php Programming Glossary: eventdispatcher
How to redirect to different url based on roles in symfony 2 __construct Router router SecurityContext security EventDispatcher dispatcher this router router this security security this dispatcher..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? event driven just signal and slots. Symfony 2 The Symfony2 EventDispatcher component description doesn't have mentions about being for..
Symfony2 Routing - route subdomains namespace Acme DemoBundle Listener use Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher use Symfony Component EventDispatcher Event.. DemoBundle Listener use Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher use Symfony Component EventDispatcher Event class SubdomainListener.. EventDispatcher EventDispatcher use Symfony Component EventDispatcher Event class SubdomainListener public function onDomainParse..
Zend Resource Autoloaders not working for namespaces the path in library. So the namespace Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher maps to path to lib Symfony Component EventDispatcher.. So the namespace Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher maps to path to lib Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher.php.. EventDispatcher maps to path to lib Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher.php where path to lib is APPLICATION_PATH ...
How to programmatically login/authenticate a user? something similar to the following use Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher Symfony Component Security Core Authentication.. to the following use Symfony Component EventDispatcher EventDispatcher Symfony Component Security Core Authentication Token UsernamePasswordToken..