

python Programming Glossary: ssl.wrap_socket

https handshake with keystores in Python


CA certificate lists. If you choose the option based on ssl.wrap_socket pass a cerfile keyfile parameter as described in the documentation...

Validate SSL certificates with Python


import match_hostname CertificateError ... sslsock ssl.wrap_socket sock ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 cert_reqs ssl.CERT_REQUIRED..

Implementing Transport Layer Security in Python - Simple Mail Client


is the part I can't figure out. I'm trying to use Python's ssl.wrap_socket method thusly.... # Create socket called clientSocket and establish.. clientSocket socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM ssl_clientSocket ssl.wrap_socket clientSocket ssl_clientSocket.connect mailserver port ...which.. clientSocket socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM ssl_clientSocket ssl.wrap_socket clientSocket ssl_clientSocket.connect mailserver port recv ssl_clientSocket.recv..

SSLSocket passphrase/password in Python


'gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com' 2195 s socket.socket sock ssl.wrap_socket s ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 certfile certfile sock.connect..

Hotmail SSL3 version number error using smtp


on the raw link to download and changed one line self.sock ssl.wrap_socket self.sock keyfile certfile to self.sock ssl.wrap_socket self.sock.. ssl.wrap_socket self.sock keyfile certfile to self.sock ssl.wrap_socket self.sock keyfile certfile ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3 Then..

Tell urllib2 to use custom DNS


MyResolver self.host self.port self.timeout self.sock ssl.wrap_socket sock self.key_file self.cert_file class MyHTTPHandler urllib2.HTTPHandler..

Error using httlib's HTTPSConnection with PKCS#12 certificate


c python26 lib httplib.py line 1112 in connect self.sock ssl.wrap_socket sock self.key_file self.cert_file File c python26 lib ssl.py..

Failing to send email with the Python example


Python26 lib smtplib.py line 755 in _get_socket self.sock ssl.wrap_socket self.sock self.keyfile self.certfile File C Python26 lib ssl.py..

Adding SSL Support to SocketServer


s socket.socket socket.AF_INET socket.SOCK_STREAM ssl_sock ssl.wrap_socket s cert_reqs ssl.CERT_REQUIRED ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3..