android Programming Glossary: adapters
Android USB host and hidden devices No such file or directory If i plug in devices like rs232 adapters bluetooth dongle nothing happens and there is no any result..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing doDiscovery v.setVisibility View.GONE Initialize array adapters. One for already paired devices and one for newly discovered..
Android ScrollView layout problem calling requestLayout on the ScrollView after the list adapters had filled their views but that didn't do anything. Any ideas..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter when it is recycled. Ive seen examples using array adapters but because of my lack of experience im finding it hard to translate..
About “_id” field in Android SQLite a Cursor e.g. ResourceCursorAdapter . It's used by these adapters to provide an ID which can be used to refer to the specific..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? currently using bindView and newView for my custom cursor adapters. Should I be using getView instead android user interface adapter..
What is Context in Android? uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter..
Implement page curl on android? p android page curl I'm still working on it to add adapters and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? the crash was being caused by a versioning issue but both adapters now have the same database version and it's still crashing... example of one of the DB Adapters for the table. The other adapters all follow the same format with varying implementations. public.. create a single mammoth db adapter instead of individual adapters per table android sqlite sqlite3 share improve this question..
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser?
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] p android page curl I'm still working on it to add adapters and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? I have had some trouble understanding the custom cursor adapters but I do not understand how to add an imageview to be filled..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter fact provides a default behavior for all adapters public int getItemViewType int position return 0 public int..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem the data the cursor handles can be handled correctly by adapters and adapterviews etc. Look at the data model in the docs for.. things across databases content providers cursors adapters etc etc In short in order for these various components to work..
How to avoid spacing in the start and end of Gallery features Subclass AdapterView so I can make use of adapters Fast make use of recycled views when possible Items are clickable..
Android USB host and hidden devices etc usb_modeswitch.d 2226_0014 I USB3G 92 excute ret 0 err No such file or directory If i plug in devices like rs232 adapters bluetooth dongle nothing happens and there is no any result from API and lsusb. Prtocol of a device is based on ezusb library...
Android Device Bluetooth pairing new OnClickListener public void onClick View v doDiscovery v.setVisibility View.GONE Initialize array adapters. One for already paired devices and one for newly discovered devices mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter new ArrayAdapter String..
Android ScrollView layout problem parent caused the ListViews to not size dynamically. I tried calling requestLayout on the ScrollView after the list adapters had filled their views but that didn't do anything. Any ideas Edit From http viewtopic.php p 25194 and other..
Android save Checkbox State in ListView with Cursor Adapter else works fine but if i click on a checkbox it is repeated when it is recycled. Ive seen examples using array adapters but because of my lack of experience im finding it hard to translate it into using a cursor adapter. Could someone give..
About “_id” field in Android SQLite when you are using the enhanced Adapters which make use of a Cursor e.g. ResourceCursorAdapter . It's used by these adapters to provide an ID which can be used to refer to the specific row in the table which relates the the item in whatever the..
GetView Vs. BindView in a custom CursorAdapter? method. Does this apply to CursorAdapters as well I'm currently using bindView and newView for my custom cursor adapters. Should I be using getView instead android user interface adapter share improve this question CursorAdapter has an..
What is Context in Android? getBaseContext or this when in the activity class . Typical uses of context Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing..
Implement page curl on android? curl simulation in 2D using the native canvas http p android page curl I'm still working on it to add adapters and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links updated. EDIT Missing files has been pushed to repo. share..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? from a different activity my app crashes. At first I thought the crash was being caused by a versioning issue but both adapters now have the same database version and it's still crashing. Here's an example of one of the DB Adapters for the table. The.. same database version and it's still crashing. Here's an example of one of the DB Adapters for the table. The other adapters all follow the same format with varying implementations. public class InfoDBAdapter public static final String ROW_ID _id.. my app crashes. So is the standard practice within Android to create a single mammoth db adapter instead of individual adapters per table android sqlite sqlite3 share improve this question Here is the solution I eventually ended up implementing...
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser?
Page curl/turn effect in Android [duplicate] curl simulation in 2D using the native canvas http p android page curl I'm still working on it to add adapters and such to make it usable as a standalone view. EDIT Links updated. EDIT Missing files has been pushed to repo. share..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? cursor adapter so I can display an image with 2 lines of text. I have had some trouble understanding the custom cursor adapters but I do not understand how to add an imageview to be filled from the path in my database. java android listview cursor..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter the same layout you don't need to worry about view types. In fact provides a default behavior for all adapters public int getItemViewType int position return 0 public int getViewTypeCount return 1 This indeed provides you with the..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem it the _id field is used as a unique key to make sure the data the cursor handles can be handled correctly by adapters and adapterviews etc. Look at the data model in the docs for Content Providers . Using a unique key in 'databases' of whatever.. name '_id' or '_ID' is simply a way of standardizing and simplifying things across databases content providers cursors adapters etc etc In short in order for these various components to work correctly they need a data column with unique values but..
How to avoid spacing in the start and end of Gallery of the cases Horizontal ListView implementation has the following features Subclass AdapterView so I can make use of adapters Fast make use of recycled views when possible Items are clickable accepts AdapterView.OnItemClickListener Scrollable No..