python Programming Glossary: stars
All instances of a class have the same dict as an attribute in Python 3.2 populates each sector 100 of them at the moment with 75 stars kept in stardict. thesector Sector size size 2 #Generate stars.. kept in stardict. thesector Sector size size 2 #Generate stars for t in range stars #name Star str t name generate_name .capitalize.. Sector size size 2 #Generate stars for t in range stars #name Star str t name generate_name .capitalize thesector.stardict..
Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range? we use a magnitude system which is backwards ie. brighter stars have a smaller magnitude so I usually swap the limits with lims..
Django star rating system and AJAX page. I have found the following and like the style of the stars here http blog 2008 09 22 JQueryRaterPluginNew.xhtml.. of javascript and AJAX. Does anyone know how to use the stars in the above example combined with AJAX and Django so you are.. previous vote was. But how would I be able to modify the stars to show this So if you know how to do these things or a more..
How do i fill “holes” in an image? There are some unwanted data on these images like stars or aeroplane streaks that are masked out. I don't just want..