python Programming Glossary: standalone
How to do PGP in Python (generate keys, encrypt/decrypt) nebulous Are there other pure Python libraries How about a standalone command line tool in any language All I saw so far was GNUPG..
How to bundle a python application including dependencies for windows? directory should contain the python uncompressed and a standalone executable is not required python packaging share improve..
Standalone Python applications in Linux Python applications in Linux How can I distribute a standalone Python application in Linux I think I can take for granted the..
An executable Python app [closed] some program that will convert your python scripts into standalone executables. Cross platform GUI libraries with Python bindings..
Use only some parts of Django? actually having a Django project so you can use it for standalone scripts or other web applications or whatever you want. As for..
Python 2 vs Python 3 and Tutorial [closed] today. It is possible to compile a Python program into a standalone executable with tools such as py2exe but that's usually reserved..
Setting up Python on Windows/ Apache? good. You will be able to run your application both standalone and through mod_wsgi . An example of Hello World application..
Py2exe for Python 3.0 question Did you check out cx_Freeze It seems to create standalone executables from your Python scripts including support for Python..
How to make a Python script standalone executable to run without ANY dependency? to make a Python script standalone executable to run without ANY dependency I'm building a Python.. source. So is there a way to compile Python scripts to standalone executables python executable share improve this question..
Sentiment analysis for Twitter in Python models available for Python so I'm going to suggest some standalone binaries that easily cooperate with it. You may be interested..
macports didn't place python_select in /opt/local/bin python_select has been deprecated python_select and other standalone _select scripts is gone. Use sudo port select python python26..
How do I run Selenium in Xvfb? 2 1 dev null DISPLAY 1 java jar selenium server standalone 2.0b3.jar 05 08 31.227 INFO Java Sun Microsystems Inc. 19.0..
Easy way to check that variable is defined in python? [duplicate] Is it any way to check if a variable class member or standalone with specified name defined Example if myVar in myObject.__dict__..
Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle? It's meant to be Python DB API 2.0 compliant I think. The standalone Python logging distribution before logging was added to Python.. the logging package in Python is much more up to date the standalone distribution contains a test directory which has a lot of useful.. PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # This file is part of the standalone Python logging distribution. See # http python_logging.html..
Use Django ORM as standalone [duplicate] Django ORM as standalone duplicate Possible Duplicates Use only some parts of Django.. only the DB part of Django I want to use the Django ORM as standalone. Despite an hour of searching Google I'm still left with several.. manage your database in command prompt navigate to our standalone directory and run sql MyApp share improve this answer..