python Programming Glossary: ssplit
parsing math expression in python and solving to find an answer would be the easy part expres str input something ssplit hit.partition onec int ssplit 0 .lstrip .rstrip twoc ssplit.. expres str input something ssplit hit.partition onec int ssplit 0 .lstrip .rstrip twoc ssplit 1 .lstrip .rstrip threec int huns.. hit.partition onec int ssplit 0 .lstrip .rstrip twoc ssplit 1 .lstrip .rstrip threec int huns 2 .lstrip .rstrip print onec..
Split a list into nested lists on a value iterable lambda x x in splitters if not k ssplit ssplit def ssplit seq splitters seq list seq if splitters and.. iterable lambda x x in splitters if not k ssplit ssplit def ssplit seq splitters seq list seq if splitters and seq result.. lambda x x in splitters if not k ssplit ssplit def ssplit seq splitters seq list seq if splitters and seq result begin..