

python Programming Glossary: startangle

Choosing between different switch-case replacements in Python - dictionary or if-elif-else?


self curve if curve sine self.currentCurve SineCurve startAngle 0 endAngle 14 lineColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 expansionFactor 1 centerPos.. name expansionFactor self.expansionFactor value elif name startAngle self.startAngle value elif name endAngle self.endAngle value.. self.expansionFactor value elif name startAngle self.startAngle value elif name endAngle self.endAngle value For reference here..

Calculating with a SVG elipitical arc?


self float x float y float w float h float startAngle float arcLenght uses a bounding rectangle x y w h a starting.. uses a bounding rectangle x y w h a starting angle startAngle and an arcLength sweepLength the length of the arc itself. How.. signature is QPainterPath.arcTo self QRectF rect float startAngle float arcLength but instead of arcLength its description refers..