php Programming Glossary: error.php
PHP Session Data Not Being Stored _POST 'user_name' . ' if u_result false url 'Location error.php id 8' header url if count u_result 1 url 'Location error.php.. id 8' header url if count u_result 1 url 'Location error.php id 3' header url user new user u_result 0 'user_id' if user.. 0 'user_id' _SESSION 'user' user else url 'Location error.php id 4' header url session_write_close header 'Location index.php'..
Has anyone seen php encryption like this? [closed] GLOBALS lqwwikddv if bbnimsb 0 header location error.php err 1 else GLOBALS zvquclvfqii sqlpetty GLOBALS zvquclvfqii.. GLOBALS skbdfmn if GLOBALS mddoqspgh 0 header location error.php err 2 else header location logout.php I just used javascript.. mysql_num_rows mysql_query sql if count 0 header location error.php err 1 else sql select from dayclose where storeid ' storeid'..
How to setup a custom 404 page for a Kohana v3 app echo request send_headers response Create new controller error.php php defined 'SYSPATH' or die 'No direct script access.' class..
Redirect to 404 page or display 404 message? layout with menu footer . The page will be redirected to error.php the page looks the same like 1. but the address changed The..