php Programming Glossary: errstr
Error logging, in a smooth way 3. Code Setup Error Handler function errorHandler errno errstr errfile errline errcontext Perform your error handling here..
Disable warnings when loading non-well-formed HTML by DomDocument (PHP) restore_error_handler return result function onError errno errstr errfile errline this errors array errno errstr errfile errline.. errno errstr errfile errline this errors array errno errstr errfile errline function ok return count this errors 0 function..
Can I try/catch a warning? all php errors into exceptions. function handleError errno errstr errfile errline array errcontext error was suppressed with the.. if 0 error_reporting return false throw new ErrorException errstr 0 errno errfile errline set_error_handler 'handleError' try..
Asynchronous PHP calls? parts 'host' isset parts 'port' parts 'port' 80 errno errstr 30 out POST . parts 'path' . HTTP 1.1 r n out. Host . parts..
PHP technique to query the APNs Feedback Server 'ssl 2196' errcode errstr 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT stream_context if apns echo ERROR errcode.. stream_context if apns echo ERROR errcode errstr n return feedback_tokens array and read the data on the connection..
Sending multiple iphone push notifications + APNS + PHP + Tutorial 'ssl 2195' err errstr 60 STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT STREAM_CLIENT_PERSISTENT ctx if fp.. ctx if fp exit Failed to connect amarnew err errstr . PHP_EOL echo 'Connected to APNS' . PHP_EOL Create the payload..
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds . end start . br echo br function sqlErrorHandler errno errstr errfile errline global link echo Error errno br errstr br echo.. errstr errfile errline global link echo Error errno br errstr br echo mysql_ping . mysql_ping link LIVE DEAD . br echo br..
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error fatal_handler function fatal_handler errfile unknown file errstr shutdown errno E_CORE_ERROR errline 0 error error_get_last if.. errno error type errfile error file errline error line errstr error message error_mail format_error errno errstr errfile errline.. line errstr error message error_mail format_error errno errstr errfile errline You will have to define the error_mail and format_error..
Easy way to test a URL for 404 in PHP? blog recommended I use this valid @fsockopen url 80 errno errstr 30 and then test to see if valid if empty or not. But I think..
How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP? parts 'host' isset parts 'port' parts 'port' 80 errno errstr 30 out POST . parts 'path' . HTTP 1.1 r n out. Host . parts..
how to ping a server port with php? timeout tB microtime true fP fSockOpen host port errno errstr timeout if fP return down tA microtime true return round tA.. starttime microtime true file fsockopen domain 80 errno errstr 10 stoptime microtime true status 0 if file status 1 Site is..