to native code of the app Right now this is possible in blackberry platform using Javascript..
how to do voice/video chat in android using smack api's to do voice video chat in android using smack api's We are already using jabber smack api for chating in our application. now we are planing to upgrade my app by adding voice.. my app by adding voice video chat. I think its possible by using the jingle jabber smack but i am not getting any api's or sample code in jave for jingle. can any one please help me on this. android xmpp smack share improve this question..
How to change color and font on ListView @ id textView android textSize 20px android paddingTop 10dip android paddingBottom 10dip LinearLayout Use the TextView api's to decorate your text to your liking and you will be using it like this listAdapter new CustomListAdapter YourActivity.this..
How to install android market on emulator for all api's to install android market on emulator for all api's How can I install android market and other apk's on the android emulator. I tried some solutions but they don't seem to..
android 4.0, text on the action bar NEVER shows 4.0 text on the action bar NEVER shows I am trying to use the new api's from google specifically the action bar. When the build was set at api 10 if I pressed the menu button I got nice looking..
Google Talk API integrations with Android app Talk API integrations with Android app I am checking out the google talk api's and it uses XMPP. Here http appengine docs java xmpp overview.html#Sending_Chat_Messages I am reading on..