android Programming Glossary: adapter.getitem
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change Integer getListAdapter rowTappedListener.onRowTapped adapter.getItem position Result fragment public final class ResultFragment..
How to make the header or footer of a ListView not clickable
How to parse complex JSON file in android i HashMap String Object hm HashMap String Object adapter.getItem i String imgUrl String hm.get flag_path ImageLoaderTask imageLoaderTask.. listview HashMap String Object hm HashMap String Object adapter.getItem position Overwriting the existing path in the adapter hm.put..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? selected items and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData return true default..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method TODO Auto generated method stub CarDetail car CarDetail adapter.getItem position mCallback.onCarSelected car return v class DownloadCarDetail..
Dynamic ListView in Android app adapter CustomAdapter parent.getAdapter RowData row adapter.getItem position Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox return adapter public String getText return String adapter.getItem selected public int getSelected return selected public void..
UnsupportedOperationException with ArrayAdapter.remove [duplicate] EXCEPTION OCCURS HERE adapter.remove adapter.getItem CONTEXT_SELECTED_POSITION refreshes the ListView to show the..
how can i select and kill multiple application rl RelativeLayout lv.getChildAt i TaskObject to adapter.getItem i CheckBox cb CheckBox rl.getChildAt 0 if to.isToKill tol.add..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change v int position long id ArrayAdapter Integer adapter ArrayAdapter Integer getListAdapter rowTappedListener.onRowTapped adapter.getItem position Result fragment public final class ResultFragment extends Fragment private TextView resultLabel @Override public..
How to make the header or footer of a ListView not clickable
How to parse complex JSON file in android listview mListView.setAdapter adapter for int i 0 i adapter.getCount i HashMap String Object hm HashMap String Object adapter.getItem i String imgUrl String hm.get flag_path ImageLoaderTask imageLoaderTask new ImageLoaderTask HashMap String Object hmDownload.. Getting the hashmap object at the specified position of the listview HashMap String Object hm HashMap String Object adapter.getItem position Overwriting the existing path in the adapter hm.put flag path Noticing listview about the dataset changes adapter.notifyDataSetChanged..
How can you implement multi-selection and Contextual ActionMode in ActionBarSherlock? Set Integer checked adapter.getCheckedItems iterate through selected items and delete them for Integer ci checked adapter.getItem ci.intValue .getFile .delete updateData return true default return false @Override public void onDestroyActionMode..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method AdapterView parent View selectedView int position long id TODO Auto generated method stub CarDetail car CarDetail adapter.getItem position mCallback.onCarSelected car return v class DownloadCarDetail extends AsyncTask String String ArrayList CarDetail..
Dynamic ListView in Android app ListView parent View v int position long id CustomAdapter adapter CustomAdapter parent.getAdapter RowData row adapter.getItem position Builder builder new AlertDialog.Builder this builder.setTitle row.mItem builder.setMessage row.mDescription position..
Android Listview with spinner and a checkbox public ArrayAdapter CharSequence getAdapter return adapter public String getText return String adapter.getItem selected public int getSelected return selected public void setSelected int selected this.selected selected All the DataHolder..
UnsupportedOperationException with ArrayAdapter.remove [duplicate] adapter ArrayAdapter JournalEntry journalViewerListActivity.this.getListAdapter EXCEPTION OCCURS HERE adapter.remove adapter.getItem CONTEXT_SELECTED_POSITION refreshes the ListView to show the new items adapter.notifyDataSetChanged Any help appreciated...
how can i select and kill multiple application ArrayList TaskObject for int i 0 i adapter.getCount i RelativeLayout rl RelativeLayout lv.getChildAt i TaskObject to adapter.getItem i CheckBox cb CheckBox rl.getChildAt 0 if to.isToKill tol.add to return tol @Override protected void onDestroy super.onDestroy..