

python Programming Glossary: stackless

Threading in Python


mechanisms provided by the language and also of Stackless Python . What would you recommend and why python multithreading..

multiprocess or threading in python?


of data that is unique to them when they are spawned. Stackless Python is also a nice idea as is Unladen Swallow although it.. as is Unladen Swallow although it is not finished yet. Stackless has portability issues as indicated above. Unladen Swallow has..

A clean, lightweight alternative to Python's twisted?


liked the concurrence Python module which relies on either Stackless Python microthreads or Greenlets for light weight threading...

Python recursive function error: “maximum recursion depth exceeded”


as Lisp Scheme Haskell OCaml etc. or give a try to Stackless Python that has broader limits in stack usage and also has tail..

Twisted + SQLAlchemy and the best way to do it


a bit too long to block on. Sad. Maybe a combination of Stackless Python and Twisted would be interesting here. Any better ideas..

Eventlet or gevent or Stackless + Twisted, Pylons, Django and SQL Alchemy


or gevent or Stackless Twisted Pylons Django and SQL Alchemy We're using Twisted extensively.. onto greenlets how well does that stuff work So there's Stackless and as you can see from my Gallentean avatar I'm well aware.. about that one yet just saw it in this thread Drawbacks of Stackless . So confusing I'm wondering what the heck to do sounds like..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


promising. Update 3 I think the answer to this might be Stackless Python. You can suspend tasks and serialise them. I haven't..

Multiprocessing or Multithreading?


a lot of information. Additionally I also heard about Stackless Python Is it a separate option I have no idea. Please advise... them. This works out really well for a lot of things. Stackless Python is unrelated to this discussion it's faster and has different..

Python Comet Server


that with Python my choices are pretty much to either use Stackless building from their Comet wsgi example or Cometd Twisted. Unfortunately..

Threading in Python


. What would you recommend and why python multithreading stackless python stackless share improve this question In order of.. recommend and why python multithreading stackless python stackless share improve this question In order of increasing complexity..

Pure python implementation of greenlet API


pure Python that provides similar capabilities to either stackless Python or the Greenlet module. You may also want to look either..

Python version 2.6 required, which was not found in the registry


install. I wanted to experiment with scrapy framework and stackless but unable to install due to error Python version 2.6 required..

Eventlet or gevent or Stackless + Twisted, Pylons, Django and SQL Alchemy


then wow. Just wow python gevent pypy eventlet python stackless share improve this question You might want to check out..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


Threading won't be appropriable unless maybe with stackless Python . Aaron's opposition to threads are mostly generalizations...

Python/Erlang: What's the difference between Twisted, Stackless, Greenlet, Eventlet, Coroutines? Are they similar to Erlang processes?


python asynchronous erlang nonblocking python stackless share improve this question First of all non blocking I..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


as well. python serialization stack continuations python stackless share improve this question The expat python bindings included..

What are the drawbacks of Stackless Python? [closed]


really bother me. Thanks for your answers. python python stackless stackless share improve this question I don't know where.. me. Thanks for your answers. python python stackless stackless share improve this question I don't know where that Stackless.. Richard Tew has done a great job collecting these updating stackless.com and maintaining the distribution when new Python releases..

What does PyPy have to offer over CPython, Jython, and IronPython?


removing the GIL better garbage collection integrating stackless and so on So there are really a lot of reasons for PyPy to be..

preferred way to implement 'yield' in Scala?


have continue it's done like so implemented by throwing stackless light weight exceptions import scala.util.control.Breaks._ for..

Multiprocessing or Multithreading?


python multithreading multiprocessing multicore python stackless share improve this question I checked it out and it looks..

Python Comet Server


I find resources to implement my own python comet polling stackless cometd share improve this question I recommend you use StreamHub..

Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) workaround on multi-core systems using taskset on Linux?


use the network bandwidth that is available. As for stackless Python etc I'm not overly interested in rewriting the program.. take a while . python multithreading multicore gil python stackless share improve this question I have never heard of anyone..