

python Programming Glossary: squared

Stuck on Project Euler #3 in python


also get to the root of the problem to make sure you have squared away some of the issues. you could use a generator to get the..

Comparing image in url to image in filesystem in python


will call as NRMSE a normalization of the root of the mean squared error . I choose to present the second one because it is a very..

Python most common element in a list


space to embody the groups' iterables to lists and O N squared time to get the L.index of every item . While premature optimization.. of all evil in programming deliberately picking an O N squared approach when an O N log N one is available just goes too much..

Call python function from MATLAB


able to run python scripts from MATLAB. Example A simple squared function in python saved as sqd.py naturally if I was doing.. testing input arguments valid numbers etc. import sys def squared x y x x return y if __name__ '__main__' x float sys.argv 1 sys.stdout.write.. '__main__' x float sys.argv 1 sys.stdout.write str squared x Then in MATLAB r python 'sqd.py' '3.5' r 12.25 r python 'sqd.py'..

python: list vs tuple, when to use each?


similar to what you'd use arrays for. But I've never quite squared this with the mutability issue mentioned in the other answers...

Fitting a line in 3D


which if you projected the data onto it would minimize the squared distance between the real point and its projection then what..

Recursive list comprehension in Python?


not in res res.append x of course this is very costly O N squared so you can optimize it with an auxiliary set I'm assuming that.. is enormously faster for very long lists O N instead of N squared . Edit in Python 2.5 or 2.6 vars '_ 1 ' might actually work..

Python frequency detection


of the data times a window a Blackman window in this case squared the FFT values found the bin that had the highest value and..

What are the differences between numpy arrays and matrices? Which one should I use?


c is an ndarray c 2 returns an ndarray with each component squared element wise. There are other technical differences between..

How do I calculate r-squared using Python and Numpy?


do I calculate r squared using Python and Numpy I'm using Python and Numpy to calculate.. also want to calculate r coefficient of correlation and r squared coefficient of determination . I am comparing my results with.. with Excel's best fit trendline capability and the r squared value it calculates. Using this I know I am calculating r squared..

Chi-Squared test in Python


example chisq.test c 20 20 0 0 p c 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Chi squared test for given probabilities data c 20 20 0 0 X squared 40 df.. squared test for given probabilities data c 20 20 0 0 X squared 40 df 3 p value 1.066e 08 How can I replicate this in Python..