

python Programming Glossary: ssh.exec_command

Nested SSH session with Paramiko


username 'jesse' password 'lol' stdin stdout stderr ssh.exec_command sudo dmesg stdin.write 'lol n' stdin.flush The second creates.. username 'luser' password 'secret' stdin stdout stderr ssh.exec_command 'ssh luser@second.com' stdin.write 'secret' stdin.flush print.. switched to the second method using a Channel. Instead of ssh.exec_command and later I have t ssh.get_transport chan t.open_session chan.get_pty..

Perform commands over ssh with Python


Running interactive commands in Paramiko


username password password ssh_stdin ssh_stdout ssh_stderr ssh.exec_command psql U factory d factory f tmp data.sql Does anyone know how..

Persistent ssh session to Cisco router


'nuts' password 'cisco' timeout 30 stdin stdout stderr ssh.exec_command cisco_cmd print stdout.read ssh.close if cisco_cmd 'exit' break..

Issues trying to SSH into a fresh EC2 instance with Paramiko


os.path.expanduser '~ .ssh test' stdin stdout stderr ssh.exec_command 'echo TEST ' print stdout.readlines ssh.close python amazon..