

python Programming Glossary: sso

Implementing Single Sign On (SSO) using Django


Single Sign On SSO using Django I would like to use Django for implementing Single.. I would like to use Django for implementing Single Sign On SSO for multiple applications that we currently use. How to implement.. applications that we currently use. How to implement SSO using Django . Are there any Django packages that can be utilized..

SPNEGO (kerberos token generation/validation) for SSO using Python


kerberos token generation validation for SSO using Python I'm attempting to implement a simple Single Sign.. path for this. Here's the scenario User logs in to my SSO service using his username and password. I authenticate him.. App A. The user's request for App A is intercepted by the SSO service. The SSO service uses SPNEGO to log the user in to App..

Why python finds module instead of package if they have the same name?


packages gtk 2.0' ' usr lib python2.7 dist packages ubuntu sso client' BEFORE import root.extra sys.path ' home dmugtasimov.. packages gtk 2.0' ' usr lib python2.7 dist packages ubuntu sso client' BEFORE import root.extra Traceback most recent call.. packages gtk 2.0' ' usr lib python2.7 dist packages ubuntu sso client' BEFORE import root.extra # trying home dmugtasimov tmp..