android Programming Glossary: adapter.add
Android : Alternate colors in ListView using ArrayAdapter [duplicate] for int i 0 i planetNamesArray.length i adapter.add planetNamesArray i list.setAdapter adapter Can anyone guide..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead Log.d PlacesListActivity onPostExecute result string adapter.add string adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Log.d PlacesListActivity..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager adapter View v0 code_to_create_initial_view adapter.add v0 0 Use a PagerAdapter to provide the sets of view. For this..
Populating Spinner From SQLite Database Android ACCOUNT_NAME if cursor.moveToFirst do adapter.add cursor.getString accountnameIndex while cursor.moveToNext ..
how to add item to Spinner's ArrayAdapter? you entered in the EditText. But here is the question my adapter.add method seems doesn't is my code public class Spr.. void onClick View v String temp et.getText .toString adapter.add temp adapter.notifyDataSetChanged spinner.setAdapter adapter.. context R.array.planets_array planets now you can call adapter.add You should use a List. With an Array such as CharSequence you..
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes return null protected void onProgressUpdate Item... item adapter.add item 0 protected void onPostExecute Void unused pDialog.dismiss..
Why can't one add/remove items from an ArrayAdapter? from the selection list at runtime. However when I call adapter.add item or adapter.remove item I always get a UnsupportedOperationException..
Populate Spinner dynamically in android from edit text method stub CharSequence textHolder Text.getText .toString adapter.add textHolder Logcat error 05 14 01 07 19.934 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. add a item in the adapter of the spinner you can use the adapter.add method to add a item inside the spinner adapter. Here is a example..
Android : Alternate colors in ListView using ArrayAdapter [duplicate] String MyListViewActivity.this R.layout.my_list_row for int i 0 i planetNamesArray.length i adapter.add planetNamesArray i list.setAdapter adapter Can anyone guide me to add the different background colors using ArrayAdapter..
Turn AutoCompleteTextView into a SearchView in ActionBar instead textview textView.setAdapter adapter for String string result Log.d PlacesListActivity onPostExecute result string adapter.add string adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Log.d PlacesListActivity onPostExecute autoCompleteAdapter adapter.getCount After..
dynamically add and remove view to viewpager this setContentView pager adapter new MainPagerAdapter pager.setAdapter adapter View v0 code_to_create_initial_view adapter.add v0 0 Use a PagerAdapter to provide the sets of view. For this it seems I need methods to add and remove views something..
Populating Spinner From SQLite Database Android Cursor cursor getAccounts int accountnameIndex cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow ACCOUNT_NAME if cursor.moveToFirst do adapter.add cursor.getString accountnameIndex while cursor.moveToNext finally MintLink.close My problem is that I need the a selection..
how to add item to Spinner's ArrayAdapter? click the button the spinner will add a new item with name you entered in the EditText. But here is the question my adapter.add method seems doesn't is my code public class Spr extends Activity Button bt1 EditText et ArrayAdapter CharSequence.. new View.OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v String temp et.getText .toString adapter.add temp adapter.notifyDataSetChanged spinner.setAdapter adapter spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener new Spinner.OnItemSelectedListener.. ArrayList CharSequence adapter new ArrayAdapter CharSequence context R.array.planets_array planets now you can call adapter.add You should use a List. With an Array such as CharSequence you would get the same UnsupportedOperationException exception...
Android ASync task ProgressDialog isn't showing until background thread finishes items parser.getItems for Item it items publishProgress it return null protected void onProgressUpdate Item... item adapter.add item 0 protected void onPostExecute Void unused pDialog.dismiss Which I call in onCreate with new AddTask .execute The..
Why can't one add/remove items from an ArrayAdapter? of items dynamic i.e. I want to be able to add remove items from the selection list at runtime. However when I call adapter.add item or adapter.remove item I always get a UnsupportedOperationException even though the Javadocs of the ArrayAdapter class..
Populate Spinner dynamically in android from edit text protected void addNewSpinnerItem TODO Auto generated method stub CharSequence textHolder Text.getText .toString adapter.add textHolder Logcat error 05 14 01 07 19.934 ERROR AndroidRuntime 802 FATAL EXCEPTION main 05 14 01 07 19.934 ERROR AndroidRuntime.. you will have to create a adapter using that List. Now to add a item in the adapter of the spinner you can use the adapter.add method to add a item inside the spinner adapter. Here is a example that explain how you can create a adapter and add item..