php Programming Glossary: especially
Highlight row when the checkbox is true callback see my original suggestion which was introduced especially for the case like youth. It allows you to highlight some rows..
PHP file cannot enter some part of code you should divide and conquer to make your life easier especially as you write the code while you play around with it in that..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables try to instill these characteristics in their queries especially if you will be troubleshooting them. It is entirely possible..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? is harder to apply correctly than other more modern APIs especially prepared statements. mysql_real_escape_string is supposed to..
Getting a modified preorder tree traversal model (nested set) into a <ul> it pretty easy to query for subtrees parent relations and especially interesting in this case for order and depth SELECT node.title..
PHP: Storing 'objects' inside the $_SESSION in advance that you ought to be losing sleep over it. I am especially flummoxed by the blessing received by the double whammy arguments..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead testing you really shouldn't be changing anything especially upgrading PHP until you have identified all of the potential..
Loading .sql files from within PHP the application on their own servers. Shared hosting especially doesn't allow you to use SQL like the LOAD DATA query mentioned..
PHP + curl, HTTP POST sample code? curl examples here http libcurl php examples especially http libcurl php examples simplepost.html php A..
How do I add exif data to an image? this question You can save a large amount of space especially if you have a large number of images.. Add the following to..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords are stuck with PHP 5.2 and 5.3 in most common environments especially shared hosts @ircmaxell has built a compatibility layer for..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? to escape variable data NOT table names column names and especially not LIMIT fields. LIKE exploits LIKE data where data could be..
Adding attributes to customer entity with proper use of installer addAttribute method especially specifying correct source option. Other problem is the new attribute..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms 3 If you can load an image file and save it back out again especially if you process it in some way in between such as to resize thumbnail..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] to do a query it's to provide a good readable reference especially for newbies. Every day there is a huge influx of questions with..
Is it wise to use PHP for a daemon? signal handlers are not always entered correctly with PHP especially when the signal is queued instead of merged. That may not be..
Storing arrays in the database pedantic but seeing people do this is one of my pet peeves especially in light of the plethora of questions asked on SO that would..
MySQL: Reorder/Reset auto increment primary key? inserted. However I'm not sure why you'd want to do this especially if you have other tables that have a foreign key to this table...
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements given by user input. The only trouble is the switch over especially after being very stuck in my ways habits of previous coding..
extract urls from text in PHP variable I know it should be by using regular expression especially preg_match but I don't know how Thanks php html regex share..
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? time. Note that this affects the code you will write Especially if you are using PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION An additional consideration..
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] to be using MySQL exclusively mysqli is a good choice. Especially since you can use it in a procedural way what you're already..
migration to Yii framework you have done .. I would love to see the materials. Especially since I would rank it as 3rd worst PHP framework. Only surpassed..
Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model you call Model is related to ORM. It's kinda confusing. Especially since in MVC the Model is a layer at least thats how i understand..
PHP get path to every file in folder/subfolder into array? [duplicate] the fileinfos is build is a little differently configured. Especially the part about the filters is new new FilesOnlyFilter new VisibleOnlyFilter..
how to allow only one vote for a rating system web logins a person can usually make multiple accounts. Especially if they're free. Email accounts are free and many most people..
Online gaming, or something faster then ajax for sending/receiving data last urls and examples would be very nice to be clearer . Especially if it's already on with examples and I just missed..
mysqli or die, does it have to die? the error to another table This is apparently a bad idea . Especially if you want to write an error message to the same medium which..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] exception handler could be added later but not required. Especially for new users it is recommended to use unhandled exceptions..
How to install Zend Framework on Windows Zend Framework itself should be outside your htdocs . Especially any config files where you store sensitive data such as your..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects and have successfully implemented a solution for this Especially good step by step tutorials and walkthroughs on how to set this..
How can I find the Largest Common Substring between two strings in PHP? over one of the strings but that would be very expensive Especially since my application of this is to search a database of email..
PHP/Gettext Problems so putenv LC_ALL fr_FR might work better than setlocale . Especially workable if you dl gettext.dll later on. Also give it a chance..
How do I track down an “Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0” in PHP? to turn of warnings and notices in the PHP configuration. Especially if you have something like this since it turns warnings into..
How can I encrypt with AES in C# so I can decrypt it in PHP? see here for a lot of information about these things. Especially the padding seems to be the root of most interoperability problems..
What PHP application design/design patterns do you use? and methods should do one thing and only one thing. Especially watch out for this with the database Your pagination class shouldn't..
Parallel processing in PHP - How do you do it? the gearman job server then sent it to the free workers. Especially because the threads should be exit cleanly after one job has..
Best method to verify multi-level relational dependencies inside the user's session far less checking is needed . Especially the above mentioned relational dependency checks aren't any..
Android image file sent to php upload image file is application/octet-stream type and not image/jpeg? you should add error and condition checking to your code. Especially precondition checks so that you know that your script can properly..
How to check if mod_rewrite is enabled in php? and IIS. Does anyone know such script or can write one Especially for Mircosoft IIS. Thanks php apache iis share improve this..