php Programming Glossary: error_message
PHP/PDO insert current date plus one month into MYSQL execute statement closeCursor catch PDOexception e error_message e getMessage echo p Database Error error_message p exit The.. e error_message e getMessage echo p Database Error error_message p exit The problem line is this one statement bindValue ' expires'..
@mail not sending mail in php _POST 'text' required echo POST . name. sub. comments error_message string_exp ^ a z .' if strcmp string_exp name error_message.. string_exp ^ a z .' if strcmp string_exp name error_message . 'The Name you entered does not appear to be valid. br ' if.. does not appear to be valid. br ' if strlen comments 5 error_message . 'The Comments you entered do not appear to be valid. br '..
Error Checking for PDO Prepared Statements the function would be function handle_sql_errors query error_message echo ' pre ' echo query echo ' pre ' echo error_message die.. error_message echo ' pre ' echo query echo ' pre ' echo error_message die In fact I am using a general function that also has something..
How can I only allow certain filetypes on upload in php? if file_type is anything other than jpg gif or pdf error_message 'Only jpg gif and pdf files are allowed.' error 'yes' I'm having.. image gif application pdf if in_array file_type allowed error_message 'Only jpg gif and pdf files are allowed.' error 'yes' share..
PHP E-mail Form Sender Name Instead Of E-mail? subject _POST 'subject' message _POST 'message' required error_message email_exp ' ^ A Za z0 9._ @ A Za z0 9. . A Za z 2 4 ' if preg_match.. Za z0 9. . A Za z 2 4 ' if preg_match email_exp email_from error_message . 'The e mail you entered does not appear to be valid. br '.. string_exp ^ A Za z .' if preg_match string_exp full_name error_message . 'The name you entered does not appear to be valid. br ' if..