php Programming Glossary: etag
How to use HTTP cache headers with PHP post. tsstring gmdate 'D d M Y H i s ' timestamp . 'GMT' etag language . timestamp if_modified_since isset _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'.. 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' false if if_none_match if_none_match etag if_none_match if_modified_since if_modified_since tsstring header.. exit else header Last Modified tsstring header ETag etag Where etag could be a checksum based on the content or the user..
Is my implementation of HTTP Conditional Get answers in PHP is OK? is the function that might help function isModified mtime etag return isset _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' strtotime _SERVER.. _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' etag I suggest that you take a look at the following article http..
Saving images in database mysql served by the webserver and all the last modified date and etag supported by the webserver to achieve better performance etc...
Make PHP page return “304 Not Modified” if it hasn't been modified idea php function getUrlEtag url some logic to get an etag possibly stored in memcached database file etc. function setUrlEtag.. in memcached database file etc. function setUrlEtag url etag some logic to get an etag possibly stored in memcached database.. etc. function setUrlEtag url etag some logic to get an etag possibly stored in memcached database file etc. function getPageCache..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP would be using the If None Match request header and ETag response header in order to implement a reverse proxy cache.. accomplish this by setting a few other response headers ETag hash of the contents Last Modified absolute date of last contents.. Modified Since absolute date of last contents change The ETag is mostly used to reduce network traffic as in some cases to..
Header only retrieval in php via curl Linux SUSE Last Modified Thu 03 Sep 2009 12 46 54 GMT ETag 198054 118c 472abc735ab80 Accept Ranges bytes Content Length..
How to use HTTP cache headers with PHP Modified' exit else header Last Modified tsstring header ETag etag Where etag could be a checksum based on the content or..
Answering HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH in PHP send the correct headers including Last Modified and ETag to clients. I now want my script to be able to answer _SERVER.. file timestamp gmt_mtime gmdate 'r' timestamp header 'ETag '.md5 timestamp. file .' ' header 'Last Modified '. gmt_mtime..
HTTP if-none-match and if-modified-since and 304 clarification in PHP PHP do they speak of _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' vs. my ETags that I sent earlier If I understand correctly this statement.. understand correctly this statement as soon as none of the ETags listed in _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' match my ETags I stop.. the ETags listed in _SERVER 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' match my ETags I stop all verifications and serve the page normally. Anyone..
Set HTTP Caching Expiration, Recommended by Google PageSpeed age 600 private must revalidate FilesMatch Header unset ETag Header unset Last Modified IfModule This is the exact same code..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? by RFC 2068 section 14.19 caches will operate correctly. ETag and or Content Location if the header would have been sent in..
What is the best way to check if a URL exists in PHP? Red Hat Linux Last Modified Wed 08 Jan 2003 23 11 55 GMT ETag 3f80f 1b6 3e1cb03b Accept Ranges bytes Content Length 438 Connection..
html page not getting cookies through libcurl Perl v5.10.1 Last Modified Mon 16 May 2011 12 13 24 GMT ETag 11000000013d0c 493 4a363950a70f3 Accept Ranges bytes Content..
How to determine the Content-Length of a gzipped file? Last Modified .gmdate D j M Y H i s e info 'mtime' header ETag .sprintf x x x info 'ino' info 'size' info 'mtime' header Accept..