python Programming Glossary: start
What is a metaclass in Python? to be a class go figure... but it's helpful . So we will start with a simple example by using a function. # the metaclass will.. into uppercase. # pick up any attribute that doesn't start with '__' and uppercase it uppercase_attr for name val in future_class_attr.items.. for name val in future_class_attr.items if not name.startswith '__' uppercase_attr name.upper val else uppercase_attr..
Fastest way to list all primes below N in python ceil sqrt N # inner functions definition def del_mult tk start step for k in xrange start len tk step tk k False # end of inner.. definition def del_mult tk start step for k in xrange start len tk step tk k False # end of inner functions definition cpos.. prime lastadded 7 for off in offsets tmp d 7 off start pos prime if off 7 else prime const pos 1 if tmp 7 else 0 tmp..
Python's slice notation share improve this question It's pretty simple really a start end # items start through end 1 a start # items start through.. question It's pretty simple really a start end # items start through end 1 a start # items start through the rest of the.. simple really a start end # items start through end 1 a start # items start through the rest of the array a end # items from..
How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010 of .cxx for the wrap file extension in steps 14 and 19. Start Visual Studio 2010 File New Project from Existing Code... Select..
Python subprocess.Popen “OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory” failed you while enforcing the overcommit policy . Start by checking the vmsize of the process that failed to fork at..
How to connect a progress bar to a function? 300 mode 'determinate' self.button tk.Button self text Start command self.spawnthread self.listbox.pack padx 10 pady 10 self.progressbar.pack..
How do you organize Python modules? [closed] Python Modules . Read Distributing Python Modules . Start using easy_install from setuptools . Read the documentation..
SendKeys for Python 3.1 on Windows know what blocked SendInput. 1 I opened Notepad from the Start menu then in Notepad opened test.txt and all worked fine. 2..
Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies) WebGamePlayer object def __init__ self login password Start up... self.login login self.password password self.cj cookielib.MozillaCookieJar..
How to implement a minimal server for AJAX in Python? result 'error' self.wfile.write result def open_browser Start a browser after waiting for half a second. def _open_browser.. 0.5 _open_browser thread.start def start_server Start the server. server_address PORT server BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.. status headers return response_body def open_browser Start a browser after waiting for half a second. def _open_browser..
Playing RTSP with python-gstreamer new Dimension 720 576 frame.pack frame.setVisible true Start the pipeline processing share improve this answer..
Stop reading process output in Python without hang? hung share improve this question # usr bin env python Start process wait 2 seconds kill the process print all process output...
How to install pip on windows? . Add your analogue of C Python27 Scripts to your path Start Edit environment variables . Now you should be able to run pip..
Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points) make the horizontal bearing 96.02166666666666 and is Start point 53.32055555555556 1.7297222222222221 Bearing 96.02166666666666..
Python in Xcode 4 or Xcode 5 marks at the beginning and end of this. Click OK . Start coding. Note that if you open the Utilities panel with the Show..
Parse HTML table to Python list? HTML table with three columns marked by header tags Event Start Date and End Date and that table had 5 entries I would like.. 5 where each element is a dictionary with keys Event Start Date and End Date . Thanks for the help python html share.. like lxml from lxml import etree s table tr th Event th th Start Date th th End Date th tr tr td a td td b td td c td tr tr td..
Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python streaming http handlers with urllib2 register_openers # Start the multipart form data encoding of the file DSC0001.jpg # image1..
Getting a python virtual env error after installing Lion commands from my shell startup scripts eg. .bash_profile . Start a new terminal session. optional Choose the version of Python..
Python: Maximum recursion depth exceeded for startCategory in value 0 print startCategory Start Category categoryResults try categoryRow baseCategoryTree startCategory..
Dumping a multiprocessing.Queue into a list items in a queue and returns them in a list. result # START DEBUG CODE initial_size queue.qsize print Queue has s items.. block False result.append thing except Queue.Empty # START DEBUG CODE current_size queue.qsize total_size current_size..
neo4j performance compared to mysql (how can it be improved?) but nowhere near as slow as you suggest approx 3 seconds START person node user name name MATCH person FRIEND FRIEND FRIEND..
How do I learn algorithms? [closed] have asked in the beginning..... WHERE IN THE WORLD DO I START Ive been trying to find out how to understand some of the open..
Python/Django download Image from URL, modify, and save to ImageField inImage inImage.convert RGB # resize could occur here # START OF CODE THAT DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK # I need to somehow convert..
Python: Undo a Python file readline() operation so file pointer is back in original state a method that is expecting the file pointer to be at the START of that readline not right after it. How do I essentially undo..
Why doesn't memory get released to system after large queries (or series of queries) in django? stays at that level. USER PID CPU MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND dlamotte 25694 11.5 34.8 861384 705668 pts 3 Sl..
Splitting out the output of ps using Python for each stat. e.g. USER PID CPU MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ... postfix 22611 0.0 0.2 54136 2544 S 15 26 0..
Problems with Python in Google App Engine - UTF-8 and ASCII import run_wsgi_app import datetime # START MainPage class ChatMessage object def __init__ self user msg.. Send ChatMessage input div form body html # END MainPage # START PostHandler def post self chatter self.request.get name msg.. their new message. self.redirect ' ' # END PostHandler # START Frame chatapp webapp.WSGIApplication ' ' ChatRoomPage def main..