python Programming Glossary: staging
Fabric asks for password even though I can SSH using credential master ... while the other server asks for a password fab staging pull Executing task 'pull' run.. Login password The fabfile is set up pretty explicitly def staging env.hosts '' env.user 'bamboo' env.key_filename..
How to set target hosts in Fabric file to use Fabric to deploy my web app code to development staging and production servers. My fabfile def deploy_2_dev deploy 'dev'.. My fabfile def deploy_2_dev deploy 'dev' def deploy_2_staging deploy 'staging' def deploy_2_prod deploy 'prod' def deploy.. def deploy_2_dev deploy 'dev' def deploy_2_staging deploy 'staging' def deploy_2_prod deploy 'prod' def deploy server print 'env.hosts..
fabric password can it be sent along same for automated proposes. fab staging test python fabric share improve this question fab h will..
How do you use pip, virtualenv and Fabric to handle deployment? moment a fresh deployment is split into these steps fab staging bootstrap server setup and initial code deploy fab staging enable.. staging bootstrap server setup and initial code deploy fab staging enable enable the Apache nginx config for this site and fab.. enable the Apache nginx config for this site and fab staging reload_server reload Apache nginx config . Those can of course..
A simple Python deployment problem - a whole world of pain which probably means a different virtualenv. We have both staging and production version of the applications on the same server..
How to discover current role in Python Fabric For example import fabric.api as fab fab.env.roledefs 'staging' 'bbs' fab.env.roledefs 'prod' 'bbs.. print fab.env.roles Test output on the console fab R staging testrole bbs Executing task 'testrole'.. bbs Executing task 'testrole' 'staging' Done. Or fab R staging prod testrole bbs
How to set up a staging environment on Google App Engine to set up a staging environment on Google App Engine Having properly configured.. by modifying the app.yaml version parameter. version app staging What I don't like of this approach is that Production data is.. this approach is that Production data is polluted with my staging tests because correct me if I'm wrong Staging version and Production..