android Programming Glossary: adapt
android - ArrayAdapter.createViewFromResource(int, View, ViewGroup, int) line: 355 NullPointerException remedyList.setTextFilterEnabled true ArrayAdapter String adapt new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.menu_item remedyArray.. this R.layout.menu_item remedyArray remedyList.setAdapter adapt and my symptomremedy.xml layout looks like LinearLayout xmlns..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak get errors. I've read this this but I don't know how to adapt it on my case I AM OPEN TO ANY OTHER SOLUTION. Please note that..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview It compiles and functions correctly see if you can adapt it for your particular needs layout taxi_list_item.xml xml version..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? the SeekBar operates a little quirky. Here is my slightly adapted onTouchEvent from that example public boolean onTouchEvent.. have a link to a working vertical SeekBar or know how to adapt this particular example android seekbar share improve this..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? You need to do it through an ArrayAdapter which will adapt your ArrayList or any other collection to your items in your.. foo your_array_list.add bar This is the array adapter it takes the context of the activity as a first parameter..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash SurfaceView starts drawing. You will probably need to adapt it a bit e.g. get rid of the hardcoded 800x480 dimensions and..
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? layout share improve this question Have your list adapter implement SectionIndexer . The music app also makes use of.. the implementation here and seeing how hard it would be to adapt it to work with an ArrayAdapter. share improve this answer..
Tips for optimizing a website for Android's browser? height device height user scalable no CSS media queries I adapt the design to the page width. For instance having a 2 column..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width I would like the ImageView to fit the parent width and to adapt it's size to keep the aspect ratio. Here is my XML xml version..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have.. Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have a custom ListView.. an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have a custom ListView adapter which implements an ImageThreadLoader class. Unfortunately..
Cardio graph for android update the graphic clear the scene and build the line path adapt this to your needs canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE Path path new..
Getting Number from Contacts Picker
Moving to Android from J2ME are there any similarities that would make it easy to adapt to Android API . Or is Android API completely different from..
android:configChanges=“orientation” does not work with fragments does not work with fragments I am just trying to adapt some of my applications for HoneyComb. The issue iI am facing..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? TAG Canvas is null bmp.recycle Of course you'd have to adapt it to meet your needs ex. not allocating rgba each frame but..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2 in the class like getPropertyCount and getPropertyInfo to adapt to this change . When i did that it worked so try that and let..
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files source originally used to list files in dirs but you can adapt it to stream your InputStream over http. That's what I did with..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge statements which ultimately affect the UI. It's meant to adapt the presented options depending on those most commonly used..
Android PagerView between Activities example project of this with source code Or show me how to adapt an existing tutorial to do what I wish Thanks so much have a..
android - ArrayAdapter.createViewFromResource(int, View, ViewGroup, int) line: 355 NullPointerException remedyList ListView findViewById remedyList.setTextFilterEnabled true ArrayAdapter String adapt new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.menu_item remedyArray remedyList.setAdapter adapt and my symptomremedy.xml layout.. true ArrayAdapter String adapt new ArrayAdapter String this R.layout.menu_item remedyArray remedyList.setAdapter adapt and my symptomremedy.xml layout looks like LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res android android orientation..
Android custom view Bitmap memory leak of the activity I call the destroy of the view. I still get errors. I've read this this but I don't know how to adapt it on my case I AM OPEN TO ANY OTHER SOLUTION. Please note that I need to resize the map bitmap based on the height of the..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android
Android - Adding Subitem to a listview this question EDIT Okay just for kicks I threw this together. It compiles and functions correctly see if you can adapt it for your particular needs layout taxi_list_item.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? the commonly pointed to VerticalSeekBar post here . As it is the SeekBar operates a little quirky. Here is my slightly adapted onTouchEvent from that example public boolean onTouchEvent MotionEvent event xPos event.getX yPos event.getY oOffset.. value by staying near the top. My question is Does anyone have a link to a working vertical SeekBar or know how to adapt this particular example android seekbar share improve this question Here is a working VerticalSeekBar implementation..
Populating a ListView using ArrayList? code android listview arraylist share improve this question You need to do it through an ArrayAdapter which will adapt your ArrayList or any other collection to your items in your layout ListView Spinner etc. . This is what the Android developer.. String your_array_list new ArrayList String your_array_list.add foo your_array_list.add bar This is the array adapter it takes the context of the activity as a first parameter the type of list view as a second parameter and your array as..
Screen blinking when using a webview with flash in that the WebView appears as solid white until the Flash SurfaceView starts drawing. You will probably need to adapt it a bit e.g. get rid of the hardcoded 800x480 dimensions and also destroy the white SurfaceView once it's no longer needed...
Create easy alphabetical scrolling in ListView? this in a ListView in the Android SDK android listview android layout share improve this question Have your list adapter implement SectionIndexer . The music app also makes use of AlphabetIndexer to do some of the heavy lifting. Also use setFastScrollEnabled..
Tips for optimizing a website for Android's browser? content true meta name viewport content width device width height device height user scalable no CSS media queries I adapt the design to the page width. For instance having a 2 column content for large screens and 1 column for small screens and..
Android ImageView adjusting parent's height and fitting width bitmap in an ImageView a child element of a RelativeLayout. I would like the ImageView to fit the parent width and to adapt it's size to keep the aspect ratio. Here is my XML xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have a custom ListView adapter which implements an ImageThreadLoader.. Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have a custom ListView adapter which implements an ImageThreadLoader class. Unfortunately.. Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class LazyList I have a custom ListView adapter which implements an ImageThreadLoader class. Unfortunately the class doesn't enable a cache option download the images..
Cardio graph for android Color.GREEN Change to what you want When you need to update the graphic clear the scene and build the line path adapt this to your needs canvas.drawColor Color.WHITE Path path new Path path.moveTo 0 yourValueAt 0 for int sec 1 sec 30 sec..
Getting Number from Contacts Picker
Moving to Android from J2ME to Android from J2ME Coming from J2ME programming are there any similarities that would make it easy to adapt to Android API . Or is Android API completely different from the J2ME way of programming mobile apps. android java me mobile..
android:configChanges=“orientation” does not work with fragments configChanges &ldquo orientation&rdquo does not work with fragments I am just trying to adapt some of my applications for HoneyComb. The issue iI am facing is the destruction of my activity on orientation change landscape..
Android: how to display camera preview with callback? height 2 null mHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost canvas else Log.w TAG Canvas is null bmp.recycle Of course you'd have to adapt it to meet your needs ex. not allocating rgba each frame but it might be a start. I'd love to see if it works for you or..
Android WSDL Web Service ksoap2
Android ServerSocket programming with jCIFS streaming files to start with is nanohttpd library which is just one java source originally used to list files in dirs but you can adapt it to stream your InputStream over http. That's what I did with success. Your url would look like http localhost 12345 where..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge respond to a GET which would allow me to send back some SQL statements which ultimately affect the UI. It's meant to adapt the presented options depending on those most commonly used . So there you have it I used PHP about 4 years ago and will..
Android PagerView between Activities Is this even possible Could someone point me towards an example project of this with source code Or show me how to adapt an existing tutorial to do what I wish Thanks so much have a good one android android activity swipe share improve this..